Preparation Ditsinon with monthly

Regular menstruation in most women is an annoyance to their arrival, despite the realization that this is a natural, a criterion of the health process. But if it is too prolonged or goes with excessively intensive secretions, it comes at an inopportune time, I want to have a magic remedy that relieves these problems.

Dicycinum with monthly can affect a lot in the process, but do not treat it as a panacea. And of course, you should know the features of safe use.

Contents of

  • 1 More about
  • 2
  • 3 Different forms of
  • 3 How to use the hemostatic drug
    • 3.1 Dicinone for the delay of critical days: is it possible for
  • 4 What are the symptoms and conditions of
  • 5 ? Is it always possible to drink Dicinone

More about

Dicinone is a hemostatic,i.e., a blood stopping agent. The drug exists in the form of tablets taken orally, and in ampoules. The active substance in it is etamzilate, which is capable of:

  • To increase blood coagulability;
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  • To stimulate the formation of platelets by stimulating the functions of the bone marrow;
  • Ensure the localization of these blood cells on the walls of the vessels. The peculiarity of the substance also gives a blood-restoring effect;
  • To prolong the existence of platelets, to increase their activity throughout its extent;
  • Control the circulation of fluid between blood vessels and tissues;
  • Strengthen the walls of the capillaries, making them more elastic.

All of the above and determines how dicycin affects monthly. There are several possibilities to change their course. After menstruation occurs with the destruction of the vessels of the replaced layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the removal of blood from them.

Dicynon with ample monthly helps at the expense of the ability to strengthen the walls of the capillaries. The drug acts on their mucous membrane in such a way that its fragility and susceptibility to side effects is reduced. This is due to the enhancement of the intercellular substance by polysaccharides.

Different forms of the preparation

The agent, as was said, does not exist in one form. This determines the possibility of its use:

  • Dicinone tablets also contain lactose in addition. Since they are taken orally, they are absorbed in the stomach and intestines, and they begin to act only after 4 hours. The effect of the application will last up to a third of the day. It is advisable to use a tabulated form for small but systematic blood loss, which does not threaten this minute, but is potentially dangerous;
  • Dicynon injections are used intramuscularly and intravenously, and in the latter case, their effect is detected 10 minutes after injection. A little longer will have to wait for the result when injected into the muscle. The maximum efficiency of dicynon in this form will show after 2 hours, and its effect is ensured for 6 hours. The injections of the drug are shown, among other things, in uterine bleeding caused by the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, and serious hormonal disorders.

In any case, if a woman is confident that she will be treated with dicinone in menstruation, the application should be agreed with a specialist even before use. Only the doctor will assess the opportunities and risks associated with the facility, and tell you what form it is worth choosing for treatment.

No less important point, the problematic of which can cause dicinone with menstruation, how to take the remedy. For medical purposes, it is usually used as a component of complex therapy. And depending on the purpose of the dose and the timing of the application of the drug may vary.

How to use the hemostatic drug

For those who are prescribed to drink or prick dicinone, the instructions for use with the monthly are necessary, since there may be variants:

  • For the prevention of intensive bleeding when menstruation begins, you should start taking it on the third day. If you drink 250 mg 3-4 times a day, then the next critical days will not be so tedious, since the amount of secretions will decrease to normal. A woman will not lose much blood, which will relieve her of weakness, drowsiness, chills and the prospect of getting anemia;
  • With intensive menstrual discharge the drug is used a little differently. It is better if the doctor tells about how to take dicycinum with copious periods. An individual scheme is possible, which is determined by the patient's condition and the diseases that she has. But they routinely take pills from the 5th day of the menstrual period and continue for the next 10 days. The dose is similar to the first option. This will make the walls of the vessels more durable in the endometrium, they will not be so heavily damaged. Bleeding will be significantly reduced, and there is no risk of thrombus formation;
  • Dicinone with long lasting monthly can also be applied with the desired effect. If menstruation does not stop for more than 7 days, you can start taking 250 mg of the drug every 24 hours before they finish. But to drink dicycinum to stop monthly, more than 10 days does not follow. If the specialist insists on the continuation of its use, as a rule, the dosage it reduces. And then you still have to find out the reason for too long menstruation;
  • In pregnancy, the drug is also able to help if on days that are time-critical, there are discharges. One 250-mg tablet can eliminate malaise without damaging the fetus. If the effect is absent, you need to inform the doctor about it.

Dicynon for delaying critical days: is it possible for

Dicynon to delay menstrual periods is also used by women quite often. Due to its hemostatic ability, the drug can delay the arrival of critical days up to 2 weeks. For this, it should be taken 3-4 days before the proposed start. A single dose increases to 500 mg.

There should be 3 admissions per day. Menstruation will begin only the next day after the drug is withdrawn. But even the next critical days can come after two weeks.

And yet, dicinone for delaying menstruation should not be used more than 1 time per year. If you are too carried away with the regulation of the cycle with the help of the drug, you can knock it down with a jerk, causing serious hormonal disorders.

In addition, for this there are safer tools, which, however, also do not tend to apply often.

When any discomforts and conditions are useful drug

Dicinone indications for use with menstruation has the following:

  • Intensive release on critical days caused by gynecological diseases( endometriosis, myoma, hyperplasia), as well as hormonal disorders;
  • Mezhmenstrualnye allocation of copious character with malaises of reproductive organs;
  • Preparation for gynecological operations, as well as the need to delay menstruation for its sake;
  • Abundant discharge, provoked by taking medications, can not be canceled;
  • Intensive menstruation due to poor blood clotting( as an emergency measure);
  • Monthly, lasting more than standard terms( more than a week).

We recommend that you read an article about the menstrual cycle disorder. You will learn about the reasons for the deviation from the norm, the diseases that cause the malfunction of the reproductive system, the methods of treatment.

It is always possible to drink Dicycin

Whenever it is expected to use dicinone for menstruation, the instruction should be studied thoroughly. Particularly responsible is the section on contraindications and adverse reactions caused by the drug.

Among the first experts note:

  • Hypotension, that is constantly reduced pressure;
  • Individual intolerance of etamzilate or lactose( when taking tablets);
  • Lactation period;
  • Increased blood viscosity.

Dicycin, when used with menstruation, can cause a deterioration in the well-being of such a plan:

  • Vertigo;
  • Skin reactions in the form of redness, rashes;
  • Pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, aversion to food and odors;
  • Numbness in the muscles of the limbs.
Tablets from bleeding with monthly dicinone are successfully used by many specialists in the treatment of patients with various gynecological problems.

But do not try to use it to reduce the number of allocations and deadlines for critical days, if they do not go beyond their normal framework. This will not only not produce the desired effect, but will also turn a healthy cycle into a problematic one, triggering hormonal and other disorders.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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