The lack of physical strength and energy is experienced by many women during and on the eve of critical days. Weakness during menstruation is so pronounced that it leads to disability and disruption of normal life activity. Sometimes the condition is combined with dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. The causes of the appearance of weakness are different, without the help of specialists and a certain complex of examination, sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happening. How to understand your own health? And are there any self-help options in such conditions?
- 1 Causes of
- 1.1 Premenstrual Syndrome
- 1.2 doldrums
- 1.3 Reduced hemoglobin level
- 1.4 Pregnancy
- 1.5 vascular dystonia
- 1.6 other pathologies
- 2 Self-help or how to deal with of state is
Causes of
Slight weaknessand malaise can also be normal in a healthy woman on the eve and during menstruation. But not always the condition is associated with increased stress and psycho-emotional overstrain. This is especially true of the female body. Changes in the hormonal background can be so manifest that leads the fair sex in bewilderment. But just do not write off your condition. Often, weakness during menstruation can indicate serious illness.
Premenstrual Syndrome
Its severity ranges from mild ailment to total asthenia for several days. Weakness in this condition is included in the complex of symptoms. Along with it, there is lethargy, headache, nausea or even vomiting, pains in the mammary glands and in the lower abdomen, irritability, tearfulness, nervous excitability and others. It is rare for a woman to manifest everything at once.
Depressive state of
A change in the level of hormones throughout the cycle often leads to a depressive state on the eve of the monthly and throughout them. At the same time, sometimes a woman perceives this as a weakness: she does not want to do anything, lacks emotional and physical strength. Gradually, the condition passes, and by the middle of the cycle it feels good.
Decreased hemoglobin level
Changing blood levels is one of the major reasons why a woman can feel fatigue and breakdown. Many do not even suspect that gynecological pathology sometimes leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. But in another way it can not and can not, because during a period of a month a woman loses up to 150 ml of blood in a norm, and at a pathology the parameters vary greatly. A large monthly blood loss exhausts all the resources and reserves of the body, it does not have time to recover. As a result, anemia occurs, sometimes severe, and this requires a blood transfusion.
The following conditions may be the cause of the monthly high blood loss:
Cause | |
manifested ASH-IAS, especially with submucous site of the node or large | As a result, myometrium can not fully decrease, the area of the inner layer of the uterus that is tearing away increases, and the monthly ones become very abundant. Sometimes in the secretions, the appearance of lumps - bunches, similar to a part of the liver. |
Endometrial pathology( hyperplasia and polyposis) | This condition is characterized by acyclic spotting spotting. |
Oncological diseases of the cervix and uterine cavity | A woman may not be aware of the presence of a malignant pathology. But the progressing weakness, malaise will lead her to a doctor who, when examined, will reveal a pathology. |
Malignant ovarian tumors do not cause bleeding, but a sharp decrease in hemoglobin occurs. And from here and the general poor state of health.
In such situations, weakness will be combined with lethargy, increased fatigue, dyspnoea appears even with normal physical activity, heart rate increases, blood pressure drops, skin pale, and some other symptoms.
Often, when the level of hemoglobin decreases, the woman observes the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth and a change in taste preferences.
If there is weakness and nausea with menstruation, but the woman notes that the secretion is much less than usual, and they even wear a smearing character, pregnancy can not be ruled out. In this case, menstruation can come on time or with a slight delay. In fact, this is a threat of interruption, not critical days. Therefore, if a girl observes any other signs of pregnancy against a background of increased fatigue, a test or a hCG level in the blood should be done, which is more informative.
Vegeto-vascular dystonia
Pressure drops, often referred to as VSD, are more susceptible to women of a slender build, for which a normally low blood pressure is characteristic. On the eve of menstruation and especially during them, girls often note weakness, which is associated with several causes:
- loss of blood-volume fluid,
- fluctuations in the hormonal background with the prevalence of a gestagenic component, which in itself reduces the pressure.
Gradually the woman is recovering, and weakness passes. It is possible to establish that such states are connected with pressure drops, it is possible, after monitoring it during the whole cycle.
Other pathology
Often, weakness can be present throughout the woman's time, but worsen with menstruation. Or the girl just timed it to critical days. Weakness and fatigue appear in many chronic diseases. As a rule, it arises from the intoxication of the body with the products of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms or its own cells. The most pronounced weakness is caused by tuberculosis, HIV, oncological diseases of the blood and other organs.
Self-help or how to deal with the state of
Before you begin to deal with these conditions, you should understand why during menstruation, the weakness constantly appears or intensifies, and then passes. If this interferes with the normal life of a woman, and even more so, if she is so unwell these days that she can not go to work, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Also, medical care should be taken if, along with a general malaise, there are other symptoms, such as pallor, dyspnoea, bleeding, etc.
In a case when a woman is concerned about slight weakness and drowsiness with menstruation, you should change your lifestyle, food, some habits a little, and soon there will be a significant improvement. Helpful hint:
- Sometimes the appointment of contraceptive hormones reduces the degree of manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, respectively, and not so will manifest a decline in strength on the eve and during menstruation.
- Regular exercise, use of relaxing techniques will help control the function of the cardiovascular system. If weakness is associated with pressure drops, then classes yoga, meditation, Pilates, even dancing can help feel better.
- It also follows a sufficient amount of time to spend in the open air, because hypoxia( oxygen deficiency) can cause weakness, lethargy and fatigue.
- Performance depends largely on nutrition. The diet should contain enough fresh fruits and vegetables. If necessary, you can add courses of vitamins and trace elements. A regularity was found between magnesium deficiency and fatigue, weakness, irritability. Therefore, often the recommendation even doctors include a course of taking medications of this trace element, for example, the drug "Magvit" and others. Also on the eve of menstruation and during critical days a woman has an increased need for vitamins B, C, A and E, iron.
- It is noticed that coffee, nicotine and alcohol can aggravate the state of health if weakness is a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, you should limit the use of these days. And even with a decrease in pressure, it is better to replace coffee with green tea, which, in addition to caffeine, contains a large number of antioxidants.
- If malaise is caused by a decrease in hemoglobin, then compulsory treatment will include a prolonged intake of iron. But the scheme is determined only by the attending physician.
We recommend to read an article about the treatment of PMS.From it you will learn about the causes of the condition, ways to alleviate it, the importance of observing the regime of the day and full sleep, the use of medications and the effectiveness of folk remedies.
Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle sometimes can cause a decrease in working capacity and deterioration of the woman's well-being. But if there is a strong weakness in menstruation, first of all it is necessary to exclude various pathological conditions, and for this, specialist consultation is necessary. Only a doctor after a comprehensive examination can determine the cause and prescribe the most effective treatment. If the cause of the disease is premenstrual syndrome or other minor functional disorders, then the change in lifestyle, rational nutrition and sufficient physical activity will help improve the condition.