- 1 Knitted cardigans with knitting needles for women model photo and description
- 1.1 Knitted cardigans with needles with patterns for girls 2017
- 1.2 Knitted cardigan with knitting needles for women with description and scheme
- 1.3 Cardigans for full women knitting needles with
- 2 patterns Stylish knitted cardigans and cardigans2017 with schemes
- 2.1 Knitted cardigan for girls spoke with the description
- 2.2 Beautiful knitted cardigan needles
- 2.3 Knitted cardigan spoke with their hands
- 2.4 How to tie spokesand a long vest cardigan master class video
Knitted cardigans have always been a good addition in any wardrobe. This is a universal clothing, it can be combined with different things, whether it's a skirt, a dress, jeans or trousers. Beautiful warm clothes are especially popular among young girls( and even guys).Before buying an expensive product, ask yourself: why not tie it yourself?
spokes Knitted cardigans for women model photo and description
now considered very fashionable things over size - ielarger than it actually is. Therefore, we consider the long, large and free cardigans .The cloth will have to knit a lot, but it's worth it! The main thing is to find the color that suits you. What's good, when you knit yourself a thing yourself - you can choose any pattern, color and yarn. You can make a collar, sew pockets on the finished product. Stylish women's products and schemes with descriptions are waiting for you below!
Knitted cardigans with schemes spokes for girls in 2017
Let's start knitting needles stylish cardigan with schemes, which will be in vogue in 2017.The dimensions of the future product: chest girth 112, length 82, sleeve length on the inside 24 .We knitted 450 grams blue / blue color, white shade - 200 g, 250 black and pink .Do not forget the main tool - spokes number 6 or 7, depending on the thickness of your yarn. Tip! !!Lusha fold the thread in half.
pattern used in the work: « thread waste »: LP, IP, pattern in this pattern is shifted to the 1 P. each R.
Job Description: start with back. We take just two strands: white and blue / blue - 58 P. - Putanka, but in the next R. - alternate colors: 4 cm G.C.(blue color) and B.C., 9 cm G.C.and R.C., 8 cm - G.C., B.C., 8cm - G.C.and C.T., 10 centimeters G.T.and R.C.Up to the end to combine black and blue. At 3 cm - P.R.1 P. at the sides. ETC.every 5 cm * 14.At 77 centimeters close to form the shoulders in each 2 R. on each side 6 P. * 6.All P. who stayed - close for 1 time.
The left and right shelves are knit similarly. Left : G. and B.T.- 58 P. - Putunk, as in the description above. At 3 cm from the right, P.R.1 PPR.every 5 cm. At 77 centimeters in order to make the bevel - close the right in each 2 P. 6 P. * 6.When there are 5 P. - dial P. Knit by drawing until you reach the middle of the neck from the back.
on to make the sleeve: G. and R. T. P. 32 - thread waste, with the following scheme of alternation: 5 cm G. and R. T., and H. 8 cm B.Ts., 8 B and G.C., then G. and R. - to the end of the canvas.
For bevel: after 4 cm.1 P. from the sides. Repeat PRevery 2 centimeters * 7.When the canvas is 24 cm in size - we close all the loops.
To beautifully and smoothly assemble the product - stretch it on the plane, moisten with water, wait for the drying. Lay out after, like on a pattern and sew all the details.
Knitted cardigan with knitting needles for women with description and scheme
Cold starts - it means it's time to warm up. The next option is a knitted cardigan with knitting needles with blue color schemes. It will turn out very soft and warm. The detailed master class below will tell you how to perform such a canvas, which should be a pattern. So, we take about 500 grams of blue thread, regular and circular needles of 6 mm.
Patterns of work:
- Elastic band 1 * 1.( P. 1 * 1)
- Wrong surface( IG): LR- IP, I.R.- L.P.
- LG: LR- L.P., I.R.- I.P.
Work begins with the knitting of the backrest : 66 P. - P. 1 * 1 3 cm.8 R. After - PRfrom two sides of the pyramid, in each 10 P. 1 P. * 5, in each 8 P. 1 P. * 2, in each 6 P. 1 P. * 6, in each 4 P. 1 P. * 4,in each 2 P. 1 * 1 P., 2 P. * 3, 3 P. * 2, 4 P. * 1, 5 P. * 1, 6 P. * 1, 7 P. * 1. From the beginning of the rubber band, count 66 centimeters from each side close 3 p., In each 2 P. 3 P. * 19, 2 P. * 6.After 10 cm - the central 10 p. - close. As usual, with this technique, the two sides are tied separately. Here in each 2 R. close 2 II. * 2.From the beginning of P. 1 * 1Calculate 86 cm - close work.
The left and right shelves are knitted symmetrically, as in the version above.34 P. - 3 cm elastic band. Further I.G.40 cm.on the left 1 P. * 9 in each 10 R. Knit the height of the back, close. We collect as usual , only for the strip 197 P. on the circular tool LG.- 7 cm
Cardigans for full women with knitting needles
Beautiful cardigan ( female) knitted with knitting needles with description and crochet pattern is waiting for you in our next master class. It takes about a kilogram of yarn for it, we have a brown color.
Patterns of work:
- Double rubber band: 1 R.: LP, N. = before the end of P. 2 R.: N. - LP, remove P. as IP, but do not tieher = repeat.3 R: LP, remove the AP as IP, and so before the completion of R.
- Elastic 1 * 1.
- Main pattern: 1 R: all P. - LP, 2-6 RLP, L.P.double,( LP from P. previous P.) - we repeat. From 7 to 12 R.:( LP double, LP) = to repeat.13 - 18 P. as the second, 19 R: rapport with 7 R.
Knitting back: 91 P. = 4 R. double rubber band, 12 R. - P. 1 * 1.Next, the main pattern, on the sides of KP, UB in 1 P. 30 P., after 43 cm - on both sides close to 2 P. After 15 cm - close.
Right shelf ( left - the same): 59 P. - 4 R. rubber band double, 12 R. - rubber band 1 * 1.(the first 3 P.-double P).Next 3 P. double elastic band, 21 P. simple rubber band, following the picture, 23 P. - the main pattern. In this case, W.B.in 1 P. 12 P. In every 10 R. we will make 2 shortened R: 1 R: 23 P. - DOS.pattern, turn the work over.2 R: 23 P. Basic.pattern, we turn.3 P.-10 R.: 47 P. According to the figure.11 R: rapport with 1 R. After 36 cm in every 6 R. Two. UK.: P. R.: 23 P. - the main one, turn over.2 R: 23 P. - the main one, turn over.3 - 6 R.: 47 p. According to the figure, 7 R: rapport 1 R. After 43 cm - close the left 2 P., after 15 cm - all P.
Sleeve: 45 p. - 4 R. double rubber band, 12 R. - P. 1 * 1.Next - the main pattern, W.B.in each 1 P. 6 P. Closing P. - after 48 cm
We collect as in m above! For the collar 3 P. double rubber band, 21 p. Regular, 97 p. Main pattern, 21 p. - P. 1 * 1, 3 p. - milking gum. In 6 R. - 2 UK.R.After 15 cm - double R. Close.
Stylish knitted coats and cardigans 2017 with schemes
In 2017, fashion will include beautiful knitted things. Easier to buy them. But to tie the most is a pleasure.
Knitted cardigan for girls with knitting needles with description
Beautiful and simple fishnet cardigan - a new trend of the season for little women of fashion. Little girls look very nice in such a gizmo. Our video tutorial on knitting such a product for you:
Beautiful knitted cardigans with needles
How to tie an cardigan LaLo with knitting needles for beginners - schemes with job description will teach you this simple, but entertaining process! The pattern is strictly according to the C / X. for this work will fit both spokes and hook. We dial an odd number of P. The actions in parentheses repeat.
- 1.P: I.R.- KP, LP,( 1 P. removed from N., as the purl).Repeat until the end of R., finish LP, K.R.
- 2 R.: L.R.- KP, LP,( P. before N. - LP, N. shoot as IP, thread for N.), K.P.
- 3 R.: IR: KP,( P. remove with N. as IP, P. and N. together LP), 1 P. remove from N. asIP, K.P.
- 4 R.: L.R.- KP,( 1 LP, as IP, LP), LP, N. remove as IP, K.P.
- 5 R.: I.R.- KP,( P. and N. - LP, 1 P. removed from N. as IP), P. and N. together LP, K.P.For a beautiful pattern from 2 to 5 r.
Knitted cardigan with knitting needles
Beautiful knitted cardigan from the pattern " Honeycomb ".1 kg 250 g of melange beige yarn, circular knitting needles and buttons.
- Elastic band 1 * 1
- "Honeycomb" number P. KR.4 + K.P.All of the C / X.
Product Creation:
Backrest : 86 P. 13 cm with elastic band. Then a pattern of honeycombs with K.P.21 times rapport, R. finish K.P.After 66 cm the starting point of knitting on both sides is closed with 4 P * 1, in each 2 RWB.30 P. * 1.So: after K.P.2 P. together drawing, at the end of R. before K.P.- 2 P. together. Close 26 P., which stayed at a height of +27 cm.
The right and left shelves are similar to the .46 P. rubber band 13 cm. Post - honeycomb, P. distribute as follows: KP, 9 P. rapport, 8 P. - R., K.P.After 39 centimeters from the beginning of the canvas, we postpone 6-30 P. Meshkovina's pockets can be linked separately, or here 25 P. 15 cm L.G.On the right is a bevel for raglan. Measure 70 cm from the beginning of the canvas - the cutout of the neck. Left last. P. Pattern of honeycomb with 1 P. Straps - together. In each 2 R. do this 7 more times. At 8 P. of the strip - 10 cm P. 1 * 1.
Sleeves: 50P.- 8 cm with elastic band. The pattern of the honeycomb, where P: KP, 12 P. rapport, K.P.ETC.- in each 6 P. 1 P. * 10, in each 6 RP * 4, in each 4 P. = 1 P. * 8, 1 P. * 10, in each 2 RP * 4.These P. - a pattern of honeycombs. U.B.after 40 cm.