Premenstrual days are a matter of concern for almost every woman. And a special concern is the situation when something goes wrong, as usual. For example, the temperature before the monthly for many girls becomes a signal that you need to seriously think about your own health. However, this situation does not always indicate that it's time to run to a specialist.
What is the normal temperature before menstruation? It depends on the characteristics of each woman's body and can be due to a number of reasons. First of all, it is necessary to note whether this phenomenon is single or regular. Also, you need to determine how many days before the monthly and how much the given index rises. Based on these values, it is already possible to determine the reasons.
- 1 Causes of temperature increase
- 1.1 Normal body reaction
- 1.2 Possible pathology
- 2 Increases during and after the cycle
- 3 Why it is important to follow this
Causes of temperature rise
If you have a fever before the monthly it can be both a normal reactionorganism, and testify about pathology. Changing body temperature during the menstrual cycle is a natural process, but not always noticeable and tangible. Remember how often you have such a reaction of the body and for how many days before the start of the cycle.
Normal body reaction
The menstrual cycle is invariably associated with hormonal changes in the body. If each time a week before the monthly temperature increases and the rise is no more than one degree, then this is a normal reaction of the body. It is associated with a more intense production of the hormone progesterone, which exerts a tremendous influence on the work of all systems and organs. This is especially noticeable in women with hypersensitivity.
It should be noted that such a rise in temperature before monthly passes very quickly and without consequences. In addition, this reaction is not peculiar to all girls. By the beginning of critical days, the level of progesterone decreases, and with it the values of the thermometer decrease. However, if this does not happen, and the temperature during menstruation is also high, then this situation can be regarded as a signal about the presence of some pathology.
Possible pathology
The temperature at 37 ° C is normal. But if it approaches to 38 ° C or even higher, then it can warn about the course of an inflammatory process in the body. Most often this is caused by the following reasons:
- Adnexitis( inflammation of the appendages).With this pathology, the temperature before the monthly increases very sharply and is quite high( in some cases it reaches 40 ° C).In addition to heat, vomiting or nausea, chills, general weakness of the body, pain in the lower abdomen, aching and giving to the lower extremities are also recorded. Often, this also causes discomfort when you urinate.
- Endometritis( inflammation of the uterus).Also, a strong fever before the menstrual period is accompanied by a chill, a pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp increase in the pulse. Often, possible rezi with urination.
- Premenstrual syndrome( PMS).This syndrome, in addition to other manifestations( irritability, lower abdominal pain, weakness, etc.) is often accompanied by an increase in temperature. However, it should be noted that there is no discomfort / pain when urinating, and the thermometer values do not reach above 37.7 ° C.
Increases during and after the
cycle. The temperature with the monthly may also indicate that the body is not all right. In this case, there are also two possible options:
- Minor enhancements. The temperature of 37 ° C before the monthly, and also during them may indicate fatigue and rapid fatigue of the body. This is especially typical for the evening time of the day. In this case, in addition to minor fluctuations in the reading of the thermometer, general weakness and loss of appetite can be noted. As a rule, there are no more serious manifestations.
- Strong increase. A sharp and strong increase, coupled with unusual pain, most often indicates the presence of some kind of inflammatory process. It can be inflammation in the genital area, as well as in the intestines. In this case, the call to a specialist should occur immediately.
Elevated temperature after menstruation is due to the same reasons. The indices up to 37.5 ° C and without other unpleasant and painful manifestations are permissible in the norm. Higher values and any discomfort is a signal for examination.
Why it is important to follow this
The temperature before / during / after menstruation is an important indicator of a woman's health. She can, how to say that everything is good in the body, and that everything is not all right. It is especially important to watch her for women, planning pregnancy. In this case, you need to get more acquainted with the concept of basal temperature.
This is the temperature of the mucous membranes. With its help, you can define many processes occurring in the body. For example, you can tell by it when exactly the month will come, and whether ovulation has occurred before them. However, basal temperature is measured not in the axillary region, as usual, but in the mouth / rectum / vagina. A conventional thermometer is used for this.
This temperature should be of the order of 36.9 ° -37.2 ° C.This is normal in both the normal state and pregnancy. If in the course of the cycle there are large jumps or indicators exceeding the above, then this is also an occasion to go to a specialist.
Body temperature before menstruation can and should change. This is a natural process that should not cause concern. However, if you noted some sharp jumps in this indicator, this was the first time or there are any unusual symptoms, then a consultation with a gynecologist is simply necessary. Timely appeal to a specialist will avoid a number of negative manifestations.