How to keep jam for the whole winter

The summer-autumn season is a "hot season" not only for salting and stocking with vegetables and fruits, but also for sweeties who prefer to drink a cup of tea with a spoonful of homemade jam on a cold winter evening.


  1. Rules for the preparation and storage of jam
  2. Where to store jam
  3. How long is the jam stored

Of course, the recipes for its preparation are many. Indeed, today the ingredients of this dessert are not only the usual berries and fruits. There is a cabbage and carrot jam, citrus or rowan, even mint. In a word, everyone has a "color and taste".Only now many people have a single question: "What to do, so that in the winter it was not revealed, all efforts were vain, and the money was wasted because of the swelling of the banks and education on the molded layer of mold?".

Rules for the preparation and storage of jam

So, how to keep jam from mold throughout the winter, how to protect it from spoilage? Indeed, this question is relevant for many, and therefore experienced housewives and specialists give some useful recommendations:

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  • the main jar container should be a half-liter glass jar;
  • before its use it is necessary to carry out the sterilization procedure( it can be steam or in water);
  • it is forbidden to pour the jam into a wet jar( put it on the bottom with a paper towel and wait until all the water has drained, it is additionally allowed to dry the jar in the oven at low temperature);
  • special attention should be given to the choice of the cover: it should not be damaged, it should have a uniform coating; for turning it is necessary to take the so-called white covers( they are not so oxidized) or twisting( they can be easily sterilized and they can be used 2-3 times more);and it is best to take a set of vacuum caps( they will last a very long time with faith and truth);
  • if the produced sweet product is planned to be stored for a short time( no more than 2-3 months), you can use usual plastic covers;However, before they are worn, it is desirable to close the "neck" of the can with several layers of parchment paper;
  • so that the jam is not moldy, it is important to consider the degree of sweetness of the ingredients( the more sugar, the more likely that the lid will swell, in such cases add a little lemon juice);
  • jam density is also important in storage( the thicker it is, the less risk it is to "lose").

Where to store jam

Best of all, of course, keep the jam in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. But few have enough space in it to fit at least a dozen jars. But it does not matter. A properly prepared jam can be stored at room temperature.

The ideal place for storing cans with jam in an apartment will be a usual dark pantry, in which the temperature does not reach 20 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to put cans in the cellar because it can simply freeze and deteriorate in such a place( often the glass jar is simply "torn" because of a sharp temperature drop).

How long can you store jam

Jam without pits, cooked and sealed by all rules, can be stored for several years.

But jam with bones should not be stored for more than six months. The fact is that from their nucleoli, during long-term storage, the most dangerous poison is released - hydrocyanic acid, and after 7-8 months its concentration may exceed the values ​​safe for health. Especially dangerous in this respect are cherry, plum, apricot and peach jam.

Storage of
  • Mar 13, 2018
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