How not to pay a loan to a bank in Russia: legal ways

Citizens use banking services regularly, because the application can be submitted via the Internet, sitting at home. Car loans, mortgages, cards, currency, consumer loans are in great demand. Financial crisis and personal circumstances can change the financial position of the borrower. In this case, citizens do not know how to deal with debts.

How not to give credit to the bank

If the financial situation has deteriorated sharply, and you can not pay the balance of the financial institution, it is recommended to contact the employees of your bank. The company is interested in ensuring that you can fully pay the debt, so I must go to the meeting. Serious financial structures such as Russian Standard, Alfa Bank or Tinkoff offer clients several solutions to such problems:

  1. Restructuring - review of the payment period, which reduces the amount of the monthly payment.
  2. Loan refinancing. You can apply to another financial institution, for example, "Renaissance" or "Privatbank", where they provide such a service. You will be given a new loan, which will allow you to pay off debts on available loans. In this case, within one year you pay interest on the new loan, and the bulk of the debt will begin to be given when your financial situation improves.
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  3. Deferral of payments is not provided by all organizations. According to the client's request, the bank can postpone the payment for a month without accruing penalties and fines.

The listed methods are suitable only for citizens who have non-payments for 1-2 months. Timely appeal to the bank confirms the good faith of the client and helps to avoid negative consequences. However, some companies do not make concessions to citizens, demanding repayment of the loan, charging huge fines and threatening. Borrowers are forced to think how to deceive the bank. Ways how to not pay a loan, while remaining clean before the law, exist, but require a lot of strength and patience.

First of all, it is recommended to seek the advice of an experienced lawyer. Some provide them for free. Studying the loan agreement and loan insurance conditions can give a good result. Sometimes a deal can be considered fictitious, or prove that the debtor is bankrupt. The existence of serious grounds for non-payment, confirmed by documents, can save you from fines and threats from the credit organization.

Legal ways not to pay a loan

To get a certain amount of debt, as a rule, citizens have to make out insurance. It is useful to those who think how you can not pay a loan. Some insurance companies, for example, "Casco" in the event of loss of health or work take responsibility for paying the loan for themselves. However, before fulfilling this condition, the company will necessarily check the defaulter.

Another option, how not to pay a loan is the expectation of a court. Completely from the debt obligations of the borrower this will not release, but this solution has many advantages:

  • does not have to pay fines;
  • does not need to tolerate the extortion and threats of collection agencies;
  • debt will be recovered in small parts from wages.

Almost all banks, whether they are Kaspi, Rusfinance or Setel, sin by conveying information about their customers to collectors. In the territory of the Russian Federation, such actions are a violation of the law. This threatens the credit organization with the revocation of the license, if there is no written permission from the borrower. Do not pay the debt of a company with which a loan agreement was not concluded - the legal right of everyone.

Waiting for the expiration of the statute of limitations

There is one way for those who think about how not to officially pay a loan? You need to stop interacting with the credit institution:

  • ignore phone calls;
  • not respond to emails;
  • does not meet with the bank's employees in person.

For loans, there is a statutory limitation period, which starts from the first payment delay and is three years. If during this period the bank does not contact the borrower, then the debtor will not be able to file claims before the time expires. Each new contact with a bank employee is the beginning for the countdown of a three-year period, after which the statute of limitations occurs.

Assistance to the anti-collector companies

Very often, credit institutions under the cession agreement transfer the debts of their clients to collection agencies. This threatens the debtor:

  • regular threats;
  • calls to work and relatives;Arrivals of agents home;
  • requirements to sell the property and pay the debt.

Anti-collector organizations come to the aid of citizens in the fight against intrusive agents exceeding their authority. Employees will explain how to communicate with collectors correctly, because they use legal illiteracy of citizens. Do not succumb to aggressive pressure. Only the court can appeal to the debtor, and the court bailiffs describe the property if there is an official resolution. In other cases, nothing threatens you, except for a spoiled mood.

What happens if you do not pay the loan at all

If the case goes to trial, then the debt evader will be forced to pay the debt from each salary( maximum - 50%).The property of debtors can be sold by court decision, and all means will be used to pay the loan. Non-payers are prohibited from traveling outside the Russian Federation and are denied new loans. Malicious violators and scammers are called to criminal liability for articles: 177, 159. What to do if there is no possibility to pay a loan? To search for a compromise with the bank, explain the reasons for the delay in payments and the current situation.

Video: what to do if there is nothing to pay a loan for

  • Mar 13, 2018
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