Puffiness is a signal about excessive accumulation of water in tissues. Edema of the feet is more common in the beautiful half of mankind. A healthy organism is able to remove all excess fluid by itself, so when observing anxious symptoms, one must understand what swells the legs of women, and how to deal with it.
Naturally, not all cases should be worried: there are many conditions under which edema is a normal reaction to the external environment. For example, often the legs swell in women in the summer, but the symptoms go away after a cold bath or half an hour lying with legs raised.
A warning about malfunctions is only permanent swelling, for the removal of which you have to use medical devices.
- Main causes and types
- How to eliminate edema
- Exercises
- Medical tools
- Folk methods
- Prevention
The main causes and types of
Some of the causes are fraught with serious consequences, others can be easily eliminated by making life easier, and the veins - the load.
- Heart problems occur if women have swollen legs in calves. The cause may be heart failure, often high blood pressure or cardiomyopathy. These manifestations occur if the legs of older women swell. In addition, the dyspnea and increased fatigue during walking are indicative of the inability of the heart to provide normal blood circulation.
- Renal failure, which is associated with high blood pressure, mechanical obstruction of urinary excretion, autoimmune diseases or diabetes. The principle of the disease in this variant is the inability of the kidneys to filter the waste in the form of residual liquid, which as a result lingers in the body and provokes swelling.
- Weakness of the vessels or their diseases lead to a swelling of the feet in women. Manifestations are more pronounced after a long stay in an upright position: standing or sitting. At the same time there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs and intermittent pain while walking.
- Varicose veins, in which they lose elasticity, over-expand and curl.
To less dangerous to health factors are:
- uncomfortable shoes;
- sedentary work;
- great physical activity;
- excess weight.
In accordance with the causes of edema, several of their types are distinguished:
- Hydramic: associated with kidney diseases.
- Cachectic: manifested in connection with heart disease.
- Congestive swelling: appears as a result of inelasticity of blood vessels and increased pressure in the capillaries.
- Mechanical: typical for tumors of various etiologies and during pregnancy.
- Neuropathic: occurs due to diabetes or alcoholism.
- Allergic: occurs after exposure to the allergen, disappears after treatment with antihistamines.
How to eliminate edema
Constant puffiness, which can not be removed by itself is almost always possible, which can only be detected by an experienced doctor. If you notice any symptoms, you should consult a therapist who will refer you to a urologist, a cardiologist, or a phlebologist.
If unpleasant manifestations do not bother you too often and disappear for a short time, then swelling is a natural reaction of the body to the external factors listed above.It can be removed independently by different methods:
to contents ^Exercises
- Walking. Strengthening of the walls of the vessels in the legs is facilitated by daily walking tours. In addition, walking helps to improve blood circulation due to the periodic tension of the leg muscles, and therefore, prevents the appearance of stagnant puffiness. In this case, it is worth taking only comfortable shoes, because in the opposite case the effect will be the opposite.
- Swimming. Water evenly presses on the skin, providing a lymphatic drainage effect, and the tension of the calves helps improve blood circulation, ensuring its flow from the legs to the heart. To achieve a lasting result, you need to swim about three times a day for at least half an hour.
- In the supine position on the back, perform circular movements with the feet first in one direction, then in the other, then pull the socks and heels alternately. Each movement should be repeated at least 20 times. This is especially helpful if the ankles swell. Rolling from socks to the heels. This exercise is convenient for performing in the office, during a walk or other place outside the home. Effective it will be repeated at 20 times.
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Medical products
There are many suitable drugs that can be classified in the direction of action:
- Toning gels, creams or ointments for topical use. Such remedies are often based on the extract of chestnut or ginkgo biloba. They normalize the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, improving its permeability. The same drugs can be used in tablets, but only on the recommendation of a doctor in complex forms of the disease.
- Diuretics designed to release the body from a liquid that can not filter out the kidneys. To do this, there are many homeopathic medicines, which include strawberry, juniper, dog rose, horsetail, plantain, nettle and other natural ingredients.
Read more in detail http://woman-l.ru/mochegonnye-sredstva-ne-vyvodyashhie-kalcij/ about diuretics.to the table of contents ^Folk methods
- Garlic infusion: chopped garlic should be poured with boiling water, and after cooling the mixture - rub the place of edema, leaving for half an hour.
- An ancient recipe talks about the medicinal properties of birch leaves, which must be poured into small bags up to the knees. Leaves should fit tightly in the skin for five hours with severe swelling and two - in mild cases.
- Fresh cabbage leaves are no less useful. They need to be applied to a sore spot, having previously passed through them with a rolling pin to separate the juice. To fix the leaves for comfort you can plaster.
- In a bucket of cold water you need to pour a kilogram of ordinary kitchen salt. In this solution, you should soak the towel and attach it to your waist, which, after ten sets, should lead to better urination.
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To prevent swelling, one should adhere to simple rules:
- Do not consume a lot of salty foods, smoked foods and thirsty foods.
- Move more, avoiding prolonged sitting.
- To do foot massage. This is especially useful if the legs are swollen by the evening.
- Hold twenty-minute cooler trays.
- Wear comfortable shoes.