Why, after the removal of the wisdom tooth, does the throat ache, the gums swell and the temperature "falls"?

Removing the wisdom tooth is an extremely unpleasant and painful process, which very often entails various complications.

These teeth have 4 roots, which begin to grow during the formation of the jaw. The roots of the "eights" have their own peculiarity and differ from the roots of ordinary teeth in that they have a curved shape and grow in different directions.

Actually, these root differences make the operation to remove wisdom tooth rather difficult and unpleasant. In addition, the operation complicates the location of the roots, as usually they are extremely deep, in close proximity to the ternary nerve.

The procedure is divided into stages, often the dentist needs to cut the gum and drill the bones. If the triceal nerve is touched during the removal of the wisdom tooth, the chance of pain and swelling in the throat, cheeks and other areas of the head, increase in temperature and other unpleasant symptoms increases.

Contents of

  • What are the complications after removing the "8-k"?
    instagram viewer
    • Sore throat and glands
    • Cheek swelling
    • Temperature rise
    • No sensitivity
    • Development of facial nerve neuralgia
    • Development of alveolitis
    • Bleeding of the
    • well Dry hole
    • Pus in the gums and wound
  • General recommendations for minimizing the risks

What complications arise after removing the "8-to"?

Almost immediately after removal of the wisdom tooth, the temperature rises, the gums and cheeks swell, painful sensations arise, which can arise from elementary movements of the mouth, for example, during drinking or eating.

After the action of the frost ends, the injured gum often begins to swell, hurt and inflame.

Usually, the pain is extinguished on the third day after removal, but if this did not happen, and the patient had fever, the edema increased, then you should immediately visit the doctor who performed the operation. Problems can be caused by the ingestion of small particles of food into the well. In this case, its urgent purging is required, this procedure is performed by the dentist.

Other likely consequences that may occur after removal of the wisdom tooth:

  • sore throat;
  • fever;
  • edema of cheek;
  • pain in the glands;
  • paresthesia;
  • edema, pain and bleeding gums;
  • development of alveolitis;
  • development of neuralgia of the facial nerve;
  • temperature increase;
  • dry hole;
  • pus.

Sore throat and glands

Sometimes the patient has sore and sore throat after dental manipulation and even diagnosed a mild form of sore throat that signals that the gums were severely injured during the removal of the wisdom tooth, resulting in increased and inflamed tonsils. At this time they fight with pathogenic bacteria to avoid the development of inflammation. As a rule, immunity wins in this fight.

Also, pain in the grief can be caused by a hematoma. In dentistry, the concept of "hematoma" is somewhat different from the usual understanding.

The hematoma after removal of the third molar is considered a common occurrence. This occurs when the vascular is injured in soft tissues. Do not blame the dentist, since he at all desire can not see where exactly this vessel is located.

If the vessel is damaged, a bruise may appear on the skin after a couple of days. Understand that there is a hematoma, such symptoms as fever and swelling of the cheeks will help.

For the treatment of hematoma, gum cutting measures are applied on the damaged area, and drainage is installed, which will ensure the flow of pus.

Chest edema

Edema of the cheek when removed from the tooth is considered a normal reaction of the body and it is observed in almost all patients.

If the edema is moderate, does not increase in size, there is no acute pain and bad breath, there are no reasons for concern.

Otherwise, see a doctor.

Temperature rise

The temperature that rises after the removal of the wisdom tooth is a natural phenomenon. In the early days, toward evening, it rises to about 37 degrees. If a person is severely hampered, he may well use a febrifuge.

If the temperature continues to hold for a long time, then it is a signal of infection.

In such a case, you should consult a specialist.

Absence of sensitivity

Paresthesia is characterized by numbness, due to damage to the nerves, the lower part of the face, in particular the chin and lips, this occurs when removing wisdom teeth that are located in close proximity to the facial nerves.

This unpleasant complication is extremely rare and completely occurs within 1-2 weeks. However, if the damage is too serious, then paresthesia can become permanent.

Development of facial nerve neuralgia

Development of facial nerve neuralgia occurs with unintentional infection of the wound and with an allergic reaction to an anesthetic. In this case all or some branches of the trigeminal nerve are affected.

After complex extraction, in no case should you be supercooled, as this can trigger the development of neuralgia. The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • , there is aching pain in the gum area and in place of the teeth;
  • numbness of the face;
  • face swelling;
  • impaired motor function.
If a person observes such symptoms, he should immediately contact a specialist who will establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment.

Development of alveolitis

The causes of the appearance of such complications as the alveolitis may be several. It can lead to the presence of chronic periodontitis, and is also a dry hole. Another factor contributing to this complication may be a fragment of the tooth, which is stuck in the peri-toothed tissues.

All these causes contribute to infection of the hole, and further development of a serious inflammatory process.

Pain is detected within the first 3 days, then an unpleasant, specific odor from the mouth appears. Over time, all of the above symptoms will only increase. The well will be covered with plaque, take food and talk will be impossible because of unbearable, aggravating pain.

In the development of alveolitis, self-medication is strictly prohibited, since the complication can develop into a more serious disease, for example - periostitis. Therefore, at the first sign, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bleeding of the hole

If the blood flows from the hole right after the operation it is quite normal, because during the removal of the wisdom tooth, the tissue and blood vessels are necessarily injured, but there are cases when the bleeding is opened some time after the procedure.

The patient can stop such bleeding on his own, just attach a wadded disk to the wound, or a gauze swab and gently bite the teeth. After about 15 minutes, the blood will stop. If this does not happen for a long time, you should contact your dentist.

Dry hole

To heal successfully, a blood clot should be present in the hole, because it will serve as a protection for the bone and nerve nodes. Therefore, categorically not advised to rinse your mouth at least the first day after the procedure, and also eat hot food, because it promotes resorption of the blood clot.

But there are cases in which a clot does not form and there is a complication, which is called a dry hole.

A dry hole appears due to a complex operation, in which the tissues of the oral cavity are severely injured. The lack of the necessary clot leads to severe pain, and it seems to the patient that they give in the ear.

Often the complication is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. In the future, all this can lead to suppuration of gums and alveolitis.

Therefore, when there is pain in the nest of the tooth, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor. The specialist will put a cotton swab on the nest with a special anti-phlogistic gel that will prevent inflammation. The gel is used until the beginning of tissue healing.

Pus in the gums and wound

Suppuration of the gums and the wound itself after tooth extraction is formed as a result of their infection. The possible cause of infection may be non-compliance with oral hygiene recommended by the dentist.

Increased risk of a purulent process after a difficult extraction. Treatment is worth doing immediately. If the suppuration is not treated in a timely manner, later on the gum may form a fistula and even a cyst.

Pericoronitis is an acute inflammatory process that develops after the removal of a wisdom tooth that provokes edema and an abscess gum.

General recommendations for minimizing the risks of

To quickly heal a wound, stop the inflammation, remove swelling and pain, follow the following recommendations after removing the wisdom tooth:

  • in order to prevent contamination of the socket, in no case should one touch the hands and other various objects to the wound and gums;
  • to exclude hot baths, baths, saunas;
  • to avoid injury to the wound, should for a few days to refuse brushing teeth;
  • when rinsing the mouth is not recommended to exercise too much movement.

The implementation of these simple rules will help not only to alleviate discomfort, but also to avoid infection of the socket.

With increasing pain, anesthetics can be taken. To soothe the damaged tissue of the oral cavity, antiseptic baths should be used.

You can buy special solutions in the pharmacy and keep them in your mouth for several minutes 3-4 times a day. As mentioned before, you can not rinse the oral cavity, so you just need to keep the solution, having made sure that it is at room temperature.

It is worth paying special attention to nutrition. In the first 3 days, solid foods should be excluded to prevent small particles from entering the well. The best option would be cereals and soups-mashed potatoes. After each meal, it is necessary to keep a mouth rinse in the mouth to clean the wound from food particles and not to provoke infection.

Often wisdom teeth can deliver a lot of problems and inconveniences to a person. They can almost not manifest themselves until a certain time. But it happens that there comes a time when they simply can not be ignored, and people have to resort to their extraction.

Special attention should be paid to choosing a dentist for such a complicated procedure. This operation does not accept mistakes, and the actions of an illiterate doctor can lead to disastrous results, because the sore throat is not the most dangerous.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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