Everyone knows that vitamins are useful for the body, and with their lack, numerous diseases develop. To fully saturate, it is enough to regularly eat fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods. There are even vitamins for the menstrual cycle, which are necessary for their normal passage. It turns out that one can even restore the regularity of menstruation and reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome with the help. What and how to eat properly, to look young and cheerful, not to have women's problems and eat all the delights of life? Can synthetic vitamins help?
- 1 reasons for delays and failures
- 2 Effect of vitamin on the woman's body
- 2.1 Vitamin E
- 2.2 Vitamin A
- 2.3 Vitamin D
- 2.4 Folate
- 2.5 Vitamin C
- 2.6 B vitamins
- 3 Sources of vitamins - complexes ofpharmacies
- 3.1 Time factor
- 3.2 Cyclitis
- 3.3 Vision
- 4 Sources of vitamins in products
- 4.1 Vitamin A
- 4.2 Group B vitamins
- 4.3 Vitamin C
- 4.4 VitaminD
- 4.5 Vitamin E
- 4.6 Folic acid
- 5 What to consider
Reasons for delays and malfunctions
Today, very many women have at least episodic menstrual irregularities, and this is no surprise. There are many reasons. The most common ones are:
Cause | Why this happens |
Endometriosis | The frequency of this pathology is growing steadily every day. The reason for it and the mechanism of development are not fully understood, therefore there is no cardinal treatment. Endometriosis can be localized in any part of the reproductive system and even beyond its limits. In addition to pain, constant spotting on the eve and after menstruation, a woman may be bothered by various cycle failures. |
Imbalance of sex hormones | May carry both hereditary and acquired nature. There is either an excess of female or male sex hormones. In the first case, there are abundant and prolonged menstruation with large interruptions. With hyperandrogenemia, the cycle can be shortened and lengthened, and the amount of secretions is often scarce. |
Polycystic syndrome | As a result of the disruption of the formation of sex hormones, not only malfunctions of the menstrual cycle occur, but the ovaries themselves acquire a dense belly coat that closes the pathological circle. PCOS can manifest itself as minor cycle failures, and the absence of a monthly cycle of up to six months or more. |
Other hormonal causes | Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-ovarian system, no matter at what level, also leads to menstrual failure. This can be both hyperprolactinaemia and insufficiency of gonadotropic hormone production. |
Ovarian cyst | Ovarian cysts also lead to an imbalance of sex hormones, causing most of the delay in menstruation. |
Thyroid pathology | Both hypo- and hyperfunction affect ovarian function, disrupting the production of sex hormones. |
Overweight is a source of estrogen | That's why women with extra pounds often suffer from all kinds of bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia and uterine myomas. A change in the menstrual cycle occurs according to the type of functional delays. |
Psychoemotional experiences | The sex organs of a woman, the ovary and the structures of the brain are sensitive to all kinds of experiences and stresses more than it may seem in reality. This leads to a breakdown of all existing relationships. In the end - a violation of the menstrual cycle. |
Climate change, stresses | Climate change, like stress, affects monthly and ovulation. Especially if it's a sharp move - "from the cold to the heat," for example. |
Excessive physical activity | Excessive physical activity leads to a constant fluctuation in body weight. Also, some women are addicted to steroid hormones. This all affects the function of the ovaries. |
Look at the video about the causes of menstrual irregularities:
The effect of vitamin on the body of a woman
The lack or excess of vitamins and trace elements clearly affects the functioning of the female reproductive system. Knowing this and assigning certain complexes, you can adjust the malfunction of the menstrual cycle.
Vitamin E
Refers to the group of fat-soluble, plays an important role in the process of formation of sex hormones. Vitamin E affects the production of progesterone, which provides a second phase of the menstrual cycle and supports pregnancy. That's why it is prescribed for the threat of miscarriage, as well as for the treatment of mastopathy. The average exchange rate is 200 mg twice a day.
It is known that the lack of the second phase of the menstrual cycle leads to various hyperplastic processes in the uterine cavity, which leads to irregular and abundant periods. Taking vitamin E, the menstrual cycle will improve, and signs of mastopathy will decrease.
Vitamin E is also important for the growth and development of the fetus. Its deficiency increases the risk of development of hemolytic jaundice in newborns, atrophic changes in liver tissues and other adverse effects up to intrauterine death.
Vitamin A
Under its influence, regular renewal of the mucous membranes, including genital organs, occurs. He also participates in the synthesis of progesterone.
Under the influence of vitamin A, the effect of sex hormones in the body is intensified. It is also necessary for normal growth and development of mammary glands.
Thus, vitamin A, in addition to the main antioxidant function, is involved in the exchange of sex hormones. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in sexual desire, disruption of the menstrual cycle and ovulation processes, and also contributes to the development of mastopathy.
Vitamin D
This vitamin has a greater effect on calcium metabolism, bone density and structure. It also indirectly affects the coagulation capacity of the blood.
With its decrease in the body, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are more pronounced, and the duration of critical days increases.
Folic acid
Folic acid is involved in the development of the nervous system in the fetus, affects the immunity and state of the intestinal epithelium. It is extremely necessary for all tissues that are rapidly renewed, and this is all mucous membranes of the genital tract, gastrointestinal tract, also skin, etc. This also includes the inner layer of the uterus, so the deficiency of folic acid provokes various hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, and hence the violation of the menstrual cycle.
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid is the most powerful antioxidant in the body. It helps to dispose of all harmful metabolic products, for example, free radicals, which can disrupt the cellular material.
Vitamin C helps the body to deal with stress, contributes to adaptation to new conditions. Increases his need for a period of illness and strong psycho-emotional experiences. Insufficient intake at these points leads to greater activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system, which can lead to cycle failures.
It also affects the strength and stability of the vascular wall. Increased bleeding, a tendency to hematomas and gains of menstrual flow occurs with hypovitaminosis.
products Group B vitamins
Necessary for the normal development and functioning of nerve tissue and impulse transmission through fibers.
The lack of vitamin B12 causes the development of megaloblastic anemia, often this affects girls with signs of gastritis.
B6 is involved in the regulation of the thyroid gland and ovaries. And their dysfunction leads to menstrual failure.
Sources of vitamins - complexes from the pharmacy
The main vitamins for the normalization of the menstrual cycle - A, E, D, C, group B, folic acid. They can be obtained from various complexes and medicines, as well as from food. Both are acceptable in different periods of a woman's life.
Time factor
In addition to vitamins( C, E, folic, PP and some others) contains extracts of plants( broccoli, vitex, etc.), trace elements. The composition is designed in such a way that it is necessary to take different capsules on certain days of the cycle.
The time factor helps with malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, with profuse menstrual periods, with pronounced premenstrual syndrome. It is also suitable as a prophylaxis for these disorders.
This is a biological active complex aimed at improving the function of reproductive system organs in women. In its composition contains vitamins A, C, D, group B, E and some other useful substances.
Each tablet of the complex is intended for use in a certain phase of the cycle, since it combines the active components in a special way.
Used to treat and prevent menstrual disorders.
Includes vitamins B, A, C, D, E and many other plant extracts and biological active additives. The composition of the complex is not only to normalize menstrual function and decrease the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, it helps to strengthen hair and nails, improves skin condition, etc.
You can also arrange individual groups of vitamins, based on your own preferences. But it is better to do it according to the doctor's prescriptions. There are many different schemes. For example, the following is often used:
- Vitamin E 200 mg 1 capsule twice a day from 15 to 28 day cycle( or before the onset of menstruation).It is possible to use "AEVIT", in addition, there is A. A.
- Vitamin C 500 mg daily from 1 to 7 days, and then from 21 to 28.
- Folic acid 1 mg - 1 tablet 2 to 3 times daily forof the whole cycle.
However, all these vitamins in the violation of the menstrual cycle will not help, if the cause lies entirely in another, organic nature of the disease( cyst, etc.).Therefore, before you start taking such complexes, you should go through a survey with specialists and get recommendations for use.
Sources of vitamins in products
Enriching your diet with useful products, in most cases you can avoid hypovitaminosis. But, despite this, at certain moments of life the body needs an increased intake.
Vitamin A
This is a vitamin from the group of fat-soluble, therefore its main source is butter and vegetable oil, fish oil, liver of any origin, cheese, eggs and others.
As for the vegetation, it is rich in carrots, citrus fruits.
Vitamins of group B
Vitamins of this group can be found in all cereals, seeds, nuts, beans. Also eggs, liver, meat, milk, all by-products they abound.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is found only in plant sources. Everything that has "sourness" includes it. The record holder for kiwi, lemon, blackcurrant, red pepper, raspberries and others. Any fruit or vegetable includes vitamin C. But it is necessary to take into account that during heat treatment( cooking, hovering, drying), a significant part of it is destroyed. Therefore, the value is represented by fresh products.
Vitamin D
It can be found only in products of animal origin, namely - eggs, liver, all kinds of dairy products. Also rich in vitamin D is fatty fish, including red.
Vitamin E
It is rich in a liver of any origin, eggs. From plant products - all types of oils, as well as seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, peanuts and other nuts. Also, a lot of it is contained in cabbage, broccoli, sea-buckthorn and green leaves of vegetables.
Folic acid
In large quantities found in green leaves of plants. Also a lot of it in all fresh vegetables and fruits. From animal products - in eggs, milk and cottage cheese, meat.
We recommend reading the article about fruit consumption with monthly. From it you will learn how to cope with pain, correcting the menstrual cycle with nutrition, and also eliminating discomfort in the chest.
What to take into account
If a woman decides to supplement her vitamin supply with natural products, there are practically no restrictions for their use. Only individual properties of the organism and the possibility of developing an allergic reaction should be considered.
In the event that some synthetic complexes are supposed to be adopted, it is better to do this according to the doctor's instructions and instructions. Since an overdose of individual can cause unpleasant consequences. Especially it concerns fat-soluble vitamins, which are deposited in the body. Another disadvantage of artificial complexes is that they contain various dyes and preservatives, the presence of which may or may not be indicated. Namely, they often appear all sorts of allergic reactions.
Vitamins are necessary for the normal operation of all the internal organs of a person. Particularly sensitive to their lack of women, which is often manifested in various violations of the menstrual cycle. Regular reception of useful complexes, as well as a diet enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables, will help to avoid such conditions.