Hazelnut honey is considered a female product, as its regular application will ensure the youthfulness of the skin and its excellent condition for many years. In addition to fine cosmetic properties, honey is able to overcome stress, protect against cancer and many other diseases.
. Features
Psoraleya is a perennial( in the people - akkray) - a perennial plant common in Central Asia and Bashkortostan. The flowering time begins in May and ends in June, during which bees carefully collect honey from its inflorescence.
This plant has a rather long list of advantages, but its honey has become most popular and spread. It is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. This sort of perfectly lifts the mood, for which it is enough literally one teaspoon a day. And this is so important at the modern pace of life.
Important! Honey is not only a very tasty and nutritious, but at the same time absolutely harmless product - it is not able to cause allergies, due to which it is not forbidden to include in the diet of small children.
Accurate honey has a number of distinctive features, among which:
- rapid crystallization of the product;
- characteristic light shade;
- complete absence of any smell.
Thanks to its parameters, this variety can not be confused with any other. Of course, provided that it is natural honey from psorolea drupe.
Composition of
This beekeeping product is a real storehouse of useful substances. It contains a number of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, as well as enzymes that contribute to metabolic processes.
Thanks to glucose and fructose, which are part of the honey, after its consumption the body receives a huge amount of energy, which is necessary for its normal operation. That is why this product often includes athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle in their diet.
Warning! Having consumed only 100 g of this honey, a person will provide his body with a fifth of the daily energy requirement.
The variety is very nutritious and can be compared to this parameter with beef, wheat flour or liver. It has an excellent taste, for which it is often used in cooking as one of the components of a dish or flavor.
. The microelements included in its composition are the main cause of medicinal properties. Regular use of this beekeeping product will relieve insomnia, normalize the work of the central nervous system, protect against stress, remove irritability and maintain a good mood throughout the day.
Recommendation! The properties of ginger honey were appreciated by many nutritionists and recommended to be used by children, elderly people and those whose body is weakened after a long illness.
The use of the product
The main useful properties of akraine honey include:
- a huge nutritional value;
- bactericidal action;
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- anti-allergic property.
This variety is successfully used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, kidneys. Honey helps to remove toxins from the body and also can cope with fairly severe skin diseases, such as psoriasis.
This product is recommended for increased appetite and normalization of metabolism. It restores hemoglobin levels in the blood, increases efficiency and improves overall well-being. Accuracy honey gently removes excess salt, cholesterol, which can cause serious damage to health, and toxins.Use in cosmetology
It's not for nothing that this brand is called "Women's Product".It helps to maintain the youthfulness of the skin, makes it smooth, removes pigment spots and wrinkles. In addition, since the fair sex is highly emotional, which is often the cause of unnecessary emotions, then in this case, akraine honey, being an excellent antidepressant, comes to the rescue.
They can enrich the purchased and self-made creams, face masks and lotions. It is present in the composition of many hair balms, as it is able to cure them of brittleness and prevents loss. After using such products, the hair becomes smooth, silky and obedient. Even akraine honey helps fight dandruff and more complex skin diseases of the scalp.
Honey infusions are made from this variety, which in complex treatment relieve various female ailments( thrush, cervical erosion).
It is impossible to overestimate the merits of this unique beekeeping product. It helps the body resist many infections, while giving a charge of vivacity, energy and excellent mood. This is a real "golden sand at the bottom of a gold-bearing brook."
To be completely confident in the quality of the product, you can order akraine honey directly from Bashkiria or the countries of Central Asia. In this case, you can safely serve it for tea to your children, make a precious gift to parents or use yourself. It will help to feel to you and your family the real taste of health.