Numbness of the tongue - symptoms, causes and tactics of treatment

Numbness of the tongue by scientific language is called paresthesia. This body seldom suffers from such a deviation, but it may suggest serious diseases occurring in the body.

There are many reasons for causing numbness of the tongue, so it is worth highlighting all possible situations.

Contents of

  • Symptomatic picture of
  • Causes of violation of
    • Causes of unilateral violation of
    • If the whole language is frozen. ..
  • What should I do if my tongue becomes numb?

Symptomatic picture

Numbness of the tongue manifests itself in different ways depending on the individual characteristics and causes that caused paresthesia. The following symptoms stand out:

  • a feeling of "running goosebumps";
  • showing around the tip of the tongue;
  • complete loss of sensitivity on one side or the entire language.

As a rule, these symptoms are not capable of causing any harm to the human body unless they are accompanied by edema. Otherwise, urgent measures should be taken, as there is a risk of suffocation.

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Whatever symptom is manifested, it is recommended to consult with a doctor, since numbness of the tongue may be a sign of a more serious illness.

Causes of violation of

There are many situations that can provoke numbness of the tongue. Most often paresthesia is caused by:

  1. The dental procedure , during which anesthesia was applied and surgical intervention was performed. The nerve of the tongue is located close to the roots of the teeth, so it is easy to touch during treatment. If this happens, numbness of the tongue persists even after anesthesia ceases to function. But this phenomenon is not dangerous, since the nerve has the property to recover on its own, you only have to wait a couple of weeks.
  2. Anemia , due to which there is a decreased content of hemoglobin in the blood. As a rule, this indicates the development of serious diseases of the circulatory system, so it's worth visiting a specialist.
  3. Diabetes mellitus .The disease affects the endocrine system, insulin production decreases, it affects the metabolism in the body and acid-base balance.
  4. Reaction to the use of medicines .Some strong drugs have paresthesia in the side effects. If this happens, it is better to contact the doctor who prescribed the treatment, and ask, if possible, to change the drug;
  5. Osteochondrosis .The disease is serious, therefore it is better to start treatment at an early stage, which is indicated by numbness of the tongue. First, there is a lesion of the intervertebral disc tissues, and only later the spine.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases , in particular, numbness of the tongue can signal a stroke.

There are one-sided and bilateral bilateral numbness of the tongue, each of which will help to determine the cause of paresthesia.

Causes of a one-sided violation of

One-sided is associated with nerve damage, often this happens with the removal of teeth, especially sevens and eights.

Wisdom teeth are distinguished by large roots, so during the removal they can easily touch the nerve. If the lingual nerve is touched, the front part or the tip of the tongue becomes numb, and if glossopharyngeal, the back part grows dumb.

Violation occurs only in the area of ​​the tongue and on the side where the nerve was touched. In addition to numbness, patients complain of a temporary loss of taste sensations, localized in the damaged area.

Separately, iatrogenic lesions are discerned, which appear after the removal of wisdom teeth. Surgical intervention can cause inflammation, which will affect the sensitivity of the tongue.

If the whole language is frozen. ..

Bilateral numbness is caused by more serious problems:

  1. Stroke. Which often occurs on a nervous basis as a result of strong stressful shocks. Sometimes there is no change in health, the mood remains elevated, but the taste and sensitivity of the tongue decrease.
  2. Throat cancer can also cause numbness in the tongue. Along with this symptom, there are pains in the throat and difficulty swallowing. The disease is still poorly understood, but more often it appears in smokers, people who abuse alcohol and live in a territory with poor ecology.
  3. The lack of vitamin B12 can be caused by Addison-Birmer disease, which is manifested by malignant anemia. With such a pathology, the language is not just numb, there is a phenomenon of its varnishing, as if it is scalded with boiling water. To avoid this disease, you must eat in a balanced manner.

More on Vitamin B12 deficiency:

Hemorrhages in the brain and head injuries can be felt by numbness of the tongue. In this case, there is numbness with localization in the tip of the tongue. The patient may not at first give this value, but then the result will become deplorable.

What should I do if my tongue becomes numb?

As mentioned earlier, numbness of the tongue can be caused by a number of reasons, absolutely not similar to each other. Since among them there are very serious diseases that threaten human life, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and tell in detail about the symptoms.

It is important to inform the treating practitioner about:

  • nutrition features;
  • of medications taken;
  • recent visits to the dentist;
  • hereditary diseases from the risk group;
  • bad habits;
  • injury.

During the diagnosis it may be necessary to visit doctors of different directions, but this is a necessity that will help to identify the real cause. As a rule, tests are immediately assigned if there is even a slight risk of serious pathologies.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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