Harm to alcohol on the human body: 10 reasons to abandon alcohol

  1. Brain.

    Vodka and all its "relatives" inhibit blood circulation in the vessels of your "gray matter".This leads to oxygen starvation of cells, and as a consequence - slow, but confident mental and psychological degradation, deterioration of motor and memory.

    Are you still dreaming of writing a great love affair, going on a round-the-world trip and inventing a cure for cancer? Then send the wine glasses to the sideboard( let them continue to decorate it) and throw the corkscrew into the trash.

  2. Heart.

    Regular consumption of alcohol is dangerous for your "motor" by what leads to increased cholesterol levels in the blood, blood pressure( hypertension) and destruction of the heart muscle.

    Hmm, do you even plan to nurse your grandchildren or do you want to die young and beautiful? If you chose the second option, then you have to disappoint: when alcohol abuse is unlikely to get everyone to fight with their velvety skin, snow-white teeth and clear eyes.

  3. Stomach.

    instagram viewer

    Alcohol suppresses the production of mucin in the body, which serves as a protection for the gastric mucosa, and consequently, you are "shining" an ulcer. Oh, yes - hello, regular trips to the "hospital", kashki according to the schedule and carving in the abdomen!

  4. Pancreas.

    In this body, alcohol harms, disrupting metabolism, so you may well be threatened with acquired diabetes.

    Do you know that this disease is considered a very slow but sure death? Still not scared? The hand does not stretch to throw a bottle of alcohol, at least 50 meters away from yourself? Then look online for a video about limb amputation in diabetic patients.

  5. Liver.

    First, under the influence of alcohol, the inflammatory process( hepatitis) begins, and then regeneration of the organ tissue begins( cirrhosis).
    Do not you think that death from the classic "sore" of alcoholics is not the story that you want to leave to edification for your descendants?

  6. Blood.

    Alcohol harms "living water" by blocking the production of blood cells( red and white), platelets. In the "rainbow" perspective - anemia, internal bleeding, infection and other "joys of life."

    You're not a descendant of the Romanov family, to disappear from a blood disease! Beautiful, of course, but sad!

  7. Intestine.

    Alcohol leads to a change in the normal structure of the cells of the small intestine, because of which vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can not be fully absorbed from food.

    And now you can at least ate tons of black currant, lemons and eat it all with the freshest greens from the grandmother's garden - you are still provided with beriberi!

  8. How to quit drinking and smoking: the real ways of

  9. Skin.

    On the characteristic red nose, facial muzzle and bursting blood vessels in alcoholics is known to everyone!

    Do you want to buy a ticket for the movie "for adults" when you were 35 and asked for a passport, and all the world's marketers were powerless to force you to buy a cream from wrinkles? Then give up alcohol and tell others about its harm to the human body.

  10. Reproductive system.

    The alcoholic symptom of the fetus is not a medical myth, but a very real diagnosis.

  11. Children of mothers who abuse alcohol are often born with serious diseases of the internal organs, a disproportionate body, poorly understood and grow sociopaths pohlesche Dr. House.

    But he is an ingenious doctor, and your child with such predilections remains unless the broom swings or sell tomatoes in the market.

  12. Genes.

    Alcohol changes the structure of DNA, which is responsible for the health of your future "three sons and daughters", as well as the next generations of the genus.

    And that you relax less for a glass of alcohol, we will report that according to statistics, 90% of disabled children with physical and mental disabilities are born from drinking parents or were conceived in a state of intoxication. More arguments are needed about his harm?

    "You know, I still can not forgive myself that our son and I conceived when both were drunk. It was the second or third day of the wedding with friends. At first the child seemed to grow up healthy, and then it turned out that he had very serious vision problems. Now he studies at school for visually impaired children, wears glasses with thick lenses. And who knows, how would the situation develop if there was not such a quantity of alcohol. And on the other hand - everything could turn out even worse, so sometimes I do not know, whether to rejoice, or to sob in three streams », - Irina shares her story.

It's Monday morning, and with it terrible payment in the form of a hangover for unrestrained Sunday "separation"?

No, we, of course, understand that you had a million and one occasion to drink: from the submission of the annual report - up to the 132nd day of acquaintance with druzhbanom Vasily, , but is not it time to think about the harm of alcohol on the human body ?

We will tell you what this "beast" is and how to overcome it.

10 main "victims": organs that are most prone to harm to alcohol on the human body

For those who are interested in the question "What harm does alcohol do to the human body?", We advise to "walk" along the body from the top of the head to the fingertipslegs:

Destroyers of myths: 10 common false claims about the harm of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol is shrouded in various myths about its harm to the human body no less than historical characters like Casanova and Marilyn Monroe about their violentlyprivacy:

  1. Alcohol will not harm those who from the cold, because it helps to keep warm.

    This effect is only the first 50 g of cognac or vodka, and then the heat transfer of the body intensifies and becomes even colder than before( of course, if you do not finally "doskandybali" to your own apartment, where the temperature is +25 degrees Celsius and "eternal summer").

  2. Alcohol helps fight the lack of appetite.

    To at least a little feel this effect on your "skin", you must take 25-30 grams of strong alcohol 30-60 minutes before eating.

    So we represent the morning of Monday, which begins with the ryumashechka "Jack Daniels".And you still have to appear before the bright eyes of the authorities!

    It is better to "work up" the appetite by jogging in the park or morning exercises.

  3. Alcohol does not harm the body under stress, because it helps to "unload the brain".

    Well, if you have an amazing willpower and you can stop after 20 grams of vodka or 40 g of wine, then, as they say, "the flag is in your hands."Because large doses of alcohol either drive you into a "depressive" is even worse, or increase the "degree of fun" only for a short time.

  4. A small dose of alcohol will make you a "giant of thought" at work. Yeah, and the "father of Russian democracy"!In 99 cases out of 100, alcoholic drinks reduce the concentration of attention and speed of thinking, rather than increase efficiency.

  5. Will not harm alcohol to the body at high arterial pressure, as it helps to lower it.

    100 grams of good red wine, of course, will not become deadly for you and slightly dilate the vessels. But if you drink a little more alcohol, how your heart starts to "dance" in your chest, like a Brazilian carnival, and the pressure will creep up.

  6. Quality alcohol will not harm the human body.

    Even the most beautiful and expensive wine( sorry, Georgian brothers!) Is a real test for the body, because it contains acetic aldehyde( created as a result of the breakdown of ethyl alcohol), which creates various "outrages" in the body.

  7. Alcohol helps fight colds.

    "Fire Water" in no way affects the immunity and the number of harmful bacteria in the human body. And in general - than you tea with a lemon has not pleased?

  8. Beer will not cause harm to the body, because it is practically not alcohol.

    The whole "trick" of beer is that although it does not contain a shock dose of alcohol, it very quickly becomes addictive, that is, "catch up" with quantity.

  9. Alcohol will not harm the figure.

    Hmm, we want to ask: did you read the caloric content on the label? Or are you inspired by the idea of ​​an additional hour and a half training?

  10. Strong alcohol will bring less harm to the human body if it is bitten, not washed down.

    Not so simple! Only fatty and hot snacks( borsch, ragout, vareniki with cheese, etc.) will help to keep themselves in "sound mind and bright memory".But various fruit salads, fruit drinks and other "girlish joys" will not make the next morning any easier for you.

Well, what else?3 negative points, except for the harm of alcohol on the human body

  1. Alcohol harms not only the human body, but also its wallet.

    Forgive us the lingo, but "thumping" alone or friends is a very expensive activity.

    Putting it off is better for the trip of your dream, opening your own business or giving it to charity - everything will be more useful!

  2. Alcohol harms not only the human body, but also its career.

    What kind of increase can go it, if you yesterday "paw" chest chief accountant Marianna Vladimirovna, tore his jacket sleeve in Viti sysadmin and called the boss "English Bulldog wearing a tie?"

  3. How to get out of the drinking-bout at home: 5 tips from a doctor

  4. Alcohol also harms relationships with others, not just the human body.

    Do you still dream to get acquainted with that beauty, similar to Kim Kardashian? Yeah, just first "hammer" the chewing gum smell of fume and clean the jacket from spots of incomprehensible origin.

What if I had to think about the dangers of alcohol on the human body before?12 effective cocktail hangover

Pages sober life: 10 best books about the dangers of alcohol on the human body

If our Articles will seem a little, to become a staunch teetotaler, we recommend to look through these books:

№ n \ n author, title
1 A.Karr"Easy way to live without a hangover»
2 L.Lyubimova "Easy way to get rid of alcoholism»
3 O.Stetsenko "How not to drink»
4 R.Blavo "How to defeat alcoholism»
5 A.Burtsev «Twilight»
6 A.Vashkin "alcoholism -not a sentence
7 A.Ivanchev "Life without alcoholA »
8 A.Karr" Easy way to quit drinking »
9 Tikhonov," How to stop drinking »
10 A.Neganova" Purification and recovery of the body in alcoholism »

5 stunning film about the dangers of alcohol on the human body: Freeze a bottle

Do you want anything more terrible than horror movies from famous Hollywood directors? We have something to offer you! Watch movies about alcohol and its harm on the human body:

№ n \ n The film's title, country and year
1 «Mythology: myths about alcohol"( Russia, 2005)
2 «Hidden Truth"( Russia, 2008)
3 «Technologysoldering "(Russia, 2012)
4 " Alcohol is a narcotic poison "(Russia, 2009)
5 " Independence "(Russia, 2007).

How does alcohol affect the human brain?

shocking results of the experiment:

The degree of harm of alcohol on the human body can argue themselves hoarse. But whatever it is, this harm exists and it can not escape from it. Maybe you should learn how to have fun without it, in order to preserve your health and your reputation?

After all, dances on the table under the hits of the 90s obviously will ruin your bright moral appearance.

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