Removal of hemorrhoids: an overview of current techniques

removal of hemorrhoids The formation of nodes with hemorrhoids - a fairly common phenomenon. The problem can not be ignored, since the presented formations provide the patient with suffering and prolonged torment.

Moreover, the consequences of hemorrhoids can lead to significant complications and subsequent infection of blood. That is why the nodes should be removed immediately in any accessible and appropriate way.

Contents of

  • Why are nodes formed?
  • Such a different, although not contagious
  • What does modern medicine offer?
    • Surgical intervention
    • Minimally invasive methods
    • Conservative treatment methods
  • From the practice of treating hemorrhoids

Why are nodes formed?

Hemorrhoids are a proctologic disease that affects a huge number of people. Accompanying the disease is the expansion of veins in the region of the anus and the prolapse of hemorrhoids.

When the circulation of blood in the pelvic region is disturbed, the venous walls lose their tone and stretch, forming cones. First they are inside the rectum, but at certain factors they begin to fall out, bringing pain and suffering to the patient.

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The causes of prolapse of hemorrhoid cones are frequent constipation, diarrhea, excessive weight lifting and vice versa hypodynamia.

Such a different, although not infectious

Three types of hemorrhoids are distinguished by the arrangement of hemorrhoids: nodes of hemorrhoids

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  1. Internal - can be detected by blood smears on toilet paper and underwear, especially after defecation. As the cones increase, they protrude beyond the rectum, squeezed by it and can be thrombosed. When emptying the bowels cause severe pain.
  2. External is manifested by bleeding, pain during defecation. Dropped from the rectum, the nodes are thrombosed and can be jammed.
  3. Combined is the presence of internal and external hemorrhoids.

The nature of the disease determines the type of hemorrhoids, which allows you to assign a specific treatment regimen and possible ways to remove cones.

What does modern medicine offer?

Treatment of advanced hemorrhoids, complicated by the deposition of formed hemorrhoids and bleeding, is carried out by three methods: operative, minimally invasive and conservative.

Operative intervention

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is used when other methods have not helped. In this case, the cones are very large, massive bleeding is noted and the 4th stage of the disease is diagnosed. With such treatment, the disease does not arise again, because the nearby venous areas are also excised.

Two types of surgical intervention are used:

  1. The Milligan-Morgan method is divided into 3 modifications: open, closed and submucosal. Open - means leaving the wound open after removing the node for natural healing. This method is used very rarely. The technique is often used with suturing wounds, where the excision of the formations is carried out with an electron knife together with its base. At the same time, surgical bleeding is excluded. Submucosal modification refers to gentle methods of removal - it preserves the rectal mucosa. After surgical interventions, postoperative pain is observed. Full healing occurs after 2 months, during which the patient is on sick leave, but only for 30-45 days.
  2. Longo's is a new technique for treating hemorrhoids, in which the lumps themselves are not excised, but pulled upward due to the removal of the rectum site over the formations and the subsequent suturing of the wound. The nodes lose their blood supply, decrease, leaving only a scar. The operation is painless and easy. The hospital stay takes place during several days, during which the patient undergoes appropriate procedures for disinfection of the wound.

Operation Longo

The choice of intervention method directly depends on the state of the developed disease. The financial side of the issue is not an exception.

Minimally Invasive Methods

Minimally invasive intervention is a small operation that is assigned to the formation of internal hemorrhoids, when there is no inflammation in the rectum, as well as in the diagnosis of stages 1 and 2 of hemorrhoids.

Patients with stage 3 hemorrhoids are often shown to remove hemorrhoids by latex rings.

Among the effective methods are:

  1. Infrared coagulation is used to remove small cones. The operation is performed using a special device - a coagulator. The device transfers infrared radiation to the vascular pedicle of the node and tissue, as a result of which those absorbing energy produce heat. Thus, cauterization of vessels approaching the node occurs, which eventually die off and disappear. In one session, you can delete 3 formations. Repeat the procedure as needed in 2 weeks. The treatment is outpatient, the procedure itself is painless, and recovery occurs within 3 days.
  2. Sclerotherapy is performed in the early stages of hemorrhoids and to prevent bleeding. The operation consists in the use of special sclerosing drugs, which are injected into the hemorrhoidal node, after which the gluing of its walls occurs. In the future, such an effect leads to its reduction in size and replacement by a new tissue. Preparations used for surgery do not cause allergies and harm the rectal mucosa. With this operation, postoperative pain is possible within 2-3 days.
  3. Latex ring ligation is the most common surgery for hemorrhoids in stage 2-3.The principle of this method is that a latex ring is thrown over the selected node with a special tool. Tightening the leg of the cones with a ring, the cessation of its nutrition is achieved, after which it dies after 2 weeks. The knot falls off and leaves on its own during defecation. In one session, you can put a ring on 1-2 hemorrhoidal growths. This operation is indicated for elderly people, who are not allowed to undergo radical intervention.
  4. Suture ligation , in fact, resembles the operation with rings. The only difference is that not the whole knot of the knot is pulled, but the vessel that feeds it. Instantly stops blood supply, which leads to rapid death. The operation is performed by a special device - an anascope, to the wall of which is attached an ultrasonic sensor for suturing vessels. The procedure is easy to transfer, after it there are no postoperative pains and there is no recurrence of the formation of new nodes.

The proposed methods for the removal of hemorrhoids are often offered in private clinics, so they require some financial investment.

Conservative treatment methods

Treatment with conservative methods only has a positive effect on the initial stages of hemorrhoids, but it helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The following complex of drugs is used:

  1. To strengthen the walls of vessels, to remove swelling and restore blood circulation in the anus region of , Detralex preparations are used: Detralex, Troxevasin, Venarus and others.
  2. For local treatment of internal nodes of candles are appointed: Relief, Proctosan, Gepatrombin and others. They relieve swelling, inflammation, itching, pain. Treatment of external cones is performed with the help of ointments, gels, creams, lotions and baths. Very effective ointments based on heparin.
  3. You can also make compresses on the external formations or insert tampons inside the rectum, if the problem is inside. The dropped out node is treated with local medications: Troxevasin and Bezornil in the form of ointments. If an ulcer formed, Levomecol ointment is used - it heals well and disinfects.
  4. External cones help to treat baths or lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate and decoction of chamomile.

From the practice of treating hemorrhoids

According to patients, any operation to remove hemorrhoids lasts for a short time and occurs with anesthesia, as a result of which the pain is not felt at all.

Painful sensations arise after a withdrawal from anesthesia, but everything is tolerable, if you are in a hospital - the patient here is supported by anesthetic injections.

cones of hemorrhoids After minimally invasive procedures, healing takes place quickly and painlessly. An extreme case for pain relief is prescribed painkillers. The most unpleasant is the first defecation, so you need to monitor the diet so that the stool is soft.

In the postoperative period, it is important to follow certain recommendations so that the formation of repeated cones does not repeat. In the diet should include more food rich in fiber to exclude constipation.

You also need to move more, sit less, do not engage in heavy physical labor. The main thing is not to start the disease, do not expect that everything will be all right. At the first symptoms it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to cure hemorrhoids in a timely manner and avoid dangerous consequences.

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