How to determine the day of ovulation 2

Ovulation( Latin ovum - egg) is the process of the release of a mature ovum capable of fertilization from the ovary to the abdominal cavity.

The timing of this process is strictly individual for each woman, they can be correctly determined only as a result of a special calculation.

Such calculations are designed to solve immediately a set of problems:

  • to help women suffering from infertility, determine the most favorable days of conception of the child;
  • to correct treatment methods aimed at eliminating various menstrual disorders;
  • find out at which period the maximum circumspection is needed for those women who, for reasons that can not use reliable contraceptives - oral contraceptives or a spiral.

How to calculate the day of ovulation is also conceived by future mothers who want the conception to occur at the most favorable moment of their life.


  • 1 Calculation methods:
    • 1.1 1. Calendar method
    • 1.2 2. Online method
    • 1.3 3. Tests for ovulation determination
    • instagram viewer
    • 1.4 4. Basal temperature
    • 1.5 5. Using ultrasound
  • 2 Ovulation after monthly
  • 3 Ovulation during monthly

Calculation methods:

Of course, it is very important to find out how to calculate ovulation in women by the most accurate method. After all, the chances of a probable conception, pregnancy, long-awaited and planned, in the most favorable period for a woman, directly depend on this.

1. Calendar method

Each woman should keep a calendar of her cycles, in which it is necessary to mark the start and end dates for monthly periods. Such a calendar not only helps to determine favorable days, but also in general to control the slightest deviations in health.

How many days before the month usually occurs ovulation? As a rule, this process occurs approximately two weeks before the start of a new period.

Knowing the length of the menstrual cycle, you can start calculating: from the average duration of your own cycle you need to take 14.

The most optimal day for successful conception will be the date corresponding to the resulting number.

An example of how to calculate ovulation in women:

  1. Suppose a woman's cycle has an average duration of 28 days.
  2. We take away from 28 the number 14.
  3. We get 14.
  4. From the first day of the cycle, for example, from March 1 we count 14 days.
  5. As a result: the most favorable day for a woman with this cycle will be March 14.Favorable for conception is also a few days before and after this date.
This method is effective only when the cycle is completely formed, stable for a number of years, without the slightest deviations in it.

The calendar method of calculation is considered the most unreliable, because in the body of even a completely healthy woman, an imbalance can occur quite unexpectedly. It occurs for a number of reasons. Among the most common such as:

  • changes in hormonal background;
  • stress;
  • climate change;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • endocrine disorders or diseases, etc.

If the already matured egg leaves the ovary the day before or a couple of days after the term, i.e. When a failure occurs in the cycle of ovulation, the calendar method of counting is no longer effective.

Spermatozoa have been shown to retain their viability up to five days. And since ovulation and fertilization are inseparably interrelated, this method of calculation is not guaranteed to be successful.

Recently, scientists have found that in the female body, ovulation can occur more than once. This means that several eggs can ripen during the cycle.

This explains the fact of unplanned pregnancies, which came on the "safe" days of women's calculations.

How to correctly calculate ovulation in women? There are completely reliable, well-proven in practice methods.

2. The online method

Very accessible and popular is the online method. There are many sites that allow you to calculate the period of ovulation very quickly and simply.

Specially designed calculators determine the optimal fertilization date in literally minutes.

An example of such a program is Advanced Woman Calendar.

3. Tests for the determination of ovulation

There are special tests to determine the beginning of ovulation.
They are sold in pharmacies.

How to use them to determine the day of ovulation? Such tests are sensitive to luteinizing hormone. The release of this hormone in large quantities is the most eloquent signal that the egg is ripe and the process has begun.

The test should be placed in the morning urine. The staining of the test strip shows which day after ovulation occurs after ovulation.

4. Basal temperature

This is a fairly accurate method, especially if you combine it with the calendar method and use tests for control.

But it requires great self-discipline and punctuality from women.

Daily in the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature. Most often it is measured in the rectum, but it is possible to investigate the data of temperature changes on the oral mucosa or vagina.

It is important to measure always at a certain time, for example, every morning at 6 o'clock, and at the same time observe immobility. Any active movement can cause an increase, albeit insignificant, of the temperature. And this will already be a distortion of the full picture.

All recorded data is recorded in a special ovulation schedule: temperature indicators are marked vertically, and cycle days are horizontally. If you connect all the points of the taken readings, you will get your individual schedule. It allows you to fairly accurately know when ovulation occurs.

How to calculate the days of ovulation? Before the period of temperature increase, within several days, its decline is clearly noticeable. This is the beginning of the period.

With a regular cycle, such graphs accurately reflect the days of the most likely conception. These are approximately five days before ovulation and five days after it.

5. Using ultrasound

How to know exactly when ovulation occurs? There are situations where there is simply no time for approximate calculations. Due to the age of the woman or for medical reasons, it may be necessary to set the date of ovulation as precisely as possible.

Ultrasound studies clearly monitor the maturation of the follicle, the exit from the ovary of a mature egg.
For the accuracy of the result to undergo the examination will have several times.

Many women, according to their own sensations, are able to determine the moment when the egg leaves. It is accompanied by a significant general deterioration in health, strong aching pain in the abdomen. But these signs can be and signals of various diseases.

Ovulation after menstruation

Can I ovulate right after the menstrual period? The process is directly affected by the regularity of the menstrual cycle. With an irregular cycle, ovulation after menstruation is often a phenomenon. Thanks to this, on the first day after menstruation it is possible to become pregnant.

If, for example, the cycle lasts 21 days, the month lasts a week, it can happen immediately after the menstrual period. This process is greatly influenced by the intake of various hormonal agents.

You can not completely exclude the possibility of the release of a mature egg and a few days after the end of the month.

When ovulation occurs after menstruation, a woman with a very short cycle and a prolonged period may become pregnant. Already on day 3 after menstruation, ovulation may occur. For the adoption of a fertilized egg in the uterus, the endometrium can already grow.

Ovulation during monthly

In some women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual cycles come in different times and at very different frequencies: they can occur only once in a period of several months, and can begin even multiple times within just one month. Ovulation during menstruation in this situation is quite possible.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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