Professional teeth whitening with the Beyond Polus system

To date, teeth whitening is seen by many as a mandatory procedure that can be applied to a variety of patients in dental clinics, regardless of their age and lifestyle.

First of all, this state of affairs is due to the fact that now white and beautiful teeth are perceived as one of the most important signs of success.

Modern young and not so people associate them with a young, healthy person, full of ambitions, ideas and plans for life.

A successful person goes through life with a smile that should be dazzling, snow-white, perfect. Beautiful teeth - the key to success in any conversation, whether it is simple communication with the family or an important job interview. This is part of the image, a business card of a person, a necessary element of everyday form.

Therefore, providing the most attractive smile, the use of appropriate whitening systems is simply necessary.

Contents of

  • The Beyond Polus system and its distinctive features
  • Mechanism of exposure
  • instagram viewer
  • Technology of using the
  • system About the advantages and advantages of
  • Beyond Polus VS Zoom
  • Are there any restrictions?
  • How long does the effect last?
  • Patient's opinion
  • Question price

Beyond Polus system and its distinctive features

Beyond Polus is one of these systems. The essence of the procedure is the effect of hydrogen peroxide, which, after it penetrates through the tooth enamel, oxidizes a variety of pigment spots and brightens the teeth.

Artificial lightening works better than any advertised toothpaste or folk remedies.

In the case of this system, the light of the blue spectrum is used, which, due to the fact that it is filtered through more than 12,000 optical fibers, does not have any negative effects. This procedure is completely safe, and its total duration is an average of one hour.

Sometimes, in the case of problematic clients whose teeth are too low, the duration of bleaching with Beyond Polus increases slightly. But this is more an exception than a rule.

Some nuances should also be observed after this procedure has already been carried out. It is recommended not to drink wine, coffee or even tea for a while.

Mechanism of action

We have already mentioned that the Beyond Polus system is directly related to the use of light in the blue spectrum. At the output, this light is filtered by two optical lenses.

Their distinctive feature can be considered the presence of just 30 layers of special coating. The length of the cold blue light, which afterwards will fall on the teeth, will be 480-520 nm. According to medical practice, this length will be sufficient to ensure the optimum range of teeth whitening.

No worries about harmful ultraviolet radiation, as it will be completely removed by the aforementioned filtration system.

Ultimately, it will retain only a focused beam of cold light, which belongs to the blue spectrum. It will penetrate deeply into the dental tissues and cause an oxidation process that will not cause any side effects.

Technology of using the

system Teeth whitening with Beyond Polus consists of the following steps:

  1. Initially, the dentist performs the customer consultation .The specialist should tell him about the process of teeth whitening, and also discuss what final result he will be able to count on. They will undergo a thorough examination, which should show that in relation to this particular patient, a procedure for teeth whitening with Beyond Polus can be performed.
  2. After this, the doctor will install the special cheek retractor, and also suggest using special safety glasses .Representatives of some modern clinics, in addition to all of the above, will be ready to offer you also a special lip balm, necessary to prevent their overdrying.
  3. Next, between the teeth and gums and gums will be applied protective gel , which after it will need to light up the lamp. It acts as a kind of gum protection against the harmful effects of the whitening agent that will be used.
  4. In the presence of the patient, the doctor must unpack the original BEYOND syringe, which is also used occasionally as BEYOND MAX.
  5. The whitening gel should be carefully applied to the upper teeth of the , completely covering the surface of each of them.
  6. If the above steps have not caused any problems, the dentist must bring a special BEYOND accelerator to the teeth of the patient, keeping it in this position for 12 minutes. That's not all! The procedure consists of three consecutive cycles and for this reason it will take at least 40 minutes to sit in the dental chair.
  7. After completing all these steps from the mouth of the patient, all bleaching materials of must be removed. In the event that the doctor has performed everything correctly and has met all the necessary standards, then, having looked into his own reflection, the patient will be able to see teeth of a completely new color that can not be compared with that which had to be seen before.

Advantages and advantages of

The advantages are obvious:

  1. The efficiency of .Sitting in the dental chair for the appropriate procedure, the patient can always count on the fact that he will be able to achieve the expected result.
  2. Speed ​​of the .The procedure does not require a long period of time for its direct implementation and most often takes about 40 minutes.
  3. Security .In the case of the Beyond Polus system, the light of the blue spectrum is used, which is characterized by its high intensity, and also because it is not capable of causing any harm or negative impact on the human body.

Beyond Polus VS Zoom

Currently, teeth whitening is possible not only through the use of the Beyond Polus system, so it is appropriate to compare it with other methods.

We offer you to compare Beyond Polus with the very well known Zoom technology, which at one time enjoyed unjustifiably great popularity.

Basically, the results that can be obtained by using these two methods are comparable with each other.

However, in the case of Zoom, there are some drawbacks. Among the most significant of them is the fact that the systems of zoom are provided with ultraviolet light sources, which often cause burns on the lips, gums or even in the entire oral cavity.

Moreover, they can often cause a tan around the mouth, which is unlikely to be desirable.

Are there any restrictions?

Despite the fact that in pursuit of a beautiful smile to conduct the procedure under consideration, a variety of population categories are resolved before visiting a relevant dental clinic, you should familiarize yourself with some contraindications regarding the use of Beyond Polus lamps.

This procedure is not recommended for:

  • pregnant women or those of the fair sex who still breastfeed their baby;
  • people who have not reached the age of sixteen;
  • individuals with excessive tooth sensitivity.

If we talk about the main indications for the use of Beyond Polus technology, then those are yellow or brown teeth, fluorosis and so on.

How long does the effect last?

If you believe the official statement of dentists who provide this service to the public, the effect of using Beyond Polus lamps can last for several years!

Of course, the duration of the effect depends on a huge number of different nuances.

For example, if a patient wants the effect from the previous procedure to be preserved for the maximum possible period of time, he should follow a colorless diet for 2 weeks after whitening, and reduce the consumption of red wine, tea and coffee.

The opinion of the patient

Teeth whitening with the help of the Beyond lamp is popular and popular, which is confirmed by the patients' reviews and the demand among them for the service.

Relatively recently, I decided to use the Beyond Polus system. I managed to use the corresponding service in the territory of one of the local dental clinics.

At one time I was skeptical about procedures of this type and it was for this reason that I did not expect a particularly long-lasting result.

However, such my expectations were not justified, since the result is still relevant, or at least it seems to me so! I will not deny, I still had some nuances related to this procedure. After a while my sensitivity of teeth increased and everything else, painful was the process of their bleaching.

Valentina, 36

Price of the issue

On average, the cost of the procedure for teeth whitening with the Beyond system is 6 400 rubles. This makes the procedure available for almost every category of population.

Undoubtedly, this procedure is especially relevant, because any modern person desires to have a beautiful and healthy smile.

Compared with the closest analogues, it should be noted that Beyond Polus has undoubted advantages.

Out of their total number, it is possible to highlight the safety of carrying out such a procedure, its effectiveness, and also its relatively low cost.

Teeth whitening is often a necessary but risky operation, on the quality of which the result of work directly depends.

Beyond polus will be an excellent choice for a person who is still doubting, carrying it will not hit the wallet and will not cause trouble in the form of dangerous complications and dental diseases.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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