Syrup and tablets for resorption Mirtikam: description and application

Mirtikam preparations are specially developed for the treatment of diseases associated with overexertion of the visual apparatus in certain groups of people, with impaired vision in old age, including the treatment of retinal dystrophy.

Myrtikam is a combined homeopathic remedy. With their help, eye fatigue is reduced, eyesight is improved in the dark.

Regular use of the drug will reduce the risk of vision impairment, including those associated with age-related changes.

Syrup and Mirtikam tablets have a positive effect on the blood vessels of the eyeball, improve the conductivity of the eye nerves, which improves the visual quality and endurance of the visual analyzer.

    • 1. Composition of the drug
    • 2. Pharmacological action of the preparation
    • 3. Application of the drug
    • 4. Contraindications to the use of the drug and side effects of
    • 5. Prices for the preparation
    • 6. Analogues of the preparation
    • 7. Reviews

Produced drugsMyrtikam in the form of syrup or tablets for resorption. Tablets for resorption are produced in blisters of 10 pieces, in a cardboard box of 3 blisters. Syrup Myrtikam produced in bottles of polyethylene terephthalate 100 ml, each bottle is packed in a cardboard box.

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Store the drug you need, like any other medicine, in a place protected from light and inaccessible to children. Shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The temperature of storage of the closed vial is 15-25 ° C, after opening - 12-15 ° C.After the expiration date, the Myrtikam can not be used.

Since Mirtikam is not a drug, it is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. In addition, the use of a homeopathic remedy by Myrtikam does not exclude the use of other drugs.

Before using this product, it is recommended to consult a doctor and explain the doctor about possible side effects.

Composition of the preparation

The composition of the preparations Mirtikam includes:

  • extract of blueberry fruit,
  • medicinal gland,
  • klopogon racemose,
  • gelgium is evergreen.

Mirtikam syrup also contains auxiliary substances: water and sucrose.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the action of its constituent components:

  • Bilberry Extract .Bilberry includes vitamins B1, B2, PP, C;organic acids: succinic, acetic, oxalic, quinine, malic;and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper and zinc. Also in its composition there are tannins, carotenoids and anthocyanins, which make blueberries especially useful for the eyes.
    They contribute to a better blood supply to the retina, improve visual acuity, restore disturbed areas. Also anthocyanins perform antioxidant functions. Blueberries have an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, desensitizing effect. It can reduce eye fatigue when working with a computer. Bioflavonoids, which are contained in the extract of blueberries, have healing and vasoconstrictive effect.
  • Ophthalmic( or euphrasia) medicinal .In the people this healing herb is called eye grass. It contains: aukubin, ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oil, flavonoids, iron, silicon and other components. Enchant is rich in vitamins A and B.
    This lotion is made for eyes in case of their inflammation. It is effective in the age of degenerative-dystrophic processes, helps in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, with irritations and inflammations of the eyes and eyelids. Also, its presence in the Mirtikam preparation is useful for increasing visual acuity.
  • Gelzemia is an evergreen , which contains alkaloids, saponins, iridoids, essential oils. It is a poisonous plant from which useful substances are obtained. Has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Clover( or tsimitsifuga) brushy contains tannins, phenolic compounds, isoflavone, glycosides, salicylic acid, essential oils, tannins, organic acids, phytoestrogens, carotene. It has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as proven effectiveness in the treatment of cataracts.

Myrtikam uses:

  • in case of visual acuity violation,
  • for night vision impairment,
  • for macular degeneration of the retina in dry form,
  • in case of narrowing of the visual fields due to fatigue, overstrain, prolonged work in one posture.

In particular, a positive effect is observed when using Mirtikam drugs by drivers, office workers and those whose activities are related to the constant work at the computer.

Application of the preparation

Syrup is applied by courses, inside by 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day after meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, you can repeat the course in 2-3 months. Before use, the preparation should be shaken.

Tablets for resorption are used similarly: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals.

Contraindications to the use of the drug and side effects of

The main contraindication to use is the individual intolerance of the individual components of the drug Myrtikam, which can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

The safety of the drug for pregnant women, women during lactation and children under 18 is not proven, as studies on this group of people have not been conducted.

With caution should apply the drug to people with diabetes. The maximum daily dose of the drug corresponds to 0.58 bread units.

Like any homeopathic remedy, Myrtikam can cause temporary exacerbation of symptoms. In this case, stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

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The prices for the drug

The average prices for the drug Myrtikam in Russia are:

  • tablets for resorption - from 180 to 210 rubles for 30 tablets,
  • syrup - from 190 to240 rubles per bottle 100 ml.

The cost depends on the shelf life, as well as on the specific pharmacy network and the region.

In the Internet pharmacies of Ukraine syrup Myrtikam costs about 200 hryvnia, which is much higher than the prices in Russia.

Analogs of the preparation

There are currently no preparations with exactly the same composition and similar action. There are vitamin complexes that have a similar effect and have a positive effect on visual acuity. For example, it can be:

  • Complivit Ophthalmo,
  • Nutroph Total,
  • Blueberry Forte,
  • Anthocyan Forte( with the presence of bilberry extract in the composition),
  • Okuvait Lutein, etc.

The effectiveness of each of these remedies in a particular case is desirable to discuss with the doctor. An experienced ophthalmologist will help you choose a complex of vitamins and minerals suitable for your case.

Video: advertisement of the drug


You can see the effectiveness of Mirtikam preparations at the bottom of the page.

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