Universal access to knowledge and the Internet has led to the fact that many reasons for fear, confusion and agonizing expectations are a thing of the past. This also applies to the most important - the reproductive health of women who want to become mothers. A modern woman is making plans for everything, even for her own childbirth. Knowing their date, it is easier to plan the time of visit to the maternity home, care of the decree, distribute the preparation for the arrival of the baby in the world, finances and time. A commendable and responsible approach.
- 1 Two methods for calculating the duration of pregnancy
- 1.1 1. Obstetric pregnancy gestation
- 1.2 2. Embryonic gestation
- 2 Concerns about the life of a pregnant woman
Two ways of calculating the duration of pregnancy
1. Obstetric pregnancy term
Calculate the gestation period for the last month you canwith the help of the monthly calendar. With an average pregnancy, its period is 280 days, calculated from the first day of menstruation. It is this period that is adopted as an "obstetric term", and the definition of prenatal leave and the expected birthday of the child is based on it. The obstetric term is also a kind of scale for comparing and evaluating the fetus according to ultrasound data after 12 weeks. Hence, to calculate the duration of pregnancy for the last month's period, we will do this: from the first day of the last monthly "rewind" back 3 months and add 7 days. The date received is the most probable term of your birth. But we will be honest: pregnancy is also not a mechanical process, it is influenced by a variety of factors, and therefore the period of probable delivery is five to six days before and after the calculated day.
2. Embryonic period of pregnancy
It is as difficult to calculate it as the exact date of ovulation - after all, the cycle of each woman more or less fluctuates depending on the circumstances of her life. No matter what they say, a living organism is not a clockwork mechanism.
Here you, for example, managed to determine the duration of your pregnancy at the last monthly, and then your doctors embarrass you: it does not coincide with the real, embryonic. Disorder and vacillations are quite large - from a week to 12-16 days.
The embryonic gestation period is considered from the moment of conception, which in many cases coincides with the moment of ovulation. So, from the first day of one month to the first day of follow-up, an average of 28-30 days. Ovulation occurs in the middle of this period - for 14-15 days. Comparing the obstetric and embryonic gestation period, we will get the most probable term of labor, both in terms of monthly and in stages of fetal development.
Fears that poison the life of a pregnant
It is the difference in the calculus between obstetric and embryonic terms that leads to the unrest and fears of young mothers.
You can go to another device and to another doctor. What is a sin to conceal - sometimes the old apparatus shows such a muddy picture that even a doctor with experience can say little.
It is easier to determine the gestation period to 12 weeks - during this period the embryo develops so quickly and accurately that the stages of its development are obvious: the size of the fruit egg, the coccygeal parietal size of the fetus, the placement and development of individual organs follow a wonderful natural scheme. But after 12 weeks each child develops more individually. One fruit lags behind in development( and then it is worthwhile to determine the causes and eliminate them), the other is advancing. Doctors have tables of fetal development parameters calculated according to the obstetric term. Let us give the people their work.
Which does not mean that the mother should not ask questions. Ask - and the doctor will tell you the period of pregnancy and the day of childbirth, based on the aggregate of data.
Ask your question to an obstetrician for a gynecologist!
Your questions in the comments are answered by the experienced obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Shirochina.