Heterochromia of the eyes. Why can a different eye color appear in a person?

One of the unique mysteries of nature and unusual phenomena is the different color of the eyes in humans. This phenomenon is called heterochromia or piebaldism of the eyes, which translates into Russian from Greek as "other color" or "different color".

In this phenomenon in humans, there is a different pigmentation of the iris of the eyes. This phenomenon is typical not only for people, but also for some species of animals( cats, dogs, cows, horses, etc.).

This phenomenon is not dangerous in itself, but can indirectly indicate some of the diseases inherent in a person.

    • 1. Description of heterochromia
    • 2. Types of heterochromia
    • 3. Reasons for the appearance of
    • 4. Diagnosis and treatment of

People with eye heterochromia should undergo regular physical examinations to notice possible commencing changes.

If no pathological processes in the body occur, this phenomenon is perceived by the person himself and all surrounding people as something unique and special.

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After all, a person with different eyes color always stands out from the crowd. Although many owners of eyes of different colors feel uncomfortable, they try to hide their eyes behind dark glasses, and women often can not find the right make-up for their own characteristics.

Long since these people have been considered black magicians, sorcerers, witches, possessing some diabolical knowledge. Now these stereotypes are destroyed, witches have not been burned for a long time on bonfires, and heterochromism is perceived only as a rather interesting, but still a deviation from the norm.

Description of heterochromia

The color of the eyes is always determined by the presence, distribution and concentration of melanin pigment. If there is an excess or, conversely, a lack of melanin in the iris of the eyes, they may have a different color. In total, three pigment colors are distinguished, which in different proportions make up the basic color of the iris.

These are blue, yellow and brown pigments. As a rule, the color of both eyes is the same for a person. But in 10 cases out of 1000 for various reasons, a different color of the iris may appear, which is called heterochromia.

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Do not be afraid of this feature, because by itself it does not affect the eyesight: a person sees and perceives normally colors and shapes, absolutely the same as a person without heterochromy. Sometimes it acts as a symptom of a certain disease. But heterochromia itself does not pose a threat and danger to human life or health.

According to statistics, heterochromia occurs more often in women than in men, however, no scientific basis for the relationship between sex and this phenomenon has been identified.

Types of heterochromia

Three different cases or variants of heterochromia are separated by type or form:

  • complete heterochromia : variant when the person has two eyes of different colors( for example, one is brown and the other is blue),
  • sector( partial) heterochromia : the case where two colors are represented in one iris( a diffuse spot of another color is represented on the iris of one color),
  • central heterochromia of : one eye has one more hue( one dominant color is represented, and not onehow many other colors form circles or rings around the pupil).

More common is complete heterochromia. It occurs more often than the sector or central one.

Because of the origin of heterochromia, it is distinguished for congenital( genetic, hereditary) and acquired. Factors and reasons that can provoke its appearance, we will consider further.

Reasons for the appearance of

For reasons of the appearance of an anomaly, a simple, complicated or mechanical heterochromy is conventionally isolated.

  1. Simple heterochromia is an anomaly consisting of a special coloration of the eye's shell without other eye or systemic problems. A person is already born with different eyes, but does not experience any health problems. This is a rather rare phenomenon. More often the same phenomenon is observed with weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve. Moreover, there may be additional changes: ptosis of the eyelid, discoloration of the skin, narrowing of the pupil, displacement of the eyeball, reduction or cessation of sweating from the affected side that characterize Horner's syndrome. Also, congenital heterochromia can result in pigmented dispersion syndrome, the syndrome of Waardenburg and other hereditary diseases.
  2. Complicated heterochromia may develop with Fuchs syndrome. Most often with such chronic uveitis in young people one eye suffers, and heterochromia may not be observed or it is difficult to determine. With this disease, the following symptoms occur: opacity in the lens, gradual decrease in vision, small floating white formations - precipitates, iris dystrophy, etc.
  3. Acquired heterochromia may develop due to mechanical damage to the eye, trauma, inflammation, tumors, or misuse of certain eye preparations. If a metal fragment falls into the eye, siderosis may develop( if the shard is iron) or chalcosis( if the splinter is copper).In this case, the shell of the damaged eye is excessively painted in green-blue or rusty-brown in color.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of this phenomenon is established by observation. You can see the changes or the anomalies immediately after birth. Then a complete clinical picture of the disease is revealed in order to diagnose and plan treatment.

The ophthalmologist appoints a comprehensive examination and laboratory methods, and special methods to identify abnormalities in the work of the visual apparatus.

If heterochromia is not accompanied by other symptoms, except for different eyes, medication or surgical treatment is not prescribed, because it is not necessary, because the color of the eyes with the help of treatment will still not be able to change.

If some accompanying diseases that provoke heterochromia are identified, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the established diagnosis. Read more - cataract treatment folk remedies. Review of effective recipes.

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This can be both a steroid treatment, and a vitrectomy operation when the lens becomes opaque, which steroids can not cope with, and laser surgery. The choice of the method is performed by a specialist depending on the disease.

It should be noted that with congenital heterochromia, the color of the iris will never be the same in both eyes. If the heterochromy is of an acquired character, the restoration of the color of the iris is possible. Especially it concerns getting into the eye of certain metal fragments. If the treatment is successful, the color of the iris becomes the same after removal of all foreign bodies.

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