Fir oil is the most valuable natural extract obtained by steam distillation from young branches of pine needles of Siberian, white or balsamic fir.
From time immemorial, many nationalities worshiped the fir, considering it sacred. This tree lives more than 300 years and belongs to the category of plants that strengthen health and prolong life.
Regular application of fir oil, thanks to its bactericidal and antiviral properties, allows you to quickly cope with the disease and restore lost strength, and also produces an amazing cosmetic effect.
Chemical Composition and Medicinal Properties
This is a colorless or slightly colored, light-colored liquid with a coniferous balsamic odor that is not stable in an alkaline or strongly acidic environment. It includes carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and tannins.
Due to its high biological activity, fir oil has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, therapeutic and cosmetic properties. It successfully fights against staphylococcus, rod-shaped microorganisms and various airborne infections.
Ingredients of the plant extract help to regulate the level of glucose in the blood serum, and also equalize the arterial pressure.
Fir oil is successfully used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies, the elimination of inflammatory processes and the removal of general intoxication of the body. It is also used as a prophylactic for influenza and ARVI.
Patients with weakened immunity, who have suffered serious long-term illnesses and radiotherapy sessions, people who need rapid acclimatization, and also those who have experienced strong emotional stress, this remedy will also come in handy.
However, this unique natural remedy is recommended for maintaining the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system for those engaged in heavy physical labor.
Application of fir oil in traditional and folk medicine
- Influencing the nerve endings, reduces pain syndrome( including rheumatic pains).
- Normalizes blood pressure.
- Provides a normal supply of nutrients to the cartilage tissue.
Note: this medicinal property of fir oil is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis.
- It struggles with infertility in women and erectile dysfunction in men.
- Normalizes the work of the kidneys.
- Struggles with chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Strengthens sleep and improves mood.
- Oils with the addition of fir oil successfully fight with wet eczema and trophic ulcers.
- Lotion from fir extract successfully eliminates fungal lesions of feet.
- During the flu epidemic, experts recommend 4 times a day to rub the product into the chest, legs, hands and back.
- In tonsillitis, folk healers are advised to moisten a cotton swab in fir oil and lubricate the tonsils. And for the same purpose you can use honey. In addition, this curative product is recommended for use with angina inside. Recipes that will help cope with the disease, you can find in the article: Curing sore throat with honey is absolutely easy!
- In case of a cold, 1-2 drops of extract should be gently rubbed along the bridge of the nose.
- Cough and sinusitis are relieved by inhalation with the addition of a few drops of fir oil.
- In angina attacks, the remedy should be rubbed into the area under the left nipple.
- In inflammatory processes in the kidneys, cholecystitis and enterocolitis it is recommended to drink half an hour before meals about half a glass of water with five drops of extract.
Application of fir oil in cosmetology
Fir is a natural antiseptic that successfully combats inflammatory processes. This is why fir oil is prescribed in the treatment of acne and other skin irritations. Cosmetologists recommend adding this product to the water during the washing process, and also to use it as a lotion.
Recommendation: Before the peeling in the water to steam the face, add a few drops of fir oil, which will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and help clear the pores.
Very well recommended baths with the addition of several drops of fir extract, and the regular use of this product in masks and creams increases the elasticity of the skin and makes the face fresh and younger.
Before using fir oil, you should read the contraindications to its use, and also, if necessary, consult a specialist.
This agent is not recommended for use in acute arthritis, myositis and acute inflammation of the kidneys. Also categorically contraindicated application of fir oil during pregnancy, as this agent has a toxic effect on the fetus.