Argumented response of doctors about the possibility of plasmolifting during menstruation

Any woman aspires to preserve beauty and youth as long as possible, and modern cosmetology provides her with a variety of possibilities for such purposes. But the methods of rejuvenation should take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient, for example, plasmolifting during monthly specialists is most often not recommended to women.

This method of improving the quality of the skin is considered one of the most modern ways to combat excess wrinkles. Developed by doctors about a decade ago, plasmolifting has managed to gain widespread popularity among women. But for the safe application of such an effect on the skin, one should understand the basic principles of the technique, imagine its positive and negative aspects.

Contents of

  • 1 Features of manipulation and preparation for it
    • 1.1 Essence of
    • 1.2 procedure Features of preparation and implementation of
  • 2 Where else this method of exposure to tissue is applied
  • 3 Contraindications to procedure
  • 4 Plasma lifting and monthly
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Features of manipulation and preparation for it

Plasma lifting means purification andrejuvenation of the skin of the face and body of the patient with intradermal injection of blood cells, previously taken from a woman. For this purpose, a plasma containing a large number of platelets is best suited.

The essence of the

procedure Before the procedure, the patient is taken from the vein a certain amount of blood, centrifuges it and receives pure platelets. These cells are responsible in the human body for stimulating tissue regeneration and promote the enrichment of the cells of the organs and systems of a woman with oxygen.

The introduction of platelets into the skin of a woman's face or body leads to increased synthesis of ATP, increased protein intake and increased nutrition of the organ being exposed. It should not be forgotten that adenosine triphosphoric acid is the main stimulant in providing all energy needs of the body with useful substances.

Intradermal injection of plasma and its therapeutic cells give impetus to increased metabolism, stimulate a sharp increase in the content of collagen and elastin in tissues. These substances make the skin strong and supple, smooth out natural wrinkles, improve color. Serious help in this process is also hyaluronic acid.

The work of platelets causes the accelerated growth of new skin cells, the death of old and damaged tissues, the removal of decay products from the body of a woman. Plasmolifting can significantly improve the appearance of the female face and body.

We recommend reading an article on biorevitalization during menstruation. From it you will learn about the procedure for carrying out the procedure, the possibility of performing during critical days, the probable complications after the procedure.

Features of the preparation and conduct of

The initial stage of this method of rejuvenation is the collection of blood from a woman and her processing in the laboratory. Thus at once at girls there is a question, whether it is possible to do or make plazmolifting during monthly. Menstruation causes certain irregularities in the blood coagulation system, and vaginal bleeding itself is often the cause of anemia. Donation during this period is fraught with various complications, in view of which the blood sampling is recommended to be postponed until the end of menstruation.

If the patient does not have contraindications, prepared plasma in outpatient conditions with the help of special syringes is inserted into the lumen of the skin of the problem area. The procedure itself lasts from 15 to 60 minutes and does not require general or local anesthesia.

After the rejuvenation session, most often the patients notice a mild swelling of the skin, which takes 2 to 3 days. To stop this unpleasant effect, beauticians can offer women a special cream to care for the affected areas.

Many women notice positive results of the procedure within 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. However, to reinforce rejuvenation, this manipulation should be repeated 3 to 4 times.

The interval between the injections is kept within 12-14 days, and considering that the majority of clinics do not perform plasmolifting with the months, the time for each lady's sessions is selected strictly individually.

Where else this method of exposure to

tissues is applied It should be noted that the beneficial effects of plasma and platelets on body cells are used not only in beauty clinics. The effect of this method of accelerating tissue regeneration is also applied in the following manipulations:

  • Dentists consider the intradermal plasma injection technique to be extremely useful in preparing the patient's oral cavity before implantation and in the complex therapy of severe periodontal disease.
  • Plasmolifting is used to restore the elasticity of the skin and muscles after treatment of obesity. This method is well proven for correcting the figure and fighting stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Intradermal injections with plasma are widely used in the restoration of the scalp, prevention of hair loss and alopecia. Platelets clean the hair follicles from harmful substances and promote their healthier than prevent the dullness and fragility of the head of hear.
  • Plasmolifting allows women to restore skin color with active smoking. Plasma promotes the introduction of oxygen into the cells, which leads to stimulation of the excretion of waste products and restoration of the natural shade. Although it is best for women to give up a bad habit, not to resort to such costly ways to treat the skin of the face.
In addition to all of the above, this modern method of skin tissue regeneration is used for recovery from operations, injuries and burns.

Since the method is simple enough and has no side effects, it is widely used by cosmetology clinics.

Look at the video about the pros and cons of plasmolifting:

Contraindications to

procedure As with any method of external interference in the physiology and biochemistry of the human body, plasmolifting has a fairly large list of limitations:

  • This effect on the woman's skin is contraindicated in pregnancy during lactation. This ban is due to the fact that this contingent of patients is disrupted the work of the coagulation system and there are various hormonal disorders. Restore the elasticity and beauty of the body can be after the end of lactation.
  • Plasmolifting of the face during menstruation also does not hold. Menstruation causes changes in the female body, similar to pregnancy. In addition, the monthly bleeding leads to the development of anemia, which makes the blood sampling from a woman for centrifugation simply dangerous.
  • Since this method is associated with the introduction of platelets and plasma in different parts of the body, it is not recommended for chronic liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Reduced immunological defense of the lady's body also leads to a ban on such a method of rejuvenation.
  • This cosmetological technique is categorically contraindicated for patients with oncological problems and women who have a history of allergic reactions to the administration of coagulants.
Before making a decision to conduct rejuvenating procedures, specialists of the beauty clinic must conduct a survey of the lady, collect a complete and detailed anamnesis of life. The introduction of blood products in the tissue is always fraught with various complications of a sufficiently serious nature.

Plasmolifting and monthly

Before making a decision to conduct any sessions in cosmetology clinics, a competent and caring woman will consult a specialist. If a negative response is received to the procedure for menstruation, then, of course, the girls are puzzled why it is impossible to do plasmolifting during menstruation.

First of all, it should be noted that there is no definitive prohibition on carrying out such a procedure if the patient has menstruation. The thing is that for the treatment session the plasma of the woman is used, therefore, her quality and medicinal properties of the blood cells will directly depend on the state of the immune system of the lady and her hormonal balance.

During menstruation, the body loses a certain amount of liquid blood. To compensate for the reduction in pressure in the vessels, the liquid composition is quickly restored, however, the appearance of new uniform elements takes time. Therefore, the content of platelets in the plasma of a menstruating woman will be significantly reduced, which in turn will significantly reduce the curative effect of an expensive procedure.

Do not forget about the possible problems with the coagulating system of blood during menstruation. The plasma taken during this period will dissolve longer at the injection site, which is fraught with hematomas and edema. The process of restoring tissues after carrying out plazmoliftinga can be delayed, which will necessarily add to the ladies unnecessary excitement and unpleasant sensations.

We recommend reading the article on cleaning the face during menstruation. From it you will learn about the existing types of face cleansing, the possibility of performing the procedure on menstruation days, as well as the schedule of facial cleansing procedures.

Therapeutic procedure of skin rejuvenation is not an urgent and urgent operation, therefore, each self-respecting specialist will advise a woman to postpone the time of a plasma injection for several days. This will enable the woman's body to recover after the menstrual period, the blood plasma will have the optimal composition. If these simple conditions are observed, the probability of a positive effect of plasmolifting will increase dramatically.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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