Rules for the use of proteins( proteins)

Since digestion and assimilation of food requires certain strengths from the body, and also activates chemical reactions in the digestive system, it is important to take food depending on the lifestyle. The fact is that the body reaches a peak of activity about 4 hours after the person has woken up. Regardless of the regime and time of day, it is through this interval that you need to eat dense food with protein food. At this time, the stomach and digestive tract are active and ready to receive valuable elements. Protein foods and fats should be taken together for their full processing. If the work is replaceable and you have to stay awake at night, you still need to take at least once a day a dense and satisfying food.

Protein food is not combined with all products. For example, dough and starchy vegetables are poorly compatible with meat. Similarly, do not combine dairy products with bread and potatoes. You can not combine meat and legumes - these are two different types of protein, for the digestion of which will require abundant secretion of gastric juice and hard work of the liver with the gall bladder.

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Excellent supplement meat food any greens and vegetables. It is better if they are sour varieties, for example, sorrel, spinach, turnip tops. Lemon improves taste and helps digest food. It's not for nothing that the eastern cuisine, in which fatty dishes predominate, allows the presence of lemon slices in each of them.

As far as legumes are concerned, they are generally not recommended to be confused with anything other than greens. Even with vegetables. Legumes can also be used with onion or onion sauces. Otherwise, they can not benefit from them, and the load to the intestines is easy.

Another moment. All root crops, combined with proteins, are considered heavy and nutritious food. Such lunches can be afforded before prolonged wakefulness or physical exertion. The next meal should consist of light foods in moderation.

So, it turns out that proteins should be consumed with as fewer ingredients as possible. And it is better to cut green salads large, without savoring anything, except salt and lemon juice. Cooking for hot meat dishes is also not recommended - toasted sauces do not provide any benefit, except for flavor effects. To enhance the taste, you can use black pepper or fragrant herbs, spices. Since the process of digesting food begins already in the mouth, the meal should take place in a calm and unhurried environment.

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