- Where tincture of ginger is used
- How to prepare ginger tincture correctly: four of medicinal recipes
- Several interesting facts
- Questions of harmony
- Contraindications
Ginger is widely known for its useful properties. This wonderful spice can not only change the taste of dishes, but also save from many ailments. It is irreplaceable in battles with excess weight. Among the means based on this plant, the most popular ginger tincture, performing a range of medical functions.
Where tincture of ginger
is applied Tincture of ginger is made on water, alcohol or vodka. Prepare it at home is not difficult. The use of ginger root has long been beyond doubt. He performs a number of important medical tasks:
- normalizes blood circulation;
- accelerates the exchange processes;
- facilitates and eliminates inflammatory processes;
- has a beneficial effect on the stomach;
- relieves pain and cramps in the digestive system;
- accelerates fat metabolism;
- expands with excess body weight;
- is responsible for the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia and other diseases caused by a deficiency or excessive amount of this substance;
- heals catarrhal symptoms: it removes sore throat and cough, reduces fever, removes inflammation;
- normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
- makes the eyesight vigilant;
- cleanses the body;
- gives the immune system resistance to various diseases;
- is used as an effective analgesic.
Warning! Tincture of ginger - a powerful tool for weight loss, burning fat deposits without physical activity and diets.
How to prepare ginger tincture correctly: the four healing medicinal recipes
To the healing effect of ginger is not wasted, it is important to properly prepare from it tincture. It is universal, simple in execution and long-term. Having done once, you can use it for a long time both for medicinal purposes and for losing weight.
Recipes for ginger tincture are different: on vodka, alcohol or plain water.
On vodka
Prepare the ginger root by washing and releasing it from the skin. Chop it in thin layers, lay it in a clean glass container and pour it with vodka( in a ratio of approximately 1 liter per 400 grams of raw materials).Vodka should completely cover the ginger. Cap tightly close and put in a dark, but warm place for 2 weeks. To ensure that the liquid is well brewed, it is necessary to stir the dishes from time to time vigorously. After 14 days, filter and mix with honey and lemon juice. Use in the morning and before dinner for 1 teaspoon.
Attention! Take the healing fluid only on an empty stomach.
Vodka tincture from ginger is excellent for immunity and prevention of colds.
On alcohol
The second recipe is based on medical alcohol. Use it in its pure form is impossible - the strength must be reduced to the level of vodka. To do this, 1 part of the alcohol, dilute 2 parts of boiled water( for example, 400 grams of alcohol 800 g of water).As a result, you will get homemade, quality vodka. The recipe for tincture on alcohol is no different from vodka.
Attention! Divorced alcohol is much better suited for treatment than vodka, since the latter is often mixed with all kinds of impurities. As a result, the tincture deteriorates, covered by the activity of bacteria and fungi.
Vodka and alcoholic ginger infusions are used either inside or outside - for grinding with arthritis and rheumatic ailments.
On the water
Let's consider how the tincture is prepared on ginger, the recipe of which is based on ordinary water. The broth is intended for those who are banned from alcohol.
Ingredients: fresh ginger root( 30 g), water( 300 g), lemon juice( 1 teaspoon), honey( 10-15 g).
Rinse and peel the ginger root. Cut it with thin plates and put into a saucepan. Fill the latter with water, put it on the stove. The broth bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the plate, cool( up to 40 degrees) and strain. In the ready drink mix the juice of lemon and honey. Take 1-2 spoons twice a day before meals.
Citrus-ginger agent
Multifunctional tincture with ginger and lemon helps to strengthen immunity, cope with cold and flu, quickly remove the headache, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, get a charge of vivacity and lose weight.
For the recipe, you will need: fresh ginger root, brought to a powdery state( 3 tablespoons), a peel of two large grapefruits and three lemons, vodka( 0.5 liters).
Gently remove the peel from the citrus, cut it into small pieces and put in a glass jar with ginger. Ingredients pour vodka, seal it tight and place in a dark place for a week. Do not forget to shake the container daily for a good infusion of liquid. After the lapse of 7 days, strain the remedy, add a little sugar or honey to it and take a teaspoon 2 times a day.
Several interesting facts
- Ginger tincture was famous throughout Tibet as an effective cleansing and tonic. Only 1 of her teaspoon can breathe a person into vigor, energy and strength.
- According to folk healers, ginger improves potency in men and women and is able to cope even with infertility.
- There is an unconfirmed hypothesis that the drink improves and restores vision.
- Mixing tincture with raspberry, raspberry syrup or jam doubles its healing potential. This tandem is effective for cold ailments, angina and toothaches.
Warning! Ginger tincture has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antiseptic, expectorant effect. Is it true that ginger bestows harmony? According to the canons of oriental medicine, the root of the plant has the ability to bind and remove from the body slag, toxins and other harmful substances. And as you know, cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract invariably leads to a decrease in weight.
Experts in Tibetan medicine say that infusions on the basis of this amazing plant should be taken before the beginning of any course of treatment - for the purpose of thorough "cleaning" of the body. It follows that tincture of ginger for weight loss can and should be applied.
Means for slimness can be easily made at home. To do this, store:
- root of medium size ginger:
- with two cloves of garlic;
- with water - 2 liters;
- thermos.
Ginger wash, peel and chop into small pieces. Garlic is not crushed. Recipe ingredients are put in a thermos bottle and poured with hot water. The drink should be well brewed. It takes about 2-3 hours. After that, filter the product through a fine sieve and take in a hot or warm form for one cup.
Garlic is added to the decoction by chance: it gives him a piquant taste and promotes accelerated burning of fat stores.
Warning! Ginger drink should be taken just before a meal. It dulls the feeling of hunger, reduces appetite, contributing to intensive weight loss.
To adjust the body's parameters to the ideal, tincture of ginger on vodka or alcohol is often used. It should be drunk 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day before a meal. Duration of admission is from 6 to 10 months.
Ginger in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures is strictly prohibited to consume:
- for liver diseases( especially cirrhosis);
- in heart diseases - in the roots of the plant contain cardioactive substances that can put a serious strain on the heart;
- for plant allergies;
- for acute gastritis;
- for peptic ulcer disease;
- for hepatitis;
- at high temperature;
- for skin diseases;
- with uterine bleeding.
Ginger tincture will bring tangible benefits to health, only in the case of strict compliance with the rules for its use.