How to brush teeth with salt with maximum benefit and minimal harm?

Oral health worries almost everyone. Proper dental care is necessary for dental health.

How can I brush my teeth? Most people will find this question stupid, because everyone knows that cleaning is done with toothpaste or powder. But there is an alternative method that allows to strengthen enamel, gums, tissues - cleaning teeth with salt.

What are the properties of salt, is it harmful or useful and how to clean your teeth with it?

Properties of NaCl - everything should be a measure of

Salt( NaCl) is a valuable product, but it must be used in a moderate amount. It is rich in minerals that regulate the balance of water in the body, contributing to the established work of all internal organs. For example, sea salt has a laxative effect, that is, it improves digestion and peristalsis.

Salt penetrates deeply into soft gum tissue, eliminates inflammation, kills bacteria and microbes, positively affects the oral cavity and its condition. It does not harm the body, has no contraindications and side effects, fights with periodontal disease, gingivitis and caries. It is quite cheap and is a natural product of natural origin.

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In the 17th century people began to brush their teeth with salt. It is proved that this product eliminates plaque, smells from the mouth and kills germs. The coating on the enamel disappears due to the impact of abrasive particles. Care is provided by trace elements, which are rich in the presented product.

Abrasive properties of salt help whiten tooth enamel. Proper use of it allows you to improve the oral cavity and improve its condition. It should be noted and the lack of an allergic reaction, because the product is completely natural.

Salt is considered the most important component of the normal functioning of the human body. Every living creature needs it. There are several types of NaCl: iodized, sea, cook and stone.

Since ancient times, people have used salt to care for the oral cavity. Its effectiveness has been proven for centuries. The product has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Minerals and microelements in its composition strengthen the tissues of the oral cavity.

With proper tooth cleaning, salt reduces the risk of diseases such as caries and periodontitis. In addition, the unpleasant odor disappears, the enamel is saturated with useful trace elements. Saline solution is expediently used as an additional means of treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Harmful salt only when a person does not follow the tooth cleaning technology. For example, pressing on the brush can cause irritation and the appearance of wounds on the gums. Also, you can not use salt every day, and if you brush your teeth excessively, you can thin the tooth enamel by exposing large NaCl particles.

Brushing your teeth correctly!

The first cleaning should take place without a toothbrush, it is enough to do the procedure with the pads of the fingers. To start carefully my hands, then we take in the mouth one teaspoon of salt, place under the tongue, wait a few seconds. After the large particles begin to gradually dissolve, you can rub your teeth with the tongue from the outer and inner sides.

After complete dissolution, teeth should be rubbed with fingers. It is also desirable to massage the gum. You can not press and apply unnecessary efforts. It takes two minutes to massage. Then rinse the oral cavity with water at room temperature.

After a few cleansings you will get used to the salty taste. Gradually you can start using a brush. It is necessary to make a saline solution similar to a paste. We dab the brush and brush our teeth. It is possible to mix the saline with the usual toothpaste.

We carry out vertical movements, so the enamel is not injured. First we clean the inside and gradually go to the outside. Each site should be allocated for 10 seconds. The gums are cleaned last.

Do not use salt every day for teeth cleaning. You can alternate it with toothpaste, for example, one day salt, and the other two days pasta. With the right approach, you can forget about the diseases of the oral cavity.

In fact, there is no exact answer to the question regarding the benefits of daily salt cleansing. Everything depends on the individual characteristics, hardness of the enamel and the state of the soft tissues.

Ideally, use crystals obtained in this way - they are completely cleaned of

impurities. Do not press on the brush, it is fraught with serious consequences for the gums!

How to choose the salt and brush it with teeth according to Bolotov:

Bring back the enamel former shine just

British doctor Mervyn Druyan believes that the color of the tooth enamel should look natural, natural and practically coincide with the color of the eye protein. Experts argue that the alternative to professional whitening in the dental clinic is home care. But how can you whiten the enamel yourself?

Salt water for rinsing copes with plaque and dental deposits. It is enough to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. With this solution rinse your mouth for 1-2 minutes. Gradually the tooth enamel will begin to lighten. It is important to carry out the procedure every day.

Also, in conclusion, I want to note that cooking and sea salt is an excellent preventive tool. It is allowed to rinse the oral cavity with salt water even to children. But, if you already have problems with the teeth, then before using, consult a dentist. Self-medication is not the best choice.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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