Leaf cranberries brew and disease drive!

  1. Benefit from a cranberry leaf
  2. Health drinks from a cowberry leaf
  3. Contraindications

In folk medicine, cranberry leaves are used much more often than berries. This is due to several reasons: firstly, raw materials are easy to procure; secondly, it does not require special conditions for transportation, and thirdly, dried leaves can be stored for a long time and at the same time retain all useful properties. So what is their healing power? Let's find out.

Cowberry leaves show a lot of useful properties, for which they are used both in folk and in traditional medicine.

Benefit of cranberry leaf

What is useful for cranberry leaves, and in what diseases are they recommended for use? Skin leaflets are able to exert the following effect on the body:

  • promote softening of stones and salt removal, which allows using them in cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis;
  • possessing antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, reduce body temperature in colds, especially topical this quality becomes in the cold season, when the organism is most exposed to the negative influence of external factors;
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  • use them in uterine bleeding, in these situations cowberry leaves show a hemostatic and wound healing effect;
  • antimicrobial property is manifested with inflammation in the mouth, in such cases it is recommended to rinse with decoction of cranberry leaves;

  • cowberry preparations are highly effective in controlling various types of worms;
  • after excessive intake of drugs, they remove intoxication and eliminate allergic reactions;
  • is capable of exhibiting an anti-cancer effect;
  • is helpful in treating herpes.
Cowberry leaves are a natural diuretic

The use of cranberry leaves can be indicated in diabetes mellitus, as they help reduce blood glucose levels. They perfectly cope with rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis. Contribute to the treatment of stomach diseases.

Important! Remember that drinks made from cowberry leaves, wash away calcium from the body, so during the treatment you need to take breaks and eat foods rich in this mineral in parallel.

Cowberry drink is an excellent tonic that helps to fill the body with energy, gives courage and eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome. Infusions and decoctions are often used in the treatment of various types of bacterial infections, they are particularly effective in the complex therapy of staphylococcus.

Cowberry leaf is a source of phytoncides that enable the immune system to fight against viruses and bacteria

Cowberry leaves show their healing properties in situations such as:

  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • bedwetting in children;
  • rheumatism;
  • polyarthritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cough;
  • high blood pressure;
  • digestive problems;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • gout;
  • cystitis;
  • influenza;
  • leukemia.
Cowberry leaf is a valuable gift of nature for our health

Benefits for pregnant women

When pregnant, cranberry leaves are recommended for use in the detection of infectious diseases of the urinary tract and nephropathy. Also, it is prescribed if the patient has diabetes mellitus.

Cowberry broths contribute to the withdrawal of excess fluid, which helps to get rid of puffiness during pregnancy

Recommendation! Pregnant women are best used pharmacy. In the instructions it will be possible to find a recipe for the preparation of leaves and allowable dosages. But it is recommended that this information be obtained from your doctor in order not to harm either the future child or yourself.

As a rule, during pregnancy, women are prescribed 200 ml of cranberry drink per day: 4 times a day for 50 ml or 2 times a day for 100 ml. Cooking means is necessary from the ratio: a teaspoon of dry raw material per 250 ml of water.

But remember that:

  • leaves cranberries, being part of the herbal collection, can enhance the diuretic effect, so apply herbs in the complex with extreme caution;
  • cranberry leaf is a medicinal plant, so you should first consult with a doctor who will determine the expediency of using this remedy specifically in your case;
  • if after a conversation with a specialist you have some doubts about the use of beverages from cowberries, it is better to choose another decongestant.

Health drinks from cowberry leaf

Before brewing leaves of cranberries, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials. Of course, many prefer to buy them already ready, but for those who want to do it independently, several recommendations should be made.

Find a bilberry bush you can in a pine forest or mixed forests. Collection of raw materials can be carried out twice a year. The first stage begins in the early spring, as soon as the snow comes down, and ends before the flowering of the bush. And only after all the berries are harvested, you can again start preparing the sheet.

The collected leaves are dried outdoors under a canopy that will protect them from direct sunlight. For this purpose, you can also use a well-ventilated room, such as an attic. To ensure that the raw material is very dry, it is laid on cotton cloth in one layer, periodically turning and stirring.


Decoctions prepared from cranberry leaves, bring tremendous benefits to the body at any time of the year. Cooking them is best in small portions, since storing more than one day is not recommended.

The following decoction is used to strengthen the immune system, with urolithiasis, colds and rinses for sore throat:

  • in enamelware pour 2 tablespoons of crushed red bilberry leaf;
  • pour a glass of steep boiling water;
  • send the container to the water bath and keep for half an hour;
  • slightly cool and filter;
  • boiled water to resume the original volume of liquid.

Store in a cool place. Take 60 ml every day in the morning, before lunch and dinner.


This infusion of cranberry leaves is very effective in cystitis. Due to the high content of vitamin B2, C, potassium, organic acids and manganese oxide, it exhibits anti-inflammatory effect and permanently removes cystitis.

Do the following:

  • a tablespoon of raw material pour a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for one hour;
  • filtrate infusion;
  • take 100 ml three times daily before meals.

The next infusion of cranberry leaves helps with rheumatism and gout:

  • with a glass of boiling water pour a teaspoon of raw material;
  • insist for an hour;
  • to filter;
  • take 4 times a day for half a glass.


To prepare vitaminized tea from the leaves of cowberry it is necessary: ​​

  • a teaspoon of fresh leaves to pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • insist under the closed lid for half an hour;
  • divide the resulting tea into three doses.

This drink normalizes stools, digestion and helps with chronic gastritis.


But cranberry leaves have contraindications for use. Their use is strictly prohibited:

  • for hypotension;
  • for children under the age of 12 years.

In addition, with extreme caution should drink beverages from cowberry leaf in the following cases:

  • heart disease;
  • kidney pathology;
  • increased gastric acidity;
  • long-term use of medications, aimed at treating a serious disease.
  • Mar 13, 2018
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