To buy natural honey it is possible not always in connection with the increased cases of its falsification. The product is mixed with sugar syrup, starch, chalk, water and other substances in order to artificially increase its volume. Using ignorance of the people, unscrupulous beekeepers go even further, realizing honey, created not from nectar, but from ordinary sugar syrup, which is actively fed bees. On the shelves there is also a product of 2-3 years old, repeatedly heated and overheated. And if beekeepers know exactly how to choose honey, the rest of the population has no idea about it.
Today we will share with you practical advice and valuable recommendations on how to accurately identify a fake.
How to bring falsification to clean water
According to the taste characteristics of
The taste of natural honey is tart, a little cloying and viscous. It can be caramel( acacia variety), sweet-knitting( buckwheat), tender( lime), bright and slightly bitter( buckwheat, sunflower).With all the variety of tastes, there should not be any sourness in it.
Warning! Forgery of honey or nectar based on sugar reminiscent of the usual syrup flavor and do not leave a light scalding aftertaste - a clear sign of a quality product.
Fresh bee product has a liquid consistency, but after several months thickens( crystallizes).If honey is sold in autumn and winter in a liquid form, it means that it is dissolved by some impurity. Unmask the forgery can be simple - rasterev little product between the fingers. The natural product will be absorbed into the skin, while the counterfeit will turn into lumps.
Warning! This honey does not foam. Foam on its surface indicates fermentation or immaturity.
How to choose honey in the market? Just smell it! This amber dessert has a pronounced floral fragrance - fresh and invigorating. It is fragrant even when it is crystallized. A falsifikat differs sour smell or does not smell at all. On the color of
To determine the fake by color is quite difficult, some honey varieties have a light color similar to falsification. However, a substandard product gives off its unnaturally white color. If the real honey has a homogeneous and transparent structure, its fake is unclear and falls into a small deposit on the bottom.
Even if you know how to choose honey by external characteristics, you can still make a mistake. To fully verify the quality of the amber dessert, take home several samples, and test them with improvised tools.
Detecting impurities
- Starch. Pour a little bit of iodine on the product. If the surface of honey turns blue, it means that starch has been added to it.
- Sugar. Dip the honey in a katysh from the bread, hold for about 10 minutes, and then remove it. Hardened bread indicates excellent quality, softened - about the presence of sugar syrup.
- Water. Drop some honey on a piece of poor quality paper. A natural amber dessert will lie in a drop, and diluted with water will spill liquid spots or completely leak.
- Mel. In a spoonful of honey, pour a little acetic acid. If the product heals and boils, there is a presence of chalk.
Warning! A mature, good product will drain from the spoon with continuous, stringy threads and lie down in a container with a pagoda( hill).A liter of such honey will pull as much as 1.5 kg.
A few simple rules
How to choose the right honey? We recommend you to listen to the set of simple rules:
- Acquire an amber dessert only from familiar sellers and beekeepers or in trusted stores.
- The product's packaging / cover must be airtight and not inflated.
- When buying in the store, make sure that the package contains the place and date of collection, conformity to GOST, ISO 22000: 2005 certification( on food safety).
- Do not buy a laminated product, but also with a liquid( even a small one) on the surface. This is either a fake honey, or the result of improper storage.
- Be sure to try and smell the product.
- Immediately discard the frothed honey with light veins - it is inedible.
- If the layers of amber dessert slightly differ in color - the bundle occurred naturally, which means that the product is suitable for use.
- Small white spots are the secretion of glucose. Such a commodity is quite edible.
- Honey should not be too cheap.
Before you select a honey on the market, carefully study the basic rules. Knowing the whole arsenal of incriminating methods, you can easily find in the flow of fakes a natural product.