- Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of
- The value for cooking
- Application in cosmetology
- Rules for storage
Since ancient times, grape seed oil has been considered a valuable cosmetic, medical and food preparation. The number of its useful properties is quite large and for this reason it was actively used even in the Middle Ages. Today it is used in cooking, added to home and professional skin care products, hair and nails, and traditional medicine and modern pharmaceuticals recommend it as a natural and very effective drug for many ailments.
Grape seed oil has certain useful properties and, like many other similar products, contraindications that you need to know without fail in order to get the desired result and notcause harm to their health.
This tool is obtained in two ways, and it will largely depend on the number of useful qualities. As a result of the cold-pressed method, an extract is obtained which has a higher nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic value. In such a product, a maximum of vitamins and trace elements is retained, which are of potential benefit. However, in spite of this, the second method of obtaining the hot extraction method is more popular. In this case, the yield of the finished product is much higher, which is considered a huge advantage in the manufacture of the product.
Note! On the method of obtaining grape extract you can always read on the label and buy the product that you really need!
Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of
Grape seed oil has anti-inflammatory, astringent, immunostimulating and bactericidal properties, which is why it is used internally to treat and prevent various diseases.
- Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids, vitamins A, C, E, group B, as well as tannins and flaphonoids render invaluable service to our cardiovascular system. Thanks to these substances, the vascular walls are strengthened, their elasticity improves and the level of cholesterol is normalized. As a result, the risk of thrombi is significantly reduced and the possibility of developing inflammatory foci in the arteries is prevented. For this reason, grape seed oil has found its application in an integrated approach to the treatment of heart attacks, heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, thrombosis, varicose, couperose, hemorrhoids and diabetic retinopathy.
- Having selected the right dosage and combining grape oil with certain medicines, you can cure diseases of the digestive tract. This remedy is very effective in erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, such as gastritis, enterocolitis, esophagitis, stomach and bowel ulcer, colitis and gastroduodenitis. It has a hepatoprotective effect and is often included in chemotherapy for the treatment of oncological neoplasms. It is a good drug that prevents hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver dysfunction associated with alcohol abuse, and cholelithiasis.
- Useful properties of grape seed oil are ready to serve for women's health. A large percentage of vitamin E makes this drug indispensable during pregnancy and lactation. Phytosteroids, polyunsaturated acids and estrogen-like flavonoids alleviate pain in menstruation and menopause. With daily use, you can significantly reduce the risk of hormone-dependent, infectious and inflammatory female diseases.
- For men grape extract can also be very useful. With its help, it is possible to eliminate erectile dysfunction, increase potency and lead to prostate gland function. Working in the complex, vitamins B3, B6, Omega-9 and Omega-6 and beta-sitosterol help in the treatment of male infertility and prostate cancer.
- Thanks to the immunomodulating property, the squeeze of the fruit of the grapes helps to improve the body's defenses and longevity. It is the richest, and most importantly, natural source of antioxidants and therefore often included in the composition of drugs, whose action is directed to the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors and many infectious diseases.
. Value for cooking.
. Refined grape seed oil, possessing the ability to display a huge number of beneficial properties for our health, is actively used in culinary arts. It is added to salads and other dishes instead of the usual vegetable oil.
Important! However, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to abuse this component, adding to all dishes in unlimited quantities. Daily allowance should not exceed one tablespoon. This small amount is quite enough to saturate your body with biologically active substances, as well as vitamins and microelements for the whole day!
Unrefined grape seed oil has a more pleasant taste - it has spicy notes and barely perceptible flavor of the nut. The color of this product is light yellow with a slightly greenish tinge. He will undoubtedly emphasize the taste of your culinary delights and will sound wonderful in such dishes as:
- meat and fish products;
- spaghetti;
- stewed vegetables;
- casseroles.
In addition, in cooking, grape seed oil is used to make home-made mayonnaise and fragrant dressings for salads. It makes an incredibly tasty and fragrant oil, insisting in it a mixture of herbs, fresh herbs and garlic. This ingredient can be used as a basis for meat and fish marinades.
will be introduced into the familiar taste of everyday dishesNote! A high percentage of oleic acid makes grape seed oil more acceptable for frying and deep-frying poultry, vegetables and fish fillets! The temperature of its smoke is close to the mark of 216 ° C, it is more resistant to heating to high temperatures, and the products roasted on it look very appetizing!
This oil contains a small amount of Omega-3 and therefore it is resistant to oxidation processes. Accordingly, compared to other oils that we often use in the kitchen, grape has a longer shelf life, and to increase the shelf life of sunflower, flax and olive oil, they are often mixed with grape seed extract.
Application in cosmetology
Essential oil of grape seeds will help restore skin, helping to quickly and effectively heal. It works as an antiseptic, exhibits anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, and therefore can be recommended for the elimination of cracks, abrasions, cuts, burns, for the treatment of acne, trophic ulcers, psoriasis and streptococcal pyoderma. It is able to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, improve the condition of mucous membranes, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and activate the healing process of skin lesions.
Unrefined grape extract is often included in cosmetic preparations for the care of hair, nails, eyelashes and skin. On its basis a huge amount of creams, lotions, massage mixtures, anti-cellulite compositions, shampoos, masks and therapeutic carcasses was created.
Its cosmetic properties will be as follows:
- softening and moisturizing the skin, preventing them from peeling, with no stickiness or greasiness left after use;
- toning, increasing elasticity and elasticity;
- improves the relief of the skin, its structure, and also speeds up the process of exfoliating the keratinized cells;
- levels the complexion, lightly whitening the skin and removing age-related pigmentation;
- normalizes the lipid balance of the skin, which has been disrupted by the frequent use of soap and shower gels with an unsuitable pH level;
- improves blood circulation, strengthens capillaries and normalizes lymphatic drainage, thus providing protection against couperose and cellulite subcutaneous deposits;
- normalizes fenkii sebaceous glands, helps to narrow pores, preventing the development of irritations and inflammations;
- exhibits antioxidant effects and prevents premature aging, which is often encountered due to hormonal imbalance and ultraviolet light.
Grape seed oil can be one of the components of skin care products of the body or used as an independent preparation. It is a universal product and is suitable for any type of skin.
From stretch marks
Grape seed oil works well against stretch marks that often appear during pregnancy. It is used as a massage agent, used for wrapping and incorporated into body lotions.
Grape extract perfectly moisturizes and generally has a positive effect on the skin. With it, you can restore too dry areas and significantly improve the overall condition of the skin. With regular application, this tool significantly reduces the intensity of stretch marks and makes the problem areas less noticeable.
The use of grape seed oil is very simple. To begin with, you need to prepare a medicinal mixture according to one of the following recipes:
- grape unrefined extract - 10 ml;
- ether of rosemary - 4 caps;
- --- // --- juniper - 4 cap;
- --- // --- cypress - 3 cap;
- --- // --- patchouli - 3 cap.
- grape extract - 20 ml;
- --- // --- wheat germs - 5 ml;
- espresso juniper - 5 cap;
- --- // --- fennel - 5 cap;
- --- // --- lemon - 5 drops. ..
Ingredients should be combined in a container and set for 15 minutes in a water bath. The finished product should be applied to the areas where there are stretch marks, and rubbed into the skin with soft massaging movements after the appearance of slight redness.
The composition is washed off with warm water. It is advisable not to wipe the body, but to allow it to dry naturally. This procedure should be carried out once every three to four days during the month.
. It's best to massage yourself after the peeling procedure. Such an integrated approach will not only help get rid of stretch marks, but also contribute to the elimination of toxins, and the skin will become elastic and become very smooth. Grape massage perfectly relaxes, effectively relieves tension and stimulates metabolism. Especially it is recommended for overdried, tired and flabby skin, where it shows tremendous results.
From cellulite
Grape seed oil is considered one of the best assistants in the fight against cellulite. The finished mixture on its basis not only removes subcutaneous fat deposits, but also perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin on the knees, elbows and heels. The preparation consists of the following ingredients:
- grape extract - 20 ml;
- ester of rosemary - 5 caps;
- --- // --- peppermint - 3 caps;
- --- // --- lavender - 3 cap.
- grape seed oil - 2 tablespoons;
- curative clay - 2 tablespoons.
Ingredients should be combined and applied to problem areas. Wrap the body with food film and leave for about 20-25 minutes. Flush the product with warm water. The course is 1 month, the frequency of wrapping - 2 times in 7 days.
Recommendation! During waiting, it is best to do exercises or light aerobics - this will stimulate blood circulation, pores will open and active substances will easily penetrate the subcutaneous zone!
in a month. For breast
Grape seed oil will help restore the external appeal of the decollete zone, as it improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the chest. Even experts argue that this remedy really shows high efficiency in the care of this area, prevents sagging of the breast and prevents flabbiness of the skin of the bust.
Use grape extract as a massage, as compresses or add a small amount of it to the bath. So, to care for the decollete and chest area, you can use the following recipes:
- Combine 10 ml of grape seed oil with primrose, sage, patchouli and ylang ylang, taken in 2 drops. With this mixture, light chest massage is done, gently rubbing it with the pads of the fingers into the skin until it is completely absorbed. As a result - increased muscle tone and improved blood circulation. The breast becomes elastic and visually increases somewhat.
- Mix 10 ml of almond and grape seed oil, add 2 drops of geranium and orange. The finished product is used for breast massage, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and the bust of the bust is prevented.
- Compresses using a grape extract make the skin in the décolleté zone more attractive and return it elasticity. For one liter of warm and cold water add 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil. It is enough to soak the cut of gauze with a warm remedy and leave it on the decollete for about one minute. Alternate warm and cold compresses 5-6 times.
- For the bath it is necessary to prepare the following composition: take one tablespoon of grape oil, fat cream and natural honey. Add the product in a warm bath and lie down for about 20-25 minutes. It is advisable not to wipe the skin, but only slightly to get wet with a towel or leave it to dry in natural conditions.
- Before going to bed, you can make a mask for the decollete zone, which will consist of olive, almond and grape seed oil, taken in equal proportions. As a result of such procedures, the appearance of the skin will be much better.
For the nails
If you wish to make your nails strong and healthy, then grape seed oil will help you in this. It helps to strengthen the nail plate, prevents delamination and returns the natural shine. Linoleic acid, which is part of this product, is a natural moisturizing element that will help not only in nail care, but also behind the cuticles. It prevents their cracking, heals wounds, makes the hands beautiful and well-groomed. It is highly effective at any age and in neglected situations.
In the application of grape oil is very convenient. It must be applied to every nail and rub it gently into the plate and cuticle until completely absorbed.
Recommendation! It is advisable to perform this procedure before carrying out the manicure. If in the future you will apply varnish on your nails, then before this the remnants of the product should be removed with a special degreasing compound!
Tips for using oils in various situations
- You can make your heels tender and pink, like a baby, in just a couple of weeks. Apply them every evening grape seed oil and wear socks made from natural fabric. Just a few of these procedures and your legs are ready for sandals!
- This product perfectly protects against ultraviolet radiation. To prevent the occurrence of sunburn before going to the beach, lubricate the skin with a solution of grape oil - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of the used oil is used in its pure form - it is applied to the affected areas every three hours.
- If after the depilation procedure, irritations appear on the skin, they can be quickly eliminated by oiling the skin with grape seed oil. Just a couple of drops of the remedy and you will forget about the unpleasant sensations in the field of bikini, underarms and after epilation on the legs.
Rules for storage of
With respect to storage rules, grape seed oil is able not to lose its positive properties for 1 year. The place where it will be located must be dark and cool. The door of the refrigerator is best for you. The container should preferably be chosen from dark glass and with a hermetically sealed cover.
If you use grape extract only for culinary purposes, then remember that with prolonged storage it can become bitter. Therefore, from time to time it is worth checking its taste and smell.