How to cook okroshka on kvass

Okroshka is a traditional summer dish and an indispensable treat in hot, hot days. It's not difficult to cook, the products that are to be used are the simplest and most affordable, and it will take quite a bit of time. There are many kinds of this delicious cold food, but most often in our country they cook okroshka on kvass.


  1. Ingredients
  2. Fineness of cooking okroshki on kvass

The most laborious process when preparing okroshki - boiling meat, it is advisable to do it in advance. Many, however, replace the meat with sausage, which is no trouble at all. Also, a little potatoes will be needed to make the dish more nutritious. It can be boiled in salted water or baked in the oven, both options are good, so choose at your own discretion.

To have a kvass on a kvass had an aesthetic appearance, only lettuce should be put on the plate, and kvass should be served in a separate container, jug or soup tureen with a ladle.


For preparation, the following ingredients are needed( per serving):

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  • boiled beef or tongue - 50 grams;
  • potatoes, better cooked in a uniform - 1 piece;
  • small cucumber - 1 piece;
  • radish - 2-3 pieces;
  • toast from 1 slice of Borodino bread;
  • quail eggs, boiled hard-boiled - 2 pieces, or 1 chicken;
  • green onions, other greens - 2-3 sprigs;
  • kvass - 200 ml.

For refueling:

  • red horseradish - 35 grams;
  • hot mustard - 5 grams;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 10 ml;
  • salt, black pepper to your taste.

Ingredients, however, can vary within a very wide range. By the principle: we do okroshka from what is near at hand. As already mentioned, many housewives replace meat with boiled sausage, ham or even sausages. Horseradish, mustard and vinegar are an amateur, you can do without them, as well as without toast. Sour cream is often replaced with mayonnaise. And so on. ..

The fineness of cooking okroshki on kvass

  1. Boil the meat. If you use the tongue, you should remove the skin from it. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Cucumber and radish cut into cubes of the same size. Radish can not be cut, but rubbed on a large grater.
  3. Boil the potatoes in a uniform or wrap them in foil and bake in the oven. Cut into cubes.
  4. Put the vegetables in a saucepan or bowl, mix, salt and pepper.
  5. Some vegetables can be cut into thin plates and used to decorate a ready-made dish.
  6. In kvass, add the vinegar, salt and black pepper, mix and pour into the jug. Put in the refrigerator for cooling.
  7. To prepare a delicious okroshka, all ingredients and dishes should be cooled immediately before serving.
  8. Put a culinary ring in the dish or put a glass. Around it lay the chilled vegetables, and then remove the ring.
  9. Boil eggs, chill, brush and cut in half. Beautifully spread over the vegetables. Many, however, cut them into cubes.
  10. Sprinkle on top with finely chopped herbs( you can also mix it with vegetables in the 4th step).
  11. Cut Borodino bread into small cubes, pour it on a greased frying pan, cool and place on a dish between egg halves.
  12. Sour cream, mustard and horseradish can be served in separate sauce bowls or mixed in one.

Okroshka is ready, you can start tasting!

The number of ingredients is based on one serving. Increase it by as many servings you need.

Rules and Tricks of Cooking
  • Mar 13, 2018
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