In our time, a serious problem is the disease of blood vessels and veins on the legs: stagnation of blood and, as a consequence, the appearance of varicose veins and venous thrombosis happens sooner or later in most people.
Distress and pain in the legs, night convulsions are accompanied by edema, not aesthetically protruding veins and "stars."
Varicose veins are hard to cure, and its complications involve a risk to life, so it is important to be preoccupied with the issue of how to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and veins.
- What is harmful for veins and vessels?
- General advice - this is worth starting
- Lifestyle
- Traditional healers recommend
- Traditional drugs and vitamins
- Features of nutrition
What is harmful for veins and blood vessels?
Vessel damage is caused by the following factors:
- Absence of motor activity .Long stay in one position - standing or, conversely, sitting, leads to a weakening of the vascular tone and stagnation of blood in the limbs. Also, it is not recommended to sit with your leg resting on your foot or "in Turkish" - these poses compress the veins.
- Excessive physical activity and weight bearing .Power sports - classical aerobics, step, jumping rope, single combat, weightlifting create additional pressure on the blood vessels, which negatively affects their health.
- Smoking .Nicotine, resins, carcinogens and toxins by inhalation quickly penetrate into the blood and reduce the elasticity of the vessels.
- Unbalanced power supply .Overeating and abuse of fast food lead to obesity, in connection with which the legs are overloaded.
- Overheating of the body .Negatively affects the veins excessive infatuation with saunas, hot tubs, solarium, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun. Under the influence of high temperatures, the veins expand, their elasticity decreases, which leads to the development of varicose veins.
- Constant wearing of tight clothes and shoes , high-heeled shoes with pointed head. Narrow jeans, tight corsets, elastic bands on stockings pinch veins. In shoes on the heels, the foot is fixed in an unnaturally curved position, as a result of blocking the work of the ankle, blood circulation is disturbed, the calves and ankles swell.
- Excessive fascination with hardware massage procedures. With predisposition to varicose veins, vacuum, roller and anti-cellulite massages can lead to the appearance of vascular asterisks and bruises.
Weak vessels are the key cause of varicose veins - an ailment in which veins lose elasticity, which causes a feeling of heaviness in the legs, worries about swelling and cramping of the calf muscles.
Varicose veins not only look repulsive, but can lead to inflammation, darkening of the skin, trophic ulcers and even internal bleeding.
In a person with healthy blood vessels, the risk of any disease is minimal, so the veins can and should be strengthened.
Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and veins - a complex exercise that involves, first of all, an active lifestyle, a balanced diet and performing simple manipulations. Prevention will not take much effort and time, but it will help to adjust the venous and cardiovascular system of the body.
General advice - this is worth starting
Primary activities complex:
- For health of veins, is useful contrast shower: sharp temperature changes perfectly train the cardiovascular system and muscular framework of veins and arteries.
- Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body, saturates the tissues with oxygen and improves metabolism, so it is advisable to make daily walks or bike trips. Do not hurt swimming and special gymnastics.
- It is necessary to monitor the weight of - extra pounds create an extra burden on the legs and, especially, on the veins.
- It is necessary to avoid stresses - adrenaline in large quantities leads to exhaustion and a decrease in the elasticity of the veins. The best means for relaxation are full sleep and rest, yoga, aromatherapy, listening to classical music, walking. If the activity is related to nervous tension, light sedatives on a natural basis will help.
- It is undesirable to stay in one pose - once a half an hour you need to walk or perform a simple exercise: to rise on your toes, tearing off the heel from the floor.
- To remove tension and swelling, foot massage will help, it is useful to purchase a hydromassage.
Strengthening of blood vessels and veins is a long process, only an integrated approach, which implies active lifestyle, balanced diet, the use of natural and / or chemical venotonics, and, if necessary, medical control, can prevent their diseases.
An important condition for healthy veins is regular physical activity. The vessels are contraindicated in statics - in the absence of movement the blood stagnates in the veins.
Beneficial effect on the veins provides jogging, cycling, swimming, badminton, tennis, walking. Improve the blood flow and strengthen the calf muscles will help gymnastics. The most effective exercises are swinging legs, "scissors", running on the spot and "biking" while lying down.
Traditional healers recommend
Folk remedies are easy to prepare, all the necessary ingredients are easily found in shops and pharmacies. They are completely natural and perfectly strengthen the vessels, relieve tension in the legs, - the following recipes will help improve the condition of the veins:
- Ice cubes from herbal decoction .Daily wipe your feet to relieve swelling and tension after a day's work.
- Refreshing baths .In one container pour cold water, add lemon juice or menthol extract, in another type the usual warm. Alternately, lower your legs into warm water, then into cold water. It is recommended to perform the procedure daily.
- Apple vinegar will help strengthen the veins on the legs with varicose veins: for a positive effect, wipe the veins with it every day, repeat up to 3 times a day for a month.
- Herbal infusion : 2 tablespoons dried herbs chamomile and marigolds pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, the product is ready to drain and heat. The product is suitable for trituration of legs, and for the preparation of trays.
- Garlic with butter : 2 shredded large heads of garlic mixed with butter in a 1: 2 ratio. The mixture is applied overnight, wrapping the legs on top with a food film and wrapping a warm scarf on top. Wash off in the morning.
- Tincture from leaves of Kalanchoe : put a shredded plant in a liter jar, pour alcohol and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Tincture wipe the affected area every evening for 5 months.
- Tincture from walnuts .300 g of septums from the fruit pour 500 ml of hawthorn tincture. Insist for 14 days, shake periodically, the finished product to drain. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, the course of treatment - 10 days. If necessary, repeat the course in 3 months.
Traditional drugs and vitamins
There are a huge number of ointments, creams and tablets to strengthen the walls of veins.
Such agents relieve inflammation and swelling, eliminate pain and heaviness in the legs, improve venous circulation, reduce the risk of blood clots.
To strengthen the veins, doctors prescribe such creams as Troxevasin, Butadion, Indovazin, Lyoton 1000, Venarus, heparin ointment, etc. Among the venotonics, the most popular tablets are Detralex and Flebodia 600.
For the health of veins, it is important to balance the vitamins and minerals in the body. So, for the operation of blood vessels are necessary:
- vitamin A to improve the vascular status;
- vitamin C with for normalization of blood flow and the state of veins and vessels;
- vitamin E cleans vessels, destroys cholesterol plaques and prevents the formation of blood clots;
- Vitamins B In promote blood renewal;
- vitamin K for the prevention of bleeding;
- Vitamin PP regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Features of
nutrition An important aspect for maintaining healthy veins is a balanced diet.
Products that strengthen the vessels and veins:
- Strength of veins will help support fruits and berries, especially chokeberry, carrots, rosehips, grapes, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, which contain a large number of antioxidants;
- normalization of metabolic processes in the body and strengthening the walls of blood vessels promotes the consumption of sour-milk products, legumes, berries, fruits and vegetables, herbs and salad;
Beef liver is also useful.
Animal fats are better to replace with vegetable, especially useful olive oil. Dishes should preferably be steamed, boiled or stewed.
To ensure that the veins are healthy, it is worth giving up fatty meat, replacing it with low-fat varieties, poultry, fish and seafood - they are a source of protein.
To a minimum, you should reduce the consumption of salt, sugar, flour, sweet, alcohol and canned food. Black tea and coffee is better to replace with fruit, berry and herbal infusions, fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices, green tea, mineral water.
Fresh fruits and dried fruits, nuts, muesli are optimal as a dessert.
Thus, the main methods of strengthening the vessels and veins on the legs were considered. Healthy veins significantly prolong life and improve its quality, and timely prevention of diseases of the veins will help to maintain the beauty and health of the legs. Follow the advice is not difficult, but the result will please a long time and the risk of vascular diseases will be minimized.