How to cook onion peel for monthly

Various problems with the menstrual cycle throughout life occur in most women. To prevent this pathology, many patients are widely using folk remedies, in particular, onion peel for monthly peelings.

You can talk about the useful properties of onions long enough. This plant is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. As practice has shown, and its husk is an indispensable tool for some women's problems.


  • 1 Useful properties of onion husks
  • 2 Positive effects on the body of a woman
  • 3 Drinking in the event of a menstrual cycle failure
    • 3.1 Effects on the uterus
    • 3.2 Methods of preparation
  • 4 Onion husks as a guarantee of healthy hair
  • 5 Tips for receiving

Useful properties of onion husks

Waste fromThis plant, many ladies use only as a natural dye. The thing is that most women are weak enough to imagine what useful substances are contained in its husk.

Dry onion peel is rich in fructose and fiber, it contains a large number of flavonoids. This makes it possible to use the husks to prevent heart and vascular diseases, to remove toxins and waste products from the female body.
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Traditional healers recommend using these qualities of onion waste in the following way:

  • The husk is used when there are various dermatitis and fungal pathologies in patients. On its basis at home, you can prepare special ointments and creams.
  • It is believed that the decoction from the dry shell of onions is good for various poisoning and allergic reactions. Experts advise daily to take 3 - 4 tablespoons of this drink, preferably after a meal.
  • In cosmetology has long been used infusion of husks to enhance hair growth and strengthen their roots. On the basis of waste from onions even special therapeutic shampoos are created.
  • Many folk healers are advised to use a decoction of onion husk with delay in menstruation. Specific properties of dry skin have a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus and stabilize the hormonal background of the woman.
  • Many experts recommend infusion and decoction from the dry waste of this plant for varicose veins of the lower extremities. These drinks strengthen the vascular wall, relieve edema on the legs. Most often, waste onions are mixed with chamomile or grape seeds to enhance the healing effect.

In addition to the above, you can use home remedies based on dry onion peel for bronchitis, pleurisy, heart pathology. But more often than not, women use onion husks for interventions in the menstrual cycle.

Positive effects on the body of a woman

For a long time, folk healers have used this plant product and its dry husks for the treatment of female diseases. In our time, these problems have not become less relevant, so the interest of many ladies to folk recipes remains high.

Doctors advise their patients not only to use a decoction of onion husks to call monthly, but also to stabilize their menstrual cycle with this tool. Home remedies from waste plants help a lot in the absence of menstruation for 2 - 3 months, reduce pain when there is severe pain in this period.

It should not be forgotten that in onion husks contain a large number of vitamins, korotina, potassium and iron. These beneficial substances contribute to the stabilization of the hormonal background of women, and vitamin E enhances the secretion of the female sex hormone - progesterone.

Onions have always been considered a stimulant of sexual function in men and women. Fresh juice from this vegetable was recommended for increasing potency, increasing monthly. Dry peel retains all the basic properties of the plant.

Look at the video about the benefits of onion husks:

Drinking with a malfunctioning menstrual cycle

Patients are often interested in how to make onion peel for monthly, how to apply it correctly. It is very important for women to remember the possible consequences of such treatment.

Effects on the uterus

Since the dry membrane of the plant contains vitamins E and C, as well as other specific substances that stimulate the release of the sex hormone progesterone into the blood, decoctions and infusions from the husks can lead to increased contraction of the uterine muscles. Increased tone of this organ leads to the fact that menstruation in a woman can begin for 2 - 3 days of admission.

Quite often young ladies use this feature of onion waste to call monthly before the due date. Women forget that external influences on the uterus can lead to massive uterine bleeding, which is difficult to stop on their own.

Such application of infusions and broths from onion husk without consulting a doctor is fraught with serious complications for the health of patients. But if the woman does not have contraindications, then you can use the recipes of the medicine drink.

How to prepare

The cooking scheme for onion husk broth is quite simple.20 - 25 grams of ground dry onion peel pour 1 liter of water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. To get a full-blown product, the broth languishes on a slow fire for 30 minutes.

The obtained mixture is cooled, insisted for 12 hours, and then filtered through gauze. Decoction of onion husks should be taken in an amount of 100 grams 2 - 3 times a day before meals.

Certain precautions must be taken when using this medication. If, as a result of insisting, the beverage turned out to be excessively strong, as indicated by the dark color of the broth, it is desirable to dilute it with boiled water before use.

It is not necessary to increase the dose or for a long time to try to cause with a month's decoction of onion husks. The consequences can be the most unpredictable - from pronounced hormonal changes to massive uterine bleeding.

Some experts advise using this healing drink to reduce pain during menstruation. The effect of decoction from onion husks will indeed be positive, but the danger of strengthening menstruation does not allow to widely recommend to patients a similar method of arresting the pain syndrome.

We recommend reading the article on how to trigger monthly. From it you will find out whether it is necessary to induce menstruation, about drugs from delay, the effectiveness of such folk remedies, as a hot bath and herbal infusions.

Onion husks as a guarantee of healthy hair

Thanks to its composition, the vegetable peel of the vegetable garden is widely used for the treatment and strengthening of hair. The main curative effect is caused by organic acids found in dry skin of onions, especially quercetin. In modern medicine this substance has found the widest application.

Quercetin, like other microelements and vitamins contained in the husks, well strengthens the hair follicles, relieves the young mother from dandruff and dermatitis. Decoction of bulbous waste also allows you to safely change the color of your hair.

Patients can use in their daily practice the following recipes for the preparation of home healthful liquids:

  • 500 grams of onion husks mixed with vodka in a 0.5 liter can. Add 5 - 7 buds of cloves and insist for 2 weeks. The resulting remedy protects the woman from hair loss, improves the nutrition of the roots.
  • An excellent tool is the decoction of the dried shell of the plant and birch leaves. Dry skin of onion and birch leaves are mixed in a proportion of 1 to 1. 100 grams of the resulting mixture is poured with 1 liter of water and cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. The cooled decoction is applied to the scalp once every three days for 60 minutes.
  • Folk healers advise women to strengthen and strengthen hair growth the following means for scalp care: mix 50 grams of onion husks, 150 grams of nettle and 10 buds of cloves. All this is mixed and poured in 0.5 liters of a solution of water and vodka, at the rate of 2 parts of alcohol for 1 part of water. The infusion of the month is stored in a cool dark place, after which it is ready for use.

Tips for receiving

Often there are situations when a girl drank a decoction of onion husks, and there are no monthly peelings. Immediately it should be said that herbal remedies are not classic medicines, so expecting from them 100% of the effect is not necessary.

Use of a decoction of husks for the correction of the menstrual cycle or sexual function in patients can only take place under the supervision of specialists. It should be understood that no doctor will suggest using this tool as a monotherapy for menstrual disturbances.

Onion husks in the form of decoctions and infusions in the treatment of a disorder of menstruation can only act as an aid, enhancing and emphasizing the treatment with conventional medications.

  • Mar 14, 2018
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