Endometritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The inner covering of the walls of the uterus is a replaceable part of it. The old layer of the endometrium separates approximately once a month, and then a new one grows. But not always this property is able to keep healthy mucous. And what is endometritis in women, have a chance to learn many.

Contents of

Details of endometritis

  • 2 Endometritis symptoms
  • 3 Reasons for endometritis development
  • 4 Endometritis therapy
    • 4.1 Treatment of chronic disease
  • 5 Complications after endometritis
  • More about endometritis

    The uterine cavity normally remains always sterile. Such a state is ensured by the health of each of several layers of the organ. The inner mucosa or endometrium is one of them. And if bacteria enter the uterine cavity or other microorganisms, it reacts first. In the mucosa there is inflammation, called the endometritis.

    If the invasion of bacteria is severe, and their spread is rapid, the disease is acute and obvious. And when this period lasts longer than 7-12 days, it is smoothed by taking medications, but not completely eliminated, chronic endometritis occurs.
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    Its symptoms are not so noticeable, it is necessary to detect malaise by means of analyzes. The transition to sluggish endometritis is possible with proper treatment, but maintaining favorable factors for its development, which are stronger.

    Symptoms of endometritis

    The disease has a clear symptom in acute form. The inflammatory process that develops in the uterus in a short time leads to a marked change in the state of health, relating to:

    • Body temperature. She quickly rises, supplemented by chills and fever.
    • Vaginal discharge. In norm they are almost invisible, with the endometrium the picture changes. Allocations become more, they acquire a fetid smell, a density, can contain purulent and bloody particles.
    • Sensations in the uterus. There are pains in the abdomen, more precisely, its lower part, intensifying with urination. Examination with palpation makes these sensations even more noticeable, since the uterus slightly increases.
    • The process of urination. Because of the inflamed and grown in the volume of the uterus, it can become painful.

    These manifestations bother 7 to 12 days. If they are tolerated or treated independently, by selecting unsuitable tools and methods, the acute symptoms will disappear. But there will be other changes. Chronic endometritis can last for more than one month. And since the affected one is the uterine mucosa, the menstrual and reproductive functions become disrupted: the

    • monthly lose regularity, appear off-schedule or are delayed;
    • excretions on critical days become more normal, or they, on the contrary, become scarcer;
    • monthly can go for over a week;
    • pain associated with the menstrual period is aggravated by the increased irritant effect of the enlarged uterus due to nerves, experiences;
    • to the blood at monthly pus is added, changing the color of excretions to brown;
    • is concerned about the transformation of the secretion of the cervix and vagina from transparent to frothy or yellow-green;
    • bleed from the genital tract outside menstruation.

    Reasons for the development of endometritis

    The main culprits of endometritis are microorganisms that enter the uterine cavity from the lower parts of the reproductive system through blood and lymph. It can be bacteria, viruses, fungus, other parasites. They contribute to their infiltration and development on the mucosa following factors.

    Causes of endometritis development
    Intrauterine interventions Abortions, scraping, hysteroscopic examination, difficulties in the process of birth disrupt the natural development of the endometrium, creating favorable conditions for the penetration of microorganisms into it. At risk are also recently given birth to women.
    Variation of vaginal microflora This organ, unlike the uterus, has a mucous membrane on which various microorganisms live. When their usual ratio is broken, the vagina becomes a source of infectious danger. Contribute to this mechanical damage to the body, frequent syringing. Pathogenic flora rises up, settling in the uterine mucosa.
    Venereal and other infections The bacteria that cause them spread throughout the reproductive system, and the endometrium is a favorable environment for their development. Chlamydia, klebsiely, intestinal and tubercle bacilli become the culprits of specific endometritis.
    Intrauterine spiral As a matter of fact this is a foreign body. If it lingers in the body cavity longer than it is prescribed or traumatizes it, inflammation of the uterine mucosa is possible.

    Sluggish endometritis provokes other causes besides those already listed:

    • Non-compliance with hygiene. This weakens the reproductive system as a whole. The sexual organs constantly produce mucus, which is one of the conditions of their existence, but also a favorable environment for bacteria. If the products of the functioning of the reproductive system accumulate near the uterus, it is possible that the microorganisms multiplying in them will penetrate and become fixed on its mucous membrane.
    • Weakened immunity. In some women, the body's defense system does not work well in response to the occurrence of any infection due to frequent stresses, physical overwork, and malnutrition.
    • An intimate life at a time when it should be excluded. These are menstruation, recent gynecological manipulations, early postpartum period.
    • Poor or incomplete treatment of acute endometritis. The disease does not cease to exist in the body, but it ceases. And the woman starts to lead a way of life peculiar to healthy people, that is, it can include in it provoking factors, which have already been mentioned.

    Endometritis therapy

    Given the provoking transition of acute endometritis to chronic causes, treatment of the disease should be only professional. It is selected on the basis of tests that identify the causative agent of the disease. Drugs that relieve acute endometritis are:

    • Antibiotics Amoxicillin, Ecoclav, Metronidazole, Gentamicin, and Ciprofloxacin. They are combined in different ways.
    • Antimicrobial "Tinidazole", "Benzylpenicillin", "Fazijin", if in the inflammation of the endometrium are guilty of proteins, trichomonads, anaerobic bacteria.
    • Increasing immunity "Cycloferon", "T-Activin", "Viferon", "Likopid".Here you can add tincture of eleutherococcus or ginseng. Vitamins are required.
    • Pain Relieving Diclofenac, Indomethacin, No-Shpa.
    • Antihistamines for reducing swelling of tissues "Suprastin", "Tavegil".
    • Recovering vaginal biocenosis "Lactobacterin", other probiotics.

    Treatment of chronic form of the disease

    Sluggish endometritis treatment should not only be directed against pathogens, but also provides recovery of mucosal functions:

    • antibacterial and antimicrobial agents mentioned;
    • antiviral, such as "Acyclovir", "Zoviraks";
    • absorbable "Lidase", "Aloe" in ampoules;
    • hormonal contraceptives "Regulon", "Yarina" or containing synthetic progesterone "Dyufaston", "Utrozhestan";
    • stimulating metabolic processes "Wobenzym", "Riboxin", "Actovegin";
    • physiotherapy, including UHF, therapeutic mud, ozocerite, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with iodine, zinc, copper.

    We recommend to read an article about pregnancy with endometrium. From it you will learn about the disease, its symptoms and diagnosis, the features of pregnancy planning, and IVF after treatment.

    Complications after the endometritis of

    The importance of professional treatment, as well as its completion to the end and effectiveness check by analysis, is also dictated by the fact that endometritis can cause a number of hard-to-treat consequences:

    • adhesions in the uterine cavity formed against a background of chronic inflammation, dissemination and adhesionconnective tissue;
    • endometriosis, caused by a prolonged disruption of the development of the uterine mucosa;
    • problems with pregnancy and childbirth, including embryo localization outside the uterine cavity, miscarriage, stillbirth, infection of the baby;
    • forming in the uterine cavity polyps and myomas, when the inflammation affects the middle layer of the organ;
    • of persistent infertility because of the impossibility of the embryo implanted in the inflamed tissues of the uterine mucosa.

    Emerging symptoms of acute endometritis will certainly force a woman to turn to specialists. But other oddities with menstruation, general deterioration of health should not leave her indifferent, write off everything for ecology or fatigue. After all, curing sluggish endometritis is much more difficult, and its consequences are more dangerous.

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