Herculean broth for babies: a recipe from the "Soviet" past

  1. Benefits and harm of oat broth for the baby's baby
  2. HEROQUE CHEESE as a lure for the baby

Modern moms are experiencing an amazing time - there was a kind of "renaissance" for natural breastfeeding, at the same time there are various options for organizing artificial feeding, rich choice of mixtures, cereals, including for children with complex manifestations of allergies. But in many families, there were no such alternatives for several generations, and if breastfeeding could not be adjusted, cow and goat milk, liquid semolina porridge were used. Extremely popular was the recipe for a herculean broth for babies.

In the broth nothing dangerous for the child is present, but many modern pediatricians, and after them and "advanced" mothers with undisguised skepticism refer to this kind of baby food. It is difficult to say what is more here - common sense and desire for the baby "the best" baby food or contempt for the Soviet period of deficits, when only this way it was possible to feed a baby - "cheap and angry".

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Let's try to understand this difficult question - is it possible for a modern kid, in the presence of more "professional" mixtures, yet to offer a regular herculean broth? Will this not harm his health, will not it cause a shortage of nutrients in the body?

Benefits and harm of oat broth for baby baby

Hercules, or oatmeal, is a product from whole grains of oats, produced by a special technology that allows preserving the original nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, which is famous for this "real life stimulant".Thin light "petals" of flakes can be cooked very quickly, while the heat treatment of the cereals is significantly longer.

As you know, Hercules are the flattened grains of oats, a healthy and unfortunately underrated
. A kind of rustic reputation( "horse food"), entrenched in this valuable culture, allows parents to be skeptical about the products that are made from it. Nevertheless, those who decide to take care of their health know that oatmeal porridge for breakfast is the best beginning of the day, and a slimy decoction of oats is an excellent neutral cleanser, shown, including during periods of exacerbation of GIT diseases. What useful substances does ordinary oatmeal contain?

Amino acid methionine activation of regenerative processes in tissues;
normalization of the production of enzymes and hormones;
facilitates the elimination of toxins.
Biotin( vitamin B group) hair growth, skin renewal and dermatitis prevention.
Iron prevention of anemia.
Silicon regulation of metabolism.
Magnesium normalization of the central nervous system.
Phosphorus and calcium normal formation and development of teeth, bone tissue and joints.
Natural antioxidants increase the body's resistance to infections and negative environmental influences.
Dietary fiber beta-glucans neutralization of harmful cholesterol;
normalization of hematopoiesis and circulation.
Proteins and fiber activation of metabolic processes;
growth and development of muscle tissue.

In addition, porridge from oatmeal gently envelops the gastric mucosa, is easily digested, perfectly stimulates and cleanses the intestines.

It is logical to assume that at the time when baby food was a rarity and "catch" it in the store did not succeed, herculean broths were the best option for breast-feeding. So, it is clear that the composition of oatmeal is really diverse and this is not the worst way to raise a child.

In addition, in the absence of contraindications, this product will help alleviate the manifestation of food allergy, which happens to babies who are on artificial feeding. A complete replacement of breast milk or a mixture of this broth can not be - its composition is not identical to milk, but as a temporary dietary measure, he will help out.

Caution: gluten free!

By refusing to use hercules for infants, many mothers refer to the presence of gluten in its composition. Perhaps this fear was promoted by the advertising stunts of the producers who put the sticker "Does not contain gluten" on the labels of their products? Or the mention of a mysterious substance after the list of products that make up, for example, cookies: "May contain traces of gluten," is striking. What is so terrible about this vegetable protein?

Gluten is a protein of gluten of cereal crops, its use is contraindicated in patients with celiac disease
The "problem" of gluten is that it poses a serious danger to people with celiac disease or predisposed to "gluten sensitivity".The use of even a small amount of gluten-containing products depresses immunity, destroys the mucous membrane of the small intestine and leads to many serious diseases, the genesis of which is associated with a decrease in the absorption of nutrients.

Until now, celiac disease has been considered an uncommon pathology( 1 in 5,000-10,000 people), but thanks to the dissemination of information and surveys, it has been found that at the age of 3 months to 15 years, 1 out of 380 children suffer from this ailment. Therefore, it makes sense to observe the baby's food reaction to exclude risk factors in the subsequent transition to cereals and other "adult" products.

Is there a danger to the health and development of the baby, whose diet is introduced with a decoction of oatmeal, whose beneficial properties are undoubtedly known to pediatricians and lactation consultants? In oats, gluten is present, but in less dangerous quantities than, for example, in wheat, barley, rye. In addition, there are special varieties of oat flakes that do not contain the notorious gluten. Therefore, you can choose a "digestible" product.

Herculean broth as a lure for a baby

Pediatricians advise now not to get involved in early food experiments and even reject the "Soviet" supplementary tables. It is safe to start the expansion of the diet from the age of six months, the optimal - after the appearance of the first tooth. Until then, the main food should be breast milk or a quality adapted mixture.

Feeding should be selected individually, taking into account the health of the baby, as this directly affects the development of his body and the formation of immune protection. If the baby does not show any "food inconvenience," you can give cranberries to crumbs. It is better to do this in the order of pedagogical complementary feeding - the mother eats herself and "treats" the baby. So the child receives the same product from both breast milk and "pure", which improves the production of enzymes and normalizes digestion.

Preparation of a herculean broth

How to cook a herculean broth for babies? This recipe is surely preserved in mothers and grandmothers in many families.

Depending on the type of feeding, there are variations in the preparation of a herculean broth for babies

. Tip: To significantly shorten the cooking time of the herculean broth for the baby, you can grind flakes in a coffee grinder.

Cooking recipe

Ingredients: For one feeding you need 1 tbsp.oat flakes, 250 ml of liquid( water, water with milk, skim milk).

Tip: To improve the taste, sometimes add to the boiling liquid over a little sugar and salt, previously diluted with water.

Flakes should be poured with boiled water and boil over low heat for half an hour. After this, add the necessary dose of boiled milk and boil another 5 minutes, add sugar, salt. After turning off the heat and cool the broth. Cool the liquid through a clean gauze. It is better to cook two portions at once, but not more - the broth should be fresh. Feed your baby from a bottle or with a spoon - for consistency, the broth resembles a jelly.

Advice: It is necessary to pay attention to such a nuance in the recipe for a herculean broth. If the baby is breastfed, the broth is cooked on the water with a slight addition of milk( better goat than cow's).And if the kid is "artificial", then milk needs more( 1 part of milk, 2 parts of water).

If there is an individual intolerance to infants broth from the oatmeal, feeding should be stopped!

Despite the medicinal qualities of the broth, each of them should be used after consultation with a qualified specialist, and not at the advice of friends or relatives. Herculean broth for babies is no exception. Only after, when you probably establish that the new product does not cause rejection of the baby, you can make it a permanent dish on the children's table.

Not less useful for babies is a decoction of raisins. About this drink tells Dr. EO.Komarovsky in the following video:

  • Mar 13, 2018
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