Its vegetables are a huge help in the farm. If you are concerned with the question of how to plant cucumbers in the open ground, take the time to sow culture. Cucumbers are a heat-loving plant, they fear night frosts, and from cold watering they develop diseases. Cultivation of a vegetable begins with the selection of soil, variety, season. Planting this culture requires patience for gardeners, knowledge of tricks and plant characteristics.
Which varieties of cucumbers should be planted in the open ground
Hybrid varieties of vegetables are considered more suitable for cultivation( on the bag there is a mark F1).Cucumbers from such seeds quickly sprout, they pollinate better, give a good harvest. For planting, three-year seeds of culture are best suited. They develop more slowly, but form more inflorescences, are famous for their rich yield. Plants grow resistant to disease. The best varieties of vegetables for planting in open soil:
- Competitor;
- Universal;
- Cascade;
- Altai;
- Far East;
- Russian taste;
- Leader;
- Fair cucumber;
- Antoshka;
- Emelya;
- Brigantine;
- Magnificent.
When it is possible to plant cucumbers with seeds
The best time for sowing a crop - when there is a steady weather, the average daily temperature is + 25 ° C, the night time will not fall below + 10 ° C.According to popular signs, a vegetable is sown on Yuri - May 6.Early varieties of cucumbers, such as the Competitor, Universal, Altai, are planted until the middle of the last spring month. The best time for planting cucumbers of late maturation( Antoshka, Emelya, Magnificent) is the end of spring, June.
How to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers
When the upper layer of the earth warms up well, and worry about the germination of the crop does not have to start growing a vegetable. To landing did not give you unpleasant surprises, use the advice of a candidate of agricultural sciences Oktyabryna Ganichkina. For growing cucumbers, select in the garden a spacious, well-lit, sheltered from the wind and manure-fertilized place.
So that the earth warms up well, dig over and loosen it. Cucumber planting place on the place of the garden, where before growing tomatoes, greens, vegetables or legumes( except beans).This culture does not like pumpkin predecessors. Cucumbers plant seeds or seedlings directly into the open soil. Planting watered with warm water. If you follow reasonable agricultural techniques, you will get a good germination culture.
Seed treatment, care and top dressing
Before planting, soak the material for 10 hours, before swelling. For safety, mix the swollen seeds with dry seeds, then proceed to seeding. Painted( treated) seeds are sown without pre-soaking in water. When the culture sprouts, begin to trim the mustache regularly, so that they do not take away the food from the fruits of the plant. Water the cucumber carefully so that the water does not touch the leaves. To obtain a good harvest, provide the culture with favorable conditions, sufficient food.
Feeding cucumbers is one of the most difficult tasks that gardeners constantly have to deal with when cultivating this crop. The first feeding of the plant is carried out 2 weeks after planting, the second - when the pollination begins, and the third - during fruiting. Spraying is carried out on a sunny, windless day. The optimal period of processing of the plant is morning or evening. Use fertilizer based on superphosphate. Handle the cucumber carefully, so as not to damage the shoots, fruit-bearing flower and leaves.
Which depth is optimal for planting
Cucumbers are sown in a pit 3 to 5 cm in depth, previously watered. Seeds are placed along or across the bed.
When sowing along, in the middle pull a string and make grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other with a depth of 7-9 cm.
If you sow across the bed, make equal distances between the grooves. Sow the culture at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, and then the groove is covered with a layer of soil in 2-3 cm, on top of the bed is mulched with peat.
Experienced growers make deep cuttings( 10-12 cm) to cover them with glass or garden film after sowing to stimulate the appearance of the first shoots and protect them from frost.
Preparing seedlings for transplanting
Before you plant a vegetable, prepare the cups. This will save the culture from transplantation in the future, as cucumbers carry it extremely badly.
The containers are filled with soil, pour a warm weak solution of potassium salt( potassium permanganate).
After standing for about 30 minutes.seed the seeds. In each container, deepen one grain, first making a small hole in the center. The depth of the hole is about 1.5 cm. Place the seed flat.
Then fill it with sifted soil, sprinkle with warm water. To preserve moisture, place the container on a stable pallet, cover with a garden cloth.
Place the tray in a warm, well-lit place, wait for emergence. For this purpose, a greenhouse or window sill is perfect.
Loosening and watering is a prerequisite for good seed germination.
Since the formation of culture occurs in greenhouse conditions, it must be strengthened - gradually accustomed to natural conditions: air, sunlight, lower temperatures. To do this, open the windows at home or take out the seedlings during the day on the balcony. The time of her stay in the open air step-by-step increase. When growing a crop in a greenhouse, a film is opened to strengthen the plant.
The quality seedling has a thick, sturdy stem, leaves of a dense green hue. Only in this form it is ready to be transplanted into the open ground. If the seedlings have weak roots and large leaves, then reduce its watering. Do not rush to transplant culture, a fragile plant will die. The video material below will help you prepare cucumber seedlings for transplanting into the open ground.