Sometimes in life there comes such a moment( when you want to start all over again), sometimes it's the circumstances that you have to think about moving to another locality or even to another country.
But how to move to another city to get used to a new place to take with you everything you need, but do not pull a ton of trash into the future, how to part with old friends and find new ones?
Not so difficult, I tell you, especially if you do not be afraid of innovations and do not pass before difficulties.
How to move to another city: do not be afraid!
Our compatriots for some reason are terribly afraid of change.
And if the younger generation( yesterday's schoolchildren, students, university graduates) are happy to change their place of residence, especially when it comes to moving to a large city / capital from a small village, then for middle-aged people the need to move to another city turns into hard labor.
Our compatriots of mature age take root( in the literal sense of this expression) so much that it is not possible to rip them out.
At the same time, Americans( to a lesser extent - Europeans) do not see any reason to become attached to one place, most often they easily sell their property, take in an armful of children and move to another city if they are offered promotion and betterwork, in exchange for the present.
"What problems is there to move to another city?", - any American will ask you and will be absolutely right.
Do not be afraid of moving, because you can get a lot of useful and enjoyable opportunities:
- Start life anew, especially if you did not get on very well in the old place.
- Build a career.
- Faster to get on your feet and find a material base( house, car, bank account).
- Make big money.
- Find new friends or new love.
- Discover new horizons for yourself.
- Becoming more happy.
How to move to another city in an extreme way?
I'll tell you a story about my former neighbor.
She rented an apartment on our site.
Was older than me by 5 years, but the difference in age did not interfere, and we talked well, although we can not say that they were such bosom girlfriends.
In Kiev, Inna moved from a small city in the Zhytomyr region and seemed to be pleased with everyone: she had a job( she is a yoga coach), she had enough money to rent a house, clothes, food and even something to put off.
On the deferred money Inna went on vacation in the UAE.
She did not return home from this trip.
In a rented apartment from Zhytomyr region her mother came to pack her daughter's clothes and solve problems with the landlady.
Mom also said that Inna found work in the UAE and stayed there to live.
A month later I found a former neighbor in social networks and she explained to me that the yoga coach was urgently needed for the hotel where she rested, Inna offered herself, she was quickly approved, she issued a visa, insurance and other documents permitting her to reside legally in the UAE,therefore, to return home even in order to pick up things, there was no point.
In this country, Inna has been living for 6 years, recently exhibited her photos with a rounded tummy and a wedding dress.
Here's how sometimes it's easy, albeit unplanned, to move to another city.
How to move to another city by minimizing the number of problems?
Of course, not everyone can move to another city the way Inna did.
Firstly, it's not a fact that it will be so lucky to find a well-paid job with such ease and an employer who will take on all the difficulties in drafting documents.
Secondly, I understand that all people are different: one can, by risking everyone, go to another city light, not even knowing what will be doing there, and the other needs to plan everything in advance to make a measured decision.
There is nothing terrible in the different approaches to the move, the main thing is to move to another city in order to minimize the number of difficulties in the new place.
You can do it:
- Studying theoretically( and better - practically: if the city you want to move into is not too far from your current residence, then why not visit it for a couple of days as a tourist) this town.
- Find a good job, if not an offer from the employer caused your move.
Decide where you will live.
You should not rely on that the offer to live in a fairy-tale palace will fall on your head, as soon as you get off the train.
Book in advance at least temporary housing, until you find a permanent one.
Calculate how much money you need to last the first two months in another city.
It's stupid to decide to move with empty pockets, counting only on future salary.
- Love the city in advance, in which you are going to live, so that less nostalgia is tormented.
What things do you need to take to move to another city?
Of course, we will not be able to make a complete list of things for moving to another city, because much depends on:
- where exactly and on what terms you are moving;
- you do it on your own or together with your family;
- how many and what things do you have, etc.
I will say without which you can not move to another city. Without:
- documents proving your identity;
- money for the first time( better that most of them are stored on a bank card);
- seasonal clothing and shoes( no need to carry around with the entire wardrobe, if part of it is where to leave);
- cosmetics and bottle with favorite perfume( for boys - without shaving accessories);
- laptop / tablet, mobile phone and chargers to them.
Everything else, as for me, you can buy on the spot or pick up later.
Before moving to another city, carefully go over your personal belongings and throw away everything that you did not use in the coming year.
What to bring with you to the sea?
And do not try to drag along a heap of rubbish with motivation "and suddenly come in handy."
New life should be with new things and a minimum of old ones.
You do not need to burn bridges to move to another city. ..
If you move to another city you were prompted not by a big tragedy, but by financial gain or craving for something new, then you do not need to loudly slam the door in your old house or burn with joy allbridges.
I remember how my former friends, going to work in Italy, organized a party and under the influence of alcohol, told me why they do not like each of them and why they are happy to leave.
We returned in three months( something did not grow together), there is nowhere to live( they sold their one-room apartment on a cheap basis), of course, no one of the "bad" friends was in a hurry to help them.
I had to move to their parents in Cherkassy.
Do not do the same as my stupid former friends.
5 tips on how to ask forgiveness from a friend of
You do not know if you will succeed in moving to another city or will soon have to return.
Keep a good relationship with friends and family, say goodbye to them humanly.
You have better housing to rent, and not sell for 5 cents.
Car can either be taken with you, or sold, using the money earned for it as a backup.
Interesting tips for young people,
who are planning to move to another city,
will find in this video too:
Nostalgia is normal if you move to another city
In addition to the banal difficulties that everyone who decides to move to another city(studying a foreign settlement, adapting to a new place of work, domestic issues, etc.), there is one more problem: nostalgia.
If you did not escape from your hometown, because everyone hated it, then it is only natural that you will miss both its streets, your parents, and your friends.
Do not be embarrassed by this feeling, but too much to give into his power, too, is not necessary.
It's important for you to understand: in your hometown you were much better than in the new one, or you are simply bored, because there was a house and good memories there.
In the first case, it makes sense to think about returning or moving to some other place, in the second - you just need to suffer: soon the feeling of nostalgia will become less strong, and then disappear altogether.
I know how to move to another city ( I myself moved to London from Kiev).
This is not easy, but more often than not, any change is for the good.
I do not regret the perfect act and I do not advise you.