10 tips on how to quickly learn Italian

The phrase "How many languages ​​do you know, so many times you're a person" I remembered from school.

From childhood I understood that the knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens many doors before you, and simply adds self-esteem.

Once you are abroad, you should not, like a monkey, try to explain yourself to locals on the blink of an eye, what you need.

You can, as a white man, talk to them on an equal footing.

I never cared to ask the how to learn Italian because I went in the simplest way: to master English well, which is common in most countries of the world.

If you are looking to learn fluent in the most beautiful language in the world, then for sure you will need the experience of my friend Yana.

Why did Yana seek to quickly learn Italian?

I always understood that I just had to learn at least one foreign language.

Stopped in English, because I wanted to once move to a developed English-speaking country.

And here my friend Yana was lazy to do it, parrying "We are fed here quite well".

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And even my beliefs that the knowledge of a foreign language is necessary not only for immigration, but for traveling, which Yana so dreamed of, remained unheard.

Perhaps, so my friend would have remained unidentified, if her parents had not once given her a two-week trip to Italy.

In this country, Janu fascinated literally everything: architecture, people, cuisine, standard of living, culture.

She was delighted with the singing language of the Italians.

And Yana fell in love with the waiter of the restaurant, where she often dined.

Roman began to develop rapidly, despite the language barrier.

Valerio, in addition to his native language, also knew English, but this did not save the situation, because my friend's knowledge was limited to Russian and Ukrainian.

After two weeks of rest, Jana, with tears in her eyes, got on the plane, thinking that Valerio was bound by her usual resort romance, which would end with her departure.

The boy did not think so, so he rang the next day.

He wrote her long e-mails, was explained in love by Skype and my girlfriend seriously took care of the question, how to quickly learn the Italian , to begin to finally understand the beloved.

Looking ahead, I will say that Jan needed only a month and a half of a dense study to begin to explain with Valerio in his native language.

By the way, their love story did not end with a wedding.

Six months later, both began to be burdened with romance at a distance, but the novel of Yana with Italy lasts until now.

Without proper motivation you can not quickly learn Italian!

As you can see, my friend, who has not managed to learn at least one foreign language for 22 years, could easily master it in a month and a half, when she had a serious reason for this: the desire to explain herself to her beloved.

You can easily repeat its experience if you find a good motivation.

You need to learn Italian because:

  1. You can watch the immortal classics without subtitles: "The Taming of the Shrew", "The Scent of a Woman", "Dolce Vita", "Life is Beautiful" and others.
  2. Enjoy the opera( most of the pieces are in Italian), understanding every word.
  3. Earn good money by working as an interpreter in your country.
  4. To leave to work in Italy, and later to settle permanently in this wonderful country.
  5. Travel in Italy, get acquainted with the best attractions of Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence, without spending money on an interpreter.
  6. To admire the songs performed by Celentano, Ramadzotti, Morandi and other Italian stars.
  7. Fall in love with a hot Italian and marry him.

How to learn Italian: 10 tips

Italian language can not be called too complicated a language.

No hieroglyphs or incomprehensible differences between the spelling and sound of the word.

In addition, it is a pleasure to speak a language that has repeatedly won in various ratings "Most Beautiful".

How to learn German fast?

My friend Yana shared her observations on how to effectively learn Italian:

  1. Hire a tutor.

    If your goal is to master this language as quickly as possible, then it's better to choose individual lessons, rather than group ones.

  2. If you can not go to Italy, at least simulate immersion in the language environment:

    connect the Italian channel, watch movies in this language, listen to songs, etc.

  3. Find yourself an Italian for communication.

    Do this better after you have accumulated at least a minimal vocabulary.

    You can search for suitable candidates, for example, on a dating site or in social networks.

  4. Use stickers with words written on them.

    Pull them around the house and, passing by, be sure to repeat the words written on the cards aloud.

  5. Buy audio and video tutorials.

    So you can do it at home or in the office, for example, during a lunch break.

  6. Visit the bookstore to buy one or more tutorials.

    Specialists recommend to stop their choice on "Ciao, Italia! Hello, Italy! ", Which was composed by Carlo Anchidei.

    The tasks in it are quite simple, but they are effective for learning Italian.

  7. Start learning the language from the simplest: alphabet, score to ten, names of months and days of the week.

    Then you can go to the popular phrases: "Hello", "Bon appétit", "My name is. ..", "I came from. ..", "How to get to. ..", etc.

  8. Try to read the literature written in Italian.

    To start better with comics.

  9. You can not do without studying grammar, so you will need a special textbook.

    As soon as you make mistakes without errors, you can assume that the grammar rules have resigned to you.

  10. Continually live in Italian.

    Buy a pocket dictionary, everywhere carry it with you and in free moments look to see how the Italian translates this or that word. Why else should I study Italian?- this question will be answered by

    polyglot Dmitry Petrov in the video:

    If you take the job seriously, in a few months you will set yourself not the minimum task, how to quickly learn the Italian , and go buy a ticket to Italy, finallychatting with colorful locals on their singing and incredibly beautiful language.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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