Today, inflammatory diseases in the ears have become more frequent. And diagnose them in children and adults. Different types of bacteria can affect the development of otitis media. When treating inflammation, it is important not only to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also to defeat the cause of its development. Today, often in the treatment scheme, patients inject a drug such as Uhonorm. Its peculiarity is that it consists of natural plants, due to which the harmful effect on the organism decreases.
- 1 Indications
- 2 Application
- 3 Price
- 4 Reviews of patients
- 5 Reviews of doctors
The development of the preparation used herbs such as chamomile, propolis, celandine, as well as chloride and benzalkonium. Each of the presented components performs its role. In general, the drops have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, they can remove pain, moisturize and soften the skin.
Inflorescences of chamomile contain biologically active components, due to which it is possible to stop inflammation, have an emollient and analgesic effect. Propolis has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Under its influence, the cells are regenerated, and the healing process is accelerated. Purity is a large number of valuable components. With its help it is possible to eliminate fungi, bacteria and to stop inflammation. In addition, celandine has analgesic effect. Allantoin has a drying effect, it makes a loose horny layer of the dermis, stimulates the evacuation of the earwax and eliminates plugs. Benzalkonium chloride is an antiseptic component that copes with viruses and fungi.
Ear drops Ear nose must be used in the following conditions:
- otitis externa;
- sulfuric tubes;
- stuffiness of the ear;
- prevention of exacerbations of chronic otitis during prolonged exposure to wind, subcooling in wet weather;
- prevention of recurrent sulfuric plugs;
- prophylaxis of inflammatory ear lesions with persistent relapses of sulfur plugs;
- protection against exacerbations of chronic otitis media, which are the result of acute nasopharyngeal diseases.
Which drops with outer otitis are the most effective and are used most often, is described in detail in this article.
But what antibiotic is better for otitis and how to choose it correctly, will help to understand this information.
It will also be interesting to know why there is a buzz in the ears: http: // lechenie-u / gul-v-ushax-prichiny.html
What if the ear is scratched inside and what is the most effective tool in this case,in this article.
Application of
Before using drops, you should read the instructions carefully. The drug drips into each ear canal for 4 drops. It is necessary to conduct such events 4 times a day.
This dosage is for adults, but for children it is 2 drops 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days. After this, you need to take a break for 5 days, and after this procedure can be repeated.
The instillation process can be carried out according to the following plan:
- Before sending the drops into the ear canal, it is necessary to clean the ears of various contaminants and sulfur. Do this carefully so as not to injure the eardrum.
- Then the vial with the solution is heated, rubbing it between the palms. If you drip cold potash, then it will lead to unpleasant sensations.
- The patient should lie on his side, after which it is possible to inject the drug into the ear, according to the indicated dosage.
- In order for the drops to reach the focus of inflammation, you must gently pull the earlobe down and back.
- After this, the patient should lie down for a few minutes so that the medicine does not come out.
You can buy the drug in a pharmacy and without a prescription. The cost of the bottle is 660 rubles.
Patient Reviews
- Irina, 35 years old: "Drops of Uhonorm mnya very much helped. One day I was off work and there was a terrible wind. Apparently because of this the next day I felt terribly ill ear. I began to warm it up, there was no effect from the actions taken, and the pain was growing. Then I went down to the pharmacy, where they offered me Uhonorm. I began to drip them 4 drops 3 times a day. The very next day my condition eased, the pain began to subside and after 3 days no symptoms of my illness left. "
- Igor, 32 years old: "Several years ago, I was diagnosed with otitis media of the middle ear. After putting all the tests, the doctor prescribed treatment for me, including the drug Uhonorm. I applied it for 10 days. And although the first positive results were on day 4, the doctor told me to continue to drip. As a result of therapy, I managed to eliminate pain, burning, itching and prevent the development of complications. "
- Karina, 21: "Uhonorm literally bailed me out when I fell ill with otitis media before exams. The pain was just unbearable. I did not have time to go to the doctor. In the pharmacy I was helped to determine the drug - it was Uhonorm. I began to drip it according to the instructions. After 3 days, unpleasant symptoms began to leave me. Of course, for the exam I came not completely healthy, but with the help of drops I managed to reduce the pain, burning in my ears. In addition, my fluid from my ear ceased to flow, and my vertigo was gone. "
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It will also be interesting to learn about how to instill drops into the ears of a child, what would be the best result.
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And here are some drops in the ear with zalozhennosti worth using in the first place, described in this article.
And here drops at otitis at children the most popular and most effective, will help or assist to understand the given information.
Reviews of doctors
- Irina Alexandrovna, 54 years old : "I very often use ear drops Uhonorm in my practice. The fact that this drug is very effective, because it has a wide range of effects. This suggests that its active components can eliminate various types of bacteria, viruses, which are the cause of inflammation. Another advantage of the medicine, which I can not help but note, is its natural composition. Thanks to this, you can use drops even when treating children. "
- Andrei Gennadievich, 39 years: "Drops for the ears Uhonorm is a rather expensive drug, but its price is quite justified. First, it has a natural composition, so the body does not receive any harm with treatment with its use. Secondly, it is effective against various types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Thirdly, the composition of the drug has components that have an analgesic effect. Thus, drops of Uhonorm are a combined remedy that has a vast sphere of influence. "
Ear drops Uhonorm is a drug with which you can achieve several effects at once: anesthetize, remove inflammation, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. The natural composition of the drug allows it to be used by both adults and children. The only side effect is the allergy to the drug components.