Where to treat autism
To date, autism is one of the most common childhood diseases. It is difficult to fight with him, but it is possible. There is no medical cure for this disease, but there are many ways to help the child. Unfortunately, the state does not pay enough attention to children with this problem. It is rare to find a kindergarten, where there is a teacher for children with such a diagnosis. Yes, often these children are not taken to an ordinary kindergarten. Parents on their own are looking for ways and means to combat autism.
There is no single universal method for treating autism, which gives a 100% result. There are many different techniques that combine to achieve large shifts in a positive direction.
Medical method
Under the medicamental method it is necessary to understand not the treatment, but the correction of the behavior of the child. In fact, to date, there is no drug treatment, which allows using drugs alone to completely get rid of autism. Thanks to certain drugs, you can correct the child's behavior. But, give him the medicine is only after a specific consultation with a doctor. After all, each medicine has contraindications, and can lead to other violations with long-term admission. The medication method is prescribed in conjunction with other methods, in critical cases, when signs of autism are clearly expressed.
Treatment with animals
Methods of treating autism with the help of animals have been practiced since the 70s of the last century. They give good results. There are two most popular methods: dolphin therapy and hippotherapy.
Dolphin therapy is widely used abroad, and in Russia it has fans. Communication with dolphins brings positive changes. In general, this is a complex effect on the child's body. It consists of ultrasonic waves, stay in water, communication with the animal, and motor activity. Two types of dolphin therapy are divided: free communication of the child with the dolphin and communication with the help of a specialist. In principle, all sessions are conducted under the close supervision of professionals. Only in the first their intervention is reduced to a minimum. Dolphins are very communicative animals, they encourage them to interact with them.
This method allows to develop the child's interest in what is happening around, to stimulate the process of personal development, to pull the child out of his closed world. Gives positive emotions and compensates for the lack of communication.
In hippotherapy, , the child and horse interact. This method is widely used in Europe since ancient times. Riding on a horse has a positive effect on the entire body, producing various types of vibrations from horizontal to vertical. During horse riding, blood circulation increases, resulting in improved nutrition of brain cells. Moving on horseback requires the child to coordinate and balance, including in this way all the muscle groups work. Develops fine motor skills, improves the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the movements become more accurate and confident. Horses have a strong enough biofield, which gives positive emotions when dealing with them. For treatment of autism, hippotherapy is prescribed in conjunction with other methods of treatment.
Osteopathy is widely used in Russia, which makes it possible to achieve high results in some cases. The basis for osteopathy is the effect on the biologically active points of the human body. The osteopath acts on them freeing off the functional blocks and restores the circulation of fluid in the body. Best of all, small children give in to osteopathy, because their body is in the process of growth.
In the treatment of autism, most often affect the skull of the brain and the sacrum. Best of all, osteopathy shows itself when there is an organic nature of the disease. Then the results of treatment are very high.
One of the most gentle methods of treating autism. Very good in combination with osteopathy. Treatment is based on homeopathic medicines. They participate in restoring the balance of work of organs and reduce the concentration of biochemical substances. Homeopathy is a very individual way of treatment. The doctor selects the drugs and the regimen for each patient. At this time the patient is constantly under the care of specialists, which makes it possible to correct the treatment at the time.
Normalization of power supply
Proper nutrition is very important in the treatment of autism. It is necessary to completely exclude products containing preservatives, dyes, GMOs. Only natural and fresh products are suitable for food, as well as vitamins and minerals. The most popular in autism is a bezasein, non-soy, gluten-free diet. According to the observations of both parents and doctors, diets in combination with other methods give quite high results.
Antikandidoznaya and antibacterial therapy
Based on the restoration of bacterial balance in the intestines, purifying it of parasites and fungi. Antifungal and antiparasitic agents are used. And, of course, the pedagogical methods of treating the child, which allow him to learn, develop and adapt to society. It is very important to give the child to feel that he is not alone with his problem.
Treatment of autism in Russia
In Russia, many clinics perform autism treatment. Below is a list of some of them.
St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute. Bekhterev
St. Petersburg, ul. Bekhterev, 3. Telephone for inquiries and consultations:( 812) 365-22-22,( 812) 365-23-23
Scientific and Diagnostic Center for Clinical Psychiatry
Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse, 48, cort.1
Phone +7( 495) 517-66-65
Private medical practice
Saratov, ul. Moscow, 152
Phone( 8452) 60-60-60, 60-60-61
Children's Center "Ordinary Miracle", classes for children diagnosed with autism
Phone( 495) 722 04 16
Treatment of autism in foreign clinics
Tel-Aviv( Israel), Herbert Samuel Street, 46
Phone + 973 3 9444104
Center for Development and RehabilitationchildLevit
Tel-Aviv( Israel),Smolianskin, 5
Phone +972 777 54 55
Brain stimulation center
Kiev( Ukraine), Vasilya Porika av., 13
Phone 044 364 20 04
Many children diagnosed with autism were able to overcome it, they became successful members of the society, they have families andwork. Therefore, it is very important not to give up, but to have patience and fight for the health and happiness of your child.