What is linseed urbech and what use will it bring us?

Linen Urbech is a unique product, the components of which are exclusively natural ingredients. It is based on the most valuable flaxseed, known for its useful qualities. This dish is unfamiliar to the inhabitants of the middle band and is most common in the countries of the East. The traditional Dagestan dish is a concentrated nutritious paste, which was always in the bag of shepherds and travelers on a long journey. Let's find out, what are the benefits and harm of Urbets from linen and can it be prepared independently?

Linen can be found on the shelves of healthy food stores, and can be cooked with your own hands

Product features

The traditional recipe for Urbech is based exclusively on raw products. This approach to production allows you to maximize the preservation of all the value and useful properties of its vitamins and other substances.

Note! It is known that during cooking, frying and other processes of heat treatment, products lose a significant share of their qualities. In Urbetsch ingredients are in the original state, and therefore able to provide the body an invaluable benefit!

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Useful properties of

The benefit of Urbets is in the ideal balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The first and second are responsible for the nutritional value of the product, retain their strength for a long time and allow them not to feel hungry for a long time. Still others provide the body with a huge supply of energy, which, moreover, is consumed very slowly.

Urnich from flax seeds helps us as follows:

  • stimulates cellular exchange;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates the level of cholesterol;
  • normalizes the metabolism;
  • significantly improves the condition of the skin;
  • is useful for visual impairment;
  • supports muscle tone;
  • inhibits the aging process;
  • compensates for the lack of female hormones;
  • restores the energy balance;
  • provides prevention of cancer;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • is good for complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis;
  • shows an immunomodulatory effect;
  • perfectly satisfies hunger.
Flaxseed linseed is considered to be a valuable dietary product and a true health and youth elixir.

Linen's Urbech regenerates well after the illnesses and during pregnancy, it can be recommended for stresses that are caused by physical activity and overwork.

There are two types of such pasta - from white seeds and from black:

  • white grains show powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Such a product will be an excellent prevention of malignant neoplasms and gynecological problems. It is good for colds and coughs, as it helps to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, as well as diabetes, by regulating the level of glucose in the blood;
  • black grain - this is a fairly effective and at the same time a gentle laxative. Perfectly manifests itself during difficulties in emptying the intestine. Such linen ubrech often is one of the mandatory components of the diet of people engaged in special sports, which require rapid accumulation of muscle mass.
Black-linen uberch is an excellent supplement to a sports protein diet!

Urbech on the table

It is customary to use this flax paste with cakes and combine with sweet foods. It is dipped fresh fruit and spread it on crispy toast.

Note! The owners of Dagestan usually serve this dish in the morning - it turns out a very nutritious and hearty breakfast, which fills the body with energy until the evening!

The pure product has an almost neutral taste and a viscous consistency. For this reason, it is often mixed with honey, maple syrup and other ingredients according to your preferences. With it, the berries are well combined, the sandwiches from fresh bread are very tasty. On the basis of pasta, creams are made for cakes and pies, impregnation for biscuits, and also prepare aromatic topings for pancakes and cheese cakes.

You can also mix vegetable and butter with pastes and combine it with various mousses and cheeses. Incredibly tasty and useful sweetness is obtained by combining this product with melted chocolate.

Linen urbeche with chocolate is an excellent alternative to shop pastes with a dubious composition

. However, it should be remembered that Urbets have a high caloric content, which is about 550 kcal per 100 g of product. For this reason it is not practical if you want to lose weight.

How to cook urbech at home? In fact, making it yourself is quite difficult, since in the production process, stone millstones are usually used. Grains fall between them and are ground to the necessary consistency - the paste becomes viscous and oily.

At home, to achieve this result, use a food processor, a blender or a mortar with a pestle. The process itself is rather laborious and takes a lot of time. In any case, a true gourmet will certainly try to create this masterpiece of Dagestan cuisine and will certainly succeed.

The main ingredient of our urbech is a flax seed. To it you can add butter and any sweetener, be it honey, maple syrup, etc. First, you must melt the butter and then add the rest of the ingredients to it. The mixture is stirred and heated, not boiling. The resulting mixture is ground to a uniform consistency and spread over glass jars.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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