The planting of fruit trees and shrubs is only the first stage of their cultivation. In order to obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to provide the plants with proper care. A mandatory procedure for fruit crops is spring spraying, which prevents the development of diseases and provides control of insects.
Protecting the garden from pests in the spring
Trimming trunks, digging the soil around bushes / trees, spraying plants with chemicals are three important procedures that include spring processing of the garden from pests and diseases. With the help of the first, the bark is disinfected, which is often a source of pests and diseases. Soil digging through digging helps fight pests living in the ground. This procedure is carried out shortly before spraying the garden with protective agents. For carrying out of spring processing use different structures, including sparing organic liquids.
Until the bud budding
To treat the garden from diseases, pests are staged. Start spraying should be in early spring, early March, when there are no kidneys in the trees. It is important to pay special attention to such garden crops as raspberries, currants, gooseberries. It is necessary to clean the plants from the dried branches, fruits, cut the crown of trees and remove the old bark. Cropped branches, other parts of shrubs should be burned.
Treatment of the garden in spring from diseases and pests is carried out after this preparatory period. Any effective preparations are used: copper or iron vitriol, urea, carbamide, solar oil, Bordeaux mixture, etc. Early spring spraying of fruit trees in the spring helps to get rid of apple cvetode, weevils, sawflies, mites, some kinds of fungal diseases.
Treatment of trees after flowering
When the flowering of fruit crops is over, it is time to begin another spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases. The last spraying procedure is carried out when the trees / bushes drop all the petals, and in the place of the flowers will appear ovaries. Spraying plants in this period is necessary then to protect them from putrefactive diseases and help develop immunity against spotting and fungi.
It is desirable that the processing of the garden after flowering ends with a thorough inspection of each fruit crop for pests. Sometimes even a few procedures do not bring the expected result, and the plantations are still exposed to the negative influence of aphids or other midges. If you find insects, destroy them, but during the period when the fruits are filled, most insecticides are not allowed to be used. It is better in this case to treat the plants with urea.
What to spray fruit trees in the spring
Spring treatment of fruit trees from pests involves the use of chemical, organic or combined compounds. Each type has its pros and cons:
- So, the chemicals are very effective and convenient to use, but their effect ends 1-2 weeks after spraying.
- Organic substances are as safe as possible for the garden and people, but they are not universal, since they help fight only some insects and diseases.
- Combined funds are considered to be the most effective for spring treatment of a garden from pests and diseases.
This is an extremely effective tool for fighting not only insect parasites, but also their eggs, larvae. Nitrophene treats fruit crops exclusively in early spring, when the kidneys are closed, because if the product gets on the leaves it burns them, in the extreme case the tree / shrub can die. The remedy is effective against lichens, mosses, aphids, caterpillars, leafworms, mites, spotting. It is used for spraying grapes, apple, plum, other plants. You can dilute the solution by mixing a glass of Nitrofen in a 10-liter bucket of water.
Treatment with copper sulfate
As a rule, spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases means spraying trees / bushes with copper sulfate. This liquid is suitable for combating powdery mildew, scab, spots, rot. Use copper sulfate can be used all year round, under different weather conditions. To achieve maximum efficiency, an equal amount of slaked lime is added to the formulation( the mixture is 1: 1).As a result, gardeners have Bordeaux fluid, which is even more effective against insects.
Urea spraying
This procedure avoids many diseases - moniliosis, scab, coccomicosis and putrefaction. Urea is capable of destroying pupae and eggs of various insect pests. The agent acts as a fertilizer, saturating the plantations with nitrogen, thereby activating the vegetative process. Urea is a mixture of ash and soap solution. Prepare a remedy by diluting a kilogram of wood ash in a 10-liter bucket of water. After the liquid is boiled, filtered and allowed to stand for a short time. Before use, add 20 g of green soap and 30 g of urea to the product.
When spraying trees against pests in the spring
Many gardeners intuitively choose the time for watering plants with insecticides, but do it too early or delay the process. Meanwhile, spraying should be carried out strictly on time, otherwise you will not destroy the pests or, together with them, eliminate insects that pollute the gardens. The result of this approach will be the absence of the ovary. Experienced gardeners are advised to process fruit trees / bushes in the spring season several times, applying different compositions. Below is a table showing the timeframe suitable for processing funds.
Period | Type of work | Permitted means |
First half of March | Elimination of wintering insects in pests and their larvae | Solar |
Before the appearance of the kidneys | Fighting scab, fungi, incipient larvae | Iron / copper vitriol, carbamide, Bordeaux solution, carbofos |
During the flowering period | Enhance plant immunity, eliminate mites, weevils | Carbophos, Bordeaux, copper sulfate, DDT powder, anabasin |
After flowering | Fight usEcological, preventative measures against putrefactive diseases | Means of wide action( combined formulations) |