How to return the girl you love?

People meet, fall in love, and then - sometimes get married, but often and - diverge.

If the gap has occurred by mutual agreement, then everything seems to be OK, you can continue to seek your love further.

It's much worse when you leave a person whom you continue to love.

What should I do in this case?

Either try to forget, or try to return.

How to return the girl you love ?

This task, of course, is not easy, but if you try, it is possible to restore the love that broke for one reason or another.

But I repeat: I'll have to try hard.

On how to return the girl you love and for what reason did you lose it?

Before you start implementing a plan to return your beloved, you need to understand the reasons why you lost it.

Why do this?

Then, that each of the most popular reasons requires a separate plan.

You can, of course, try to act by universal methods, but for you it will be better if you understand the reasons that prompted your loved one to leave you.

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If the girl agrees to return to you, then there is a good chance that you will have a serious conversation during which you will be asked one of the favorite maiden questions: "Do you know why I left?"( The question may sound different,but the meaning will be the same).

And now you must correctly name the reason and promise that it will not happen again.

You'll mumble and stammer or start to grow insolent: "You left in a stupor, and not because of an important reason," you can say goodbye to the girl right now and do not waste time reviving love.

The 5 most common reasons why guys think how to get their girlfriend back:

  1. She stopped loving you and told you straight about it.
  2. She has another guy who in many ways suits her more than you.
  3. You behaved badly during your romance: offended her, cheated on her, was rude, inconsiderate, etc.
  4. Your relationship was not harmonious( you often quarreled, quarreled, broke up, converged) and she just bothered to endure it.
  5. Your love could not stand the test by distance or some other life circumstances.

How can I return a girl whom I myself offended?

Take a sober look at yourself and your relationship with your ex-girlfriend and honestly answer the questions: "Were you a good cavalier?", "Was she happy with you?", "Did you do some bad deed in relation toher?".

If the first two questions you answered in the affirmative, and the last one is negative, then the reasons for your parting have yet to be clarified.

If you answered the other way around, then it's you that is the reason she left.

You could offend the girl you want to return:

  • inattentive attitude;
  • reluctance to devote sufficient time to it;
  • wrongly placed priorities: "For me the main job / friends / hobbies, and you - in second place";
  • cheating or flirting with other young ladies;
  • rudeness, greed, stupidity;
  • brutality;
  • selfishness, etc.

How to apologize to a girl: 5 ways to

If the reason for your parting is you and your behavior in a relationship, but the girl still continues to love you, then to return it enough:

  1. To change and start at least a little like the guy she isI wanted to see next to me.
  2. Change your attitude to it: become more attentive, start talking compliments, make romantic gestures, give flowers and gifts, drive on memorable dates, respect, love her, etc.
  3. To make amends for the act, whether it is treason or some other insult inflicted on her.

If the girl is convinced that you have changed, she will probably forgive you.

How to return a girl who has stopped loving you?

Very often the guys ask, how to return the girl who stopped loving and said it straight.

This is perhaps the most difficult case, because you need to return not so much a girlfriend as her love, and feelings - this is a thing with which it is not easy to work with.

If you can not live without a girl, that you have fallen out of love, and are determined to return it with all the strength, try to act like this:

  1. Remember what she loved for you and again turn into that young man if you changed for the worse during your relationship.
  2. Be always near so that at the right moment you can help her( the main thing in this matter is not to be too imposed so that she does not suspect you of pursuing).
  3. Stay her friend - friendship is often transformed into love.
  4. Arrange a romantic attack: flowers, candy, gifts, the fulfillment of her desires, etc.
  5. Ask to give you another chance and remind the girl how happy you were together.

If you see that nothing is helping and the young lady is only annoyed by your attention signs and tries to avoid any meeting with you, it is better to put up and try to forget her.

Perhaps time will put everything in its place, and again you will be together or vice versa - make sure that the decision to part was correct.

Is it possible to return a girl if you take into account 3 common problems?

We already found out that there are different reasons why guys lose their girlfriend.

Here are three more common problems and ways to solve them.

How to return the girl you love in such cases:

  1. You broke up due to the fact that she had another.

    Act like this:

    • study the opponent to find faults in it;
    • point out the girl to the shortcomings of her new boyfriend( you need to remain her friend for this);
    • prove that you are much better than him;
    • make her jealous, appearing in the company of mutual friends with a stunning beauty.
  2. You broke up because one of you moved to another city.

    The distance check survives fewer relationships.

    If your girlfriend said directly that she can no longer endure separation, then you have to choose: a girl or prospects.

    To restore this relationship, it's enough to just re-reunite.

  3. You broke up on the basis of the fact that she thinks the romance with you is unpromising.

    This often happens when people meet for a long time and the relationship ceases to develop.

    Perhaps your beloved just wants to get married and tries to hint you in this way?

    So draw conclusions!

A few more tips for returning your beloved girl to the video:

Is it always possible to return the girl?

No matter how beautiful I am here you did not paint effective ways of reuniting with your girlfriend, you can not always restore your love.

Sometimes you just have to accept that this love is over, endure, suffer and start a new stage in life.

I do not believe that you can return a girl if she:

  1. I have repeatedly told you that I have stopped loving, rejecting all your attempts to return her love and trying to avoid you.
  2. Meets another guy, is absolutely happy with him and you understand that objectively he is much better than you and more suitable for her.
  3. You have changed her, and she is not one who knows how to forgive.
  4. She went to another country and is not going to return, and you can not or do not want to go after her.
  5. Roman just outlived himself and you both understand this perfectly, and the fact that you continue to test for your ex-girlfriend is a habit, not love.

And yet: not to think, how to return the girl you love , it is better to work on relationships and on yourself, so as not to lose it.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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