How can you get rid of the devil's uncertainty?
How to stop biting and nagging for your own failures?
How to believe in your personality and spontaneity?
This will help you a good self-esteem!
This article, we will help you enhance the self-esteem of - just trust us!
How to increase self-esteem?
You are clumsy, fat, illiterate. .. You know little and do not know anything. .. You are a lazy and a complete loser. ..
And this list of accusations is only a small part of what you repeat yourself every day and instill into your subconscious!
Remember, when you blame yourself for any little thing - you automatically program yourself for the next setbacks, you drive yourself into complexes!
Ask yourself the question:
When did you praise yourself? When did you concentrate on your own merits?
If it turns out that you remembered your worthy qualities only on your Birthday, during the congratulations of friends - then this article is 100% written for you!
Stop punishing yourself!
It's time to talk about your worthy aspects, and for this you must first increase your self-esteem!
What is self-esteem, how to characterize it?
self-esteem is when a person adequately assesses his personality, individuality, uniqueness, importance of his abilities and qualities of character!. .
In a word, he knows his own worth!
I once wandered around the various sites on the Internet and came across a very interesting article of a woman who was constantly sawing herself and blaming her complexes!
The woman frankly shared that from a young age she was always plump, all her girlfriends were slender, like cypresses, and only she seemed to be a "pie".
Once she decided one way, add yourself motivation for playing sports and for a diet!
She took up one kind of exercise before bedtime!
Every time she goes to bed, she repeats and inspires certain phrases: "I'm very fat, I look like a pig, I immediately need to lose weight!"If I'm so fat, no one will ever love me! "
And what happened in the end?
The result turned out completely opposite to what she expected - the woman even more drove herself into the complexes!
Charge it lasted exactly 1 minute - waved one hand, the other leg and we physically this load ended.
Then she ran like lightning to the kitchen, ate half the loaf for which she spared chocolate chocolate oil on top and ate the same.
Her waist was widening in front of her eyes, her mood deteriorated as soon as she spoiled herself with different pirozhenki!
And now let's all analyze this situation together!
Why this woman criticized herself so negatively, using the following thoughts in her head:
"Ah. .. since I'm so fat, so be it! So this is my destiny, my burden! We must accept and continue to empty the refrigerator and of course suffer. "
How to increase self-esteem for a man?
With such phrases, she showed her despair, her weakness, lowered her hands and stopped struggling with herself!
When she relished it with cakes, she used this method to execute herself, executed her body for not obeying her, losing weight, but gaining kilos.
Let's go further!
Do you have low self-esteem?
And you dig in your childhood!
Since childhood, we are all looking for endorsements from our parents, relatives, friends!
We are waiting for their praise and good words to our side.
It's sad that not all parents can consider the hidden talents of their child( or do not even try to see them - they let things go by themselves, or are very busy with work, that even their own child does not have enough time).
Probably all the well-known popular actor Robin Williams, who starred in the comedy film "Mrs. Doubtfire."
So, the actor's father initially attached his son to a prestigious educational institution so that he learned political science and in the future became a specialist in his direction. ..
But, Robina was soon expelled from the school.
After that, my father advised him to study as a welder, because he completely lost the hope that something would grow out of his son.
As a child, we are completely dependent on the assessment of the people around us: not so pronounced a phrase in our line, an aggressive remark, a bad evaluation of one of our qualities - all this sits in our memory, and in the future it already turns into definite complexes!
Learning to love life!
For an example I will give one real life event:
"I am very afraid to perform on an open stage in front of a crowd of people! I begin to blush, forget the words, my heart breaks out of the chest with excitement!
This is some sort of nonsense. ..
In my school years, I loved performing on stage, playing a variety of scenes, taking part in KVN "- 35-year-old Vladimir said -" I think the reason for all this was the incident that happened to me in10 th grade.
I was the host of the school holiday, and somehow accidentally heard the words of my teachers: "Why did Vovochka make this holiday host, it's unbearable, it will crush so much!". ..
"Since then, I can not. .. mehard to break yourself! "
Psychologists argue that you can defeat a low self-esteem, you can only dig into your past.
When a person finds the very situation that causes him complexes and experiences - he can again scroll in his head and re-think, analyze, give the opportunity to forgive himself, stop driving himself into complexes, thus eliminating the inner "I"from negative feelings!
How to increase self-esteem?
And you recognize your uniqueness!
One of my acquaintances forked up and bought themselves a dorogushchee fur coat!
Before that, for a long time she assured her husband that she really needed this manto, she argued with him for a long time and even added a dose of tears to her pity!
For some reason it seemed to her that when she put on this stunning manto she would immediately come to confidence!
Employees immediately start to idolize her, her own children - will become obedient, and her husband will love more.
But alas. .. this never happened.
In her fur coat, she seemed sluggish Winnie the Pooh.
Employees giggled behind her, and her own daughter right in the forehead charged the phrase: "Mamul, you look ridiculous in this fur garment, like a cow on ice!"
That's it. ..
How to raise self-confidence?
Yes, it often happens that when a person, before analyzing and getting rid of internal complexes and low self-esteem, tries to hide them with the help of external factors.
Think about how much time and money we have to improve our appearance, while analyzing and fighting internal complexes would bring us a double benefit.
When a person is positive and lives with pleasure every day - to him will always be the same people.
To increase the self-esteem of is very simple: you must first of all appreciate your own qualities, find out your individuality and uniqueness!
Remember, those people who know their worthy qualities - achieve success with one click of their finger, confidently heading for the goal!
Scientists have proved the interesting fact that the person who is positively attuned to life knows about his virtues - he rarely gets sick with diseases!
His body strengthens its defense and resists various viruses, which can provoke prolonged stress( and on this soil there are: headaches, heart ailments, and ulcers, etc.)
Be sure to look at some more helpful recommendations about how the
what other ways can you raise your self-esteem
and finally cease to be a aching pessimist!
We look:
Do you still have low self-esteem?
Carry out useful of your mistakes!
You know, from unpleasant situations and failures - no one in this life is immune!
Instead of experiencing because of some unpleasant circumstances - you can find not only one negative and solid minuses, but also to find positive moments with pluses!
Have you been refused admission to a new job?
It does not matter! They gave up and forgot!
As in the future you will receive even the best offer, a new chance. ..
Believe it, because the idea is material, and keep smiling!
Did you break up with your soul mate?
Well, all right!
Understand, when you create a new serious relationship, you will be more savvy, wiser and more experienced!
Be positive!
After all, positive thinking not only programs your inner self for good luck in the future - thanks to it to you, as a magnet will succeed. ..