Wellness walking barefoot: prevention of eye diseases

Healthy walking barefoot: prevention of eye diseases

You probably heard in your childhood from parents about how useful it is to walk barefoot on hot sand on the beach. Indeed, walking on heated sand, as well as pebbles, barbed and soft flooring are the main methods of improving walking barefoot. First of all, it is necessary to say that the health effect, obtained when walking barefoot, was noticed by the doctors in the first centuries of the development of medicine. This effect was studied for a long time, as a result of which several works were written that revealed the possibilities of preventive action on the foot of the foot.

It turned out that on the soles of both feet, each of us has points associated with each of the organs of the body. These points are, as it were, the translators of the state of these organs. But, in addition to reflecting the state, they can also carry out certain influences in the opposite direction, i.e. directly to the organs.

Thus, acting on the foot of the foot, we can correct the state of our body and increase its viability.

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We will tell you in detail about where exactly the above points are, with which bodies they are connected and how they can be influenced by preventive walking barefoot.

First of all, it is necessary to dwell on the location of points associated with internal organs on the foot of the foot. Let's start with the fingers. As you know, every finger of the hand is responsible for a certain system of organs. For example, the thumb for the nervous system, the index finger for the musculoskeletal, the middle finger for the cardiovascular, the nameless is responsible for the gastrointestinal tract, and the little finger for the excretory and reproductive systems.

A similar relationship exists for the toes, which opens up huge therapeutic and preventive options for us.

Then, on the foot itself are the parts and points associated with specific organs. Thus, the middle of the heel is responsible for the lungs, the middle point of the foot is behind the heart, the pouch under the thumb is responsible for the brain and psyche, the pincushion under the second finger is behind the limbs, the pincushion under the third finger is responsible for the vessels and nutrition of the musculature, the cushion under the fourthfinger - for the stomach and pancreas, the little pillow under the little finger is responsible for the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system. The point on the middle of the outer surface of the feet is associated with the gall bladder, the point on the middle of the inner surface is with the liver and other hematopoietic organs.

However, it is not necessary to dwell only on massage of one particular point, because the condition of the whole organism depends on the state of the organ. Therefore, the ideal option will be the combination of massage of specific points with the effect on the entire foot.

We are sure that after the preliminary acquaintance you realized the importance that impact on the above points can have for the health improvement of the body.

It is also important to note that, as we said above, there are several methods of health walking, from which you can choose the best suitable for you, and combining those or other elements of different techniques to achieve maximum effect.

First of all, we will get acquainted with the basic methods of therapeutic walking barefoot. The most common are four:

  • walking on heated sand;
  • walking on pebbles;
  • walking on spiny floor;
  • walking on soft flooring.

The main difference between the methods is the quality of the effect on the foot surface. So, walking on sand first of all implies not a force, but a temperature effect. The warming of the feet and, accordingly, the points located on them, has a beneficial effect on the general tone of the body and on the work of specific organs.

The second technique involves a sliding effect on the foot surface, more similar to pressure. This type of prevention is good for those types of diseases that do not accept gross interference, for example, chronic cholecystitis, diseases of the genitourinary system, etc.

The third technique is the most intense and even aggressive impact on the foot surface. It is especially good for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Finally, the fourth technique is the most gentle method of action used to prevent and treat diseases of the nervous system.

For prevention of ophthalmic diseases, the main attention should be paid to foot massage. The big toes are associated with our vision, and especially the points on their front side, just above the fingernail, which should be massaged in order to achieve a healthy vision.

Do this as follows:

  1. sit on a chair or stool;
  2. put one foot on the other so that the back of the ankle is as close as possible to the knee;
  3. first massage the entire big toe with the thumb and forefinger of the hand;
  4. then find the above point on the top of the finger and massage it with the upper part of the thumb or index finger( as will be more convenient).

Alternate massages three times, and you need to perform daily for a month. This massage should be combined with walking on a soft surface( grass or special rug), which should be started from 5 minutes and prolonged to 25 minutes daily.

Yu. Saveleva "Methods of vision improvement"

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