To overcome the disease, tincture of calendula must have!

  1. Composition
  2. In what situations should I apply the marigold extract?
  3. About the rules of application
  4. Contraindications

Calendula is a beautiful sun flower, about the properties and benefits of which it was known several centuries ago and used it for medicinal purposes. This plant is unique, universal and possesses truly miraculous qualities.

And, despite the surprisingly fast pace of development of modern pharmacology, it is the tincture of calendula that is still used in both folk and traditional medicine. In this case, it can be used as an internal and external means.

Composition of

Pharmacy tincture of calendula has the following composition:

  • flowers and marigold baskets - 1 part;
  • ethyl alcohol 70% - 10 pieces.

Important! Long-term use of this drug is not recommended, since it contains alcohol. For the same reason, after three weeks of taking this medication, it can have a sedative effect, which is unacceptable for persons working with the mechanisms.

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In terms of the composition of the plant itself, it contains organic acids, carotene, essential oils, flavonoids, phytoncides, tannins, saponins, glycosides, trace elements and resins. In this case, in a number of its parts there will be a certain concentration of nutrients. For example, the flowers of marigolds are of the greatest value, the number of microelements in stems and leaves is much less, and the roots are least often included in the composition of medicinal preparations.

Due to this rich composition, the calendula tincture exhibits the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • is an analgesic;
  • antiseptic;
  • choleretic;

  • is a diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • is regenerating;
  • expectorant.

As can be seen from this rather long list, this tool will help cure various diseases of internal organs and systems, and also take care of the beauty and youth of the skin.

In what situations should I apply the calendula extract?

So, we pass to the main section of our article and find out what the tincture of calendula helps with. Its useful properties this drug shows in the treatment of blood vessels, helps to overcome gynecological problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This product is effective for neuroses and stressful conditions, and is also considered indispensable in the emergence of menopausal syndrome. Due to the soothing effect, the drug restores the central nervous system, relieving insomnia and relieving anxiety.

Calendula tincture will give you the opportunity to stay calm and at home, and at work

Calendula will purify the blood and help to remove the inflammatory process with stomatitis and periodontal disease, pharyngitis and sore throat. In addition, it can help stimulate the expectoration process in bronchopulmonary diseases, translating dry cough into productive.

With external application tincture of calendula will help get rid of acne, ulcers, long healing wounds and furuncles. It promotes the early regeneration of the skin, returning them a healthy and attractive appearance.

Note! In fact, in the field of cosmetology, calendula has won one of the first places, since it helps to purify the skin of pigment spots and acne, narrows the pores and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, is effective for eliminating calluses and warts.

Calendula tincture is one of the best products for the care of oily skin

Alcoholic tincture of calendula is used for viral and bacterial lesions, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. It removes swelling of the tissues, which allows using it in the erosion of the cervix.

In gynecology

Calendula tincture is used in gynecology to eliminate inflammatory processes. With its help, you can reduce itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations, which bring a certain discomfort in the violation of the vaginal microflora.

Alcohol tincture of calendula can be prescribed by a specialist for thrush. In this case, douching will help to eliminate leucorrhoea, remove the inflammatory process and "wash" the fungi from within, which caused this disease. But in no case should the concentration of the douche solution be exceeded and the procedure itself should be carried out too often.

Important! Syringes with calendula only temporarily ease your health, but the disease itself does not eliminate. This procedure allows you to remove pathogens, but along with them are derived bacteria that are responsible for the normal operation of the genitals.

Syringing tinctures of calendula are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • after abortion or childbirth;
  • immediately before gynecological examination;
  • without the advice of the attending physician;
  • for individual intolerance of the drug components.

Calendula tincture can be used in gynecology and in the treatment of mastopathy. In this case, it is recommended to make medical compresses - mix tincture and boiled water in a ratio of 1: 7, moisten gauze in the solution and attach to the chest. Compress the film with a film, wrap it on top with a warm cloth and leave it overnight. But self-medication is not recommended, and compresses from mastopathy can be prescribed only by your doctor.

Alcoholic infusion of calendula helps to overcome many gynecological problems

Important! Since the tincture of calendula contains ethanol, it is contraindicated for use in pregnancy and lactation. And syringing can lead to a threat of miscarriage!

With hypertension

Hypertension is a disease characterized by abrupt changes in blood pressure, and occurs against the background of organic disorders in the body. As a rule, this disease is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, weakness and mood swings. Patients can also complain about a depressed state and poor overall health.

Prolonged intake of calendula tincture contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, relieves headaches, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep. Drink the drug should be 20 drops three times a day.

Important! But remember that this tool will show effectiveness only at the first stages of hypertensive disease. With a severe form of this disease, such treatment will not be enough.

With otitis

One of the ways to treat otitis with folk remedies involves the use of tinctures of calendula. This remedy is natural and safe, so it can be shown to both adults and children.

Important! Before starting treatment with otitis using tincture of calendula in children, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. An incorrect approach to the treatment of ear inflammatory processes and infections can lead to severe consequences - meningitis and speech retardation. It is forbidden to use any folk remedies if a liquid drips from the ear.

If the doctor has established the desirability of using calendula tincture in otitis, then it can be used in two ways:

  • instill in the ear 2 drops of the drug;
  • moisten gauze flagellum in tincture and insert into a sore ear.


Gargle tinctures of calendula tincture are used to relieve pain and promote a speedy recovery with:

  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • tonsillitis, etc.

To prepare a medicinal solution, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of spirit tincture in 150 ml of warm boiled water. Gargle should preferably not less than 4 times a day. For prevention, this solution is recommended to be used once after visiting places of congestion, especially during the period of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

Calendula will relieve sore throat and prevent the development of inflammatory processes


Inhalations with tincture of calendula can be prescribed by a specialist in combination with antimicrobial agents with:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute inflammation of the nasopharynx, throat, sinuses, pharynx.

Such procedures help to reduce inflammatory processes, have an antimicrobial effect, dilute sputum and stimulate its withdrawal. In addition, there is a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the bronchi, nasopharynx and lung tissue.

Inhalations are performed with a nebulizer three times a day. The solution is prepared according to the prescribing doctor's instructions.

About the rules of application of

Now it is necessary to understand how to take the tincture of calendula.

  1. For internal use, 20 drops of tincture should be diluted in a small amount of warm boiled water and drink 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day.
  2. To children who have reached the age of 12, the dosage of the product is calculated as follows: one drop for one year of life, drink 4 times a day.
  3. For the treatment of mucous membranes and skin, the concentration of the solution is calculated by the doctor.
  4. The duration of the course of treatment will depend on the severity, nature and dynamics of the disease, it is established by a specialist.


The tincture of calendula has the following contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • children under the age of 12;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy.

It is also not allowed to use preparations of calendula together with herbs that show a sedative effect. In case of cardiovascular system disorders, this remedy should be used with extreme caution and only after consulting a specialist.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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