Entry into premenopausal age is sometimes accompanied by an increased risk of cancer of the reproductive organs. It is caused not only by the severe course of the period, but also by hormonal changes, already existing gynecological diseases. Cancer is tricky, as it gives clear symptomatology at a late stage. But the index of rum 1, calculation before menopause will help to reveal it earlier, when the chance to recover is almost indisputable.
Contents of
- 1 What is the Roma 1 index
- 1.1 CA 125
- 1.2 HE 4
- 2 Roma 1
- 3 Roma 1
What does Roma 1 consist of?
To determine Roma 1, you need a blood test for the presence, concentrationand the ratio of two substances in it. And this is done in dynamics, since temporary changes in the indicator or their absence are important.
The need for its determination is caused by the presence of a benign neoplasm on the ovaries or other gynecological pathologies in which the likelihood of cancer is increased.
In pre-menopause, a drop in the level of sex hormones can trigger cell degeneration if the tumor already exists, or there are other factors favorable for pathological changes. Blood for roma 1 is taken from the vein, the patient can not eat for 8 hours before her fence.CA 125
Atypical cells that form in healthy ovarian tissues reveal themselves in the study of blood. In the biological fluid, the presence of the cancer marker CA 125 is read. This substance, which the body increases when cancer cells appear in the tissues of the sexual glands. Dangerous in the occurrence of malignant neoplasm of the ovaries is not the presence, but the increase in the level of the indicator in a short time.
Its detection is not a 100% method of detecting cancer. Without an accurate analysis of rum 1, the CA 125 calculated before menopause can give a false positive result in cases:
- Pregnancy up to 12 weeks. This is possible in premenopause, when rare menstruation causes a woman to lose vigilance and less carefully protect herself;
- Inflammations of various kinds in the uterus, appendages;
- Endometriosis;
- Adhesive process in the pelvic area.
HE 4
In the female body, there is another substance - HE 4, which is a protein of the epidermis. It produces the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, the tissues of the reproductive organs in minimal quantities, but production increases in response to the appearance in certain parts of the body of atypical cells.
If an increase in HE 4 is detected, a false diagnosis is also possible, as this happens when the benign ovarian neoplasm and renal failure are combined, as well:
- Myoma;
- Inflammation in the pelvic area;
- Hepatitis or cirrhosis.
A mucinous tumor, on the contrary, does not cause an increase in the concentration of the protein compound. And relying only on it, it is easy to start the process of its development.
According to Roma 1
Using the properties of both mentioned substances, physicians deduced a mathematical algorithm for calculating the probability of ovarian cancer in percent. To do this, a prognostic index is determined by a special formula. Roma 1, the calculation of which before menopause is necessary at an increased risk of ovarian cancer, is its derivative.
If it is more than normal, but over time it remains at the same level or decreases, it is likely that the tumor on one of the pelvic organs is benign. With a stable increase in the index, combined with the corresponding results of ultrasound, laparoscopy doctors diagnosed with cancer.
Only the specialist can interpret the information obtained after all the examinations. But it will be useful for women to know that in determining roma 1( calculation before menopause) the rate is up to 7.4%.This means that at the time of examination malignant neoplasm is absent, and the probability of its appearance is minimal. If the figure is greater than or equal to this value, physicians have reason to suspect ovarian cancer.
We recommend reading the article about premenopause. You will learn about what it is, the onset of this period in a woman, the extinction of ovarian function, the use of hormone therapy and other means.
Who should do the analysis of Roma 1
90% of malignant ovarian tumors are epithelial. They are detected by the indicator roma 1. To get sick at an early stage means higher chances for a full recovery. The likelihood of obtaining it is high among those who are burdened with the corresponding heredity.
The index of premenopausal roma may require checking more than once. With its help, not only reveal the cancer, but also determine the tactics of therapy for other diseases of the pelvic organs.