In recent years, donating blood to oncomarkers has become commonplace, whereas in the recent past people have been scared to go to the laboratory to determine the body's tendency to cancer. What does the blood test show for cancer markers and how can a dangerous disease be prevented?
What is ondarkers
The concept of oncomakers is very voluminous, because there are about two hundred species, although actively use ten times less quantity. The general definition means that these are blood proteins whose significance can be increased if a tumor exists in the human body or only. Such a genus of proteins can be isolated by the neoplasm or cells that are located nearby.
When you need to pass the
analysis When you give an analysis to oncomarkers, you can see the presence of a small amount of specific protein even in a healthy adult when you get the result. Therefore, for each species there is a certain threshold, the excess of which indicates a disease. Small discrepancies with the norm mean that the body has cysts, benign tumors, inflammatory or infectious diseases.
Is it possible to determine the cancer by the blood test? Yes, even if the disease is only beginning and it can not be diagnosed with ultrasound, MRI or X-ray. Many modern doctors offer patients to take an analysis for cancer cells in the body, even with little suspicion of the transition to oncology, as well as for the prevention and early detection of cancer.
In case the cancer tumor has already been diagnosed and the corresponding treatment has been carried out, it is mandatory for the doctor to monitor the patient's condition with the help of regular biochemical blood tests for the presence of markers of a certain type. This is done in order to notice the spread of metastases in time, if any. A timely examination, a blood test for oncology and early detection of the presence of the disease gives a great guarantee of a successful outcome of treatment.
What does the
markers mean? What does the submitted blood test show for cancer markers? In the presence of diseases of different organs, different laboratory tests are carried out, having their own coding. Carrying out a test for the presence of oncomarkers in the blood of a certain type, the doctor will be able to find differences between a benign and malignant tumor, track the course of the disease and fix the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
What is Sa-125
There are tumor markers for women, which are used primarily in gynecology to identify diseases that are related only to women. The doctor, seeing the patient's problems with women's health, appoints blood donation for analysis. What does the ca-125 oncomarker show? The reference value is from 0 to 35 IU / ml. Exceeding the level indicator, except for pregnancy or the period of menstruation, indicates the development of cancers of such organs:
- of the breast;
- of the uterus, including its inner layer - endometrium( endometriosis disease);
- of the ovaries.
Decoding of the oncomarker 19-9
For gastrointestinal diseases that last for a long time, with relapses, an attentive doctor will prescribe a blood test for cancer cells. To check the organs of the digestive system is suitable oncomarker 19-9.Normal values are 0-40 IU / ml. The value above 40 IU / ml signals that the patient has cancer of the internal organs:
- of the stomach;
- pancreatic;
- of the colon or rectum;
- of the bile.
Alpha Fetoprotein Norm
The basis of the primary diagnosis of liver cancer is AFP.In adults, a norm greater than 10 IU / ml is considered a pathology. Not only when a malignant liver tumor is detected, the AFP values increase, sometimes it speaks of metastases coming from cancer of other organs - lungs, breast, intestines. It should be taken into account that in the diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis, hepatitis, the level of AFP is increased. Pregnant women and fetus also have an increased value of Alpha-fetoprotein.
Oncomarker REA
The walls of the digestive tract of the fetus located in the womb of the mother are capable of producing a cancer-embryonic antigen. From the moment of birth and successive maturation, the synthesis of this oncomarker gradually ceases. In a person who is not sick, the blood will contain CEA, equal to 0-5 ng / ml. If the result of the analysis shows that the norm has been exceeded, it is necessary to immediately check on the cancer tumors such organs:
- mammary glands;
- uterus;
- ovaries;
- prostate;
- stomach;
- rectum;
- large intestine;
- is easy.
The prostate specific antigen
PSA is a very important cancer marker for every man who has reached the age of 40 years. Doctors who are monitoring their health to men are advised regularly, at least once a year, to take a blood test for prostate cancer, especially if there was a case of prostate hyperplasia. In order to determine the correct diagnosis in time, before giving the PSA tumor marker analysis, you should not do a massage or a biopsy. The mechanical effect leads to an increase in the results, the norm of which in the blood is less than 4 ng / ml.
Value of sa-15-3
The cancer marker of the breast, which reached the late stage, is the CA-15-3 oncomarker. Its increased value from 30 U / ml indicates the presence of cancer. The exception is the period of pregnancy, when the value of the oncomarker is higher than normal. The delivery of blood for analysis by this type is prescribed for suspected relapse of the disease and metastasis of the following organs:
- endometrium, uterus;
- of the ovaries;
- lung;
- of the bladder;
- of the stomach;
- of the liver;
- thyroid;
- pancreatic.
How to pass an analysis on cancer cells
After the appointment of a doctor to undergo a blood test for certain types of cancer markers, the day of the laboratory visit is selected. It is done in the morning, before taking the test, you can not eat at least 8, but it's better 12 hours, so the blood from the vein is taken on an empty stomach. It is allowed to drink water, but a little. To determine the result, 5 ml is sufficient. The duration of the study depends on the type of oncomarker and ranges from one to seven days.
Cost of oncomarkers
The cost of various studies on which it will be possible to find out what the blood test shows for the designated oncomarkers depends on the type of destination and the disease. In some situations it is necessary to know the results urgently, when the stage of cancer disease depends on it and the account goes for days. For the urgent performance of the blood test, the price is doubled.
On average, in laboratories the cost of analyzing one oncomarker will cost from 600 to 1,350 rubles. Some medical institutions offer a system of discounts to customers who come back repeatedly. In exceptional cases, which are considered individually, the laboratory's work will be free, with the payment of the cost of only the reagents that are going to carry out the analysis.
Video: can I determine the oncology of a blood test
Elena, 45 years old : A couple of years ago I had to visit an oncology center where I showed the initial stage of stomach cancer with the help of laboratory tests on the CA-72-4.Timely treatment helped to avoid surgery and removal. I am grateful to the doctors who were able to quickly determine the diagnosis of the oncomarker.
Svetlana, 34 years old : My gynecologist, who has been watching me for several years, was concerned about the increased occurrence of ovarian cysts in my body. Has appointed or nominated to pass or take place inspection and has told, that the analysis of a blood on onomarkerers SA-125 and REA shows. I'm glad that the results showed the norm, I can safely continue the treatment of the functional ovarian cyst.
Michael, 38 years old : My illness, which all men fear, is associated with inactive work. Inflammation of the prostate, located on the borderline with cancer, which the doctor diagnosed, was discovered thanks to modern medicine. The blood test for free prostate antigen was carried out quickly. Enhanced treatment saved my men's health.