A unique pantry of useful properties is Siberian fir - a tree from the genus of the gymnosperms. When preparing medicinal products use needles, kidneys, branches and bark. The plant is easily confused with spruce, because both trees have a dense, dense crown. Fir contains essential oils, vitamins( E, C), minerals, trace elements, which allows you to use wood for the treatment of diseases, general health of the body.
What is Siberian fir
Coniferous evergreen tree is widely used in folk and official medicine, cosmetology. Siberian fir( Abies sibirica) is the most common species of the genus Pikhta from the Pine family, which is grown on the territory of Russia. Of the young shoots and needles, Siberian essential oil is obtained, and fir balsam, contained in the bark nodules, is used in medicine. The tree grows in mixed forests and is distributed in Eastern and Western Siberia.
The height of the plant can reach 30 m. The fir blossoms in the spring, and in autumn the scales of cones are scattered and the seeds fall to the ground. Needles live about 10 years and when they die, needles leave a scar in their place. Fir wood is soft and unstable, so it is not used in woodworking, construction, but finds application in the pulp and paper industry. Camphor is used in the weakening of cardiac activity due to poisoning with drugs or narcotic substances.
Useful properties
For the first time the curative properties of wood began to be used by American Indians, and then their experience was adopted in Russia. The plant has expectorant, exciting, tonic qualities. The fir extract enhances metabolic processes, and the medicinal camphor, obtained from essential oil, is used for making medicines. It stimulates breathing and circulation, excites the nervous system, improves the activity of the heart. The following properties of fir are distinguished:
- anesthetics;
- antivirus;
- wound-healing;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- is bactericidal.
Use of products with essential oil of fir and its extract is strictly prohibited in acute kidney diseases and in the first months of pregnancy. The last ban is due to the risk of allergic reactions and toxic effects on the fetus. If it is necessary to use drugs with fir at a late pregnancy, a woman can consult on this matter with an aromatherapist, gynecologist or a female consultation therapist. Other contraindications to the use of the plant :
- individual intolerance;
- predisposition to convulsive conditions and epilepsy;
- lactation period;
- children under 12 years;
- an empty stomach;
- alcohol intake;
- gastritis and ulcer.
Siberian fir in medicine
In medical practice, needles and branches are used because of the presence of essential oil, dipentene, boricelate, bezabolena, borneol and other substances in them. The bark of the plant contains tannins, the fir tree is produced from it - a special balm, and the seeds in the cones are enriched with vitamin E. For arthritis and rheumatism, fir camphor preparations are used together with peach or olive oil. Means based on the plant is used to treat wounds and burns. Fir also helps with the following painful conditions of :
- angina;
- catarrhal diseases, acute respiratory infections, influenza;
- runny nose and cough;
- oncological diseases;
- angina;
- of diphtheria;
- chronic and acute tonsillitis;
- tuberculosis;
- sinusitis;
- pneumonia and diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
- bronchitis;
- for psoriasis;
- prostatitis;
- hypovitaminosis;
- toothache, periodontal disease;
- colitis;
- calluses and abscesses:
- strong visual load;
- for insomnia;
- disorders of the functions of the nervous system, etc.
Siberian fir in cosmetology
Means with fir are used for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Particularly effective they acquired in the fight against acne, pustular rash, boils. To care for oily skin ethereal fir oil is added to lotions, cream. This product acts as an antiseptic, eliminates redness, irritation, cleanses pores, smoothes wrinkles, prevents excessive production of sebum.
Application of fir
Result of research of fir by Siberian scientists from different areas, proves the expediency of internal and external application. The bactericidal properties of the plant were justified by the Russian scientist Pavolotsky Sh. I. in 1961, as a result of which the medicinal plant became very popular and began to be used for the preparation of broths, infusions, compresses. Needles, fir branches contain essential oil, which is used in perfumery industry, soap making, and turpentine is obtained from resin( resin).
Extract of fir
Biologically active additive Florenta contains concentrated extract of Siberian fir, located in the greenery of the plant. On sale there is Florentine fir water, at reception of which the immune system is stimulated. Florent's remedy is used to enhance drug therapy in the syndrome of autonomic dysfunction, asthenia and increased fatigue as follows:
- Water is diluted 5-10 times.
- The resulting solution is used for 2 tbsp.l.three times a day before meals.
- The first treatment course lasts 30 days, and the second one can be repeated after 3 months.
For purification of vessels, improve the work of the cardiovascular system, bark of Siberian fir is used, which has tonic, sedative and hypotensive( lowering of arterial pressure) effects. In the treatment of arterial hypertension( persistent high blood pressure) of the first and second stages, it is possible to prepare and consume the remedy according to this recipe:
- Take 300 g of raw material, pour 2 liters of water.
- Boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
- Broth of needles to drink three glasses a day.
- Treatment Scheme - take the drug 10 days, take a break for 10 days, and then resume the reception. Course - 1-2 months.
Branches of
In osteochondrosis, treatment with fir branches of is carried out according to the scheme: the raw material should be crushed, warmed, put on the place for half an hour, and then steamed birch-fir broom. For the disinfection of the apartment can be expanded fir branches - phytoncides fir sterilize the room, reduce the number of microbes, refresh the air. Infusion on fir branches is used according to the doctor's recommendations internally or externally for the treatment of abrasions, wounds, ulcers:
- Chopped dry branches( 250 g) are poured into 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Insist 2 weeks, filter.
To get rid of the unpleasant odor of the legs, foot baths are carried out with the addition of 100 grams of immature cones of fir and pine needles, mixed in equal proportions. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist for about 20 minutes. Do not forget to strain, drop your feet into such a bath every day for a week. Sedentary conifer baths, prepared according to the above recipe, help women cope with abundant whites - secretions from the vagina.
An extract made of fir needles produces an adaptogenic effect, since it stimulates immunity, reduces fatigue. For the treatment of skin diseases, you need to take 1 time a day for 100 g for a whole month to take a self-made infusion of needles. Before preparing the product, it is necessary to grind fresh or dry young needles. Next, take 10 tbsp.l.raw, pour a liter of hot water. Insist the product in a hermetically sealed jar of glass for about 3 days, in a dark room.
A special decoction is used for inflammation of the throat or for rinsing. The kidneys are harvested before they blossom. To prepare the product it is necessary:
- Take 10 g of dry raw material, pour 200 ml of water.
- Put on the fire, wait until the boil, then cook for 5 minutes.
- Insist 20 minutes, drain.
- Take inside 1/3 cup after eating, and gargle as needed.
Christina, 25
Knowing about the healing properties of wood, I decided to buy Siberian fir essential oil Aspera 10 ml for 64 rubles. Bought with the purpose of eliminating the toothache: I dripped on cotton wool and put on a sick tooth. Perfectly relieves pain. A universal tool! When insomnia took a bath with fir oil, and with a cold, fir helps to relieve congestion.
Angelina, 30 years old
In the family medicine cabinet there is always a 10 ml bottle of Siberian fir. Often use for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. I pour water into the pan, drip a few drops there. All this I put in the children's room, so that the children breathe in pairs throughout the day. The smell is excellent, and even disinfection - that's why I put fir oil on a solid five.
Anna, 19 years old
For a long time she suffered from herpes on her lips, nothing helped. On the advice of my grandmother decided to apply 3 times a day to a pimple. Surprise was no limit - first the pain went away, then redness. On day 4, there were no traces of herpes. Now I take the plant extract inside. I bought Bioeffective - a living cell fir juice, plant in water, drink twice a day.