Various formations on the skin, which are popularly called moles, are found in almost all women. Their presence can cause some discomfort in women, so many are interested in whether it is possible to remove the birthmark at monthly if the procedure fell on "these" days.
Similar skin lesions may differ in color, location on the human body, shape and size. In any case, most moles are often a threat to the health of women, so it is recommended that they be regularly shown to a specialist.
- 1 Why birthmarks need to be removed
- 1.1 Pigmented skin lesions
- 1.2 Vascular birthmarks and their danger to the health of women
- 2 Modern methods for removing moles in women
- 2.1 Surgical removal method
- 2.2 Cryodestruction
- 2.3 What can the radioknife
- 2.4 Laser removal and electrocoagulation of vascular birthmarks
- 3 Does it make sense to perform surgery in the presence of menstrual bleeding in a woman
- 3.1 What can interfereThe
- 3.2 The risk of surgery for a specific location of the moles
Why birthmarks need to be removed
In addition to the fact that a large number of these formations can contribute aesthetic dissonance to the appearance of a young lady, they are often the point of oncological process in the femaleorganism. However, not all birthmarks are equally dangerous.
Pigmented skin lesions
According to medical statistics, more than 65% of the woman's skin are pigmented moles. This kind of cutaneous pathology usually differs from surrounding tissues only in color: a birthmark of a darker and more saturated color than the rest of the skin.
In medicine, such birthmarks include birthmarks, which mostly appear at the birth of a child, and everyone knows freckles. So-called flat birthmarks are also referred to as pigmented skin changes.
The main feature of these formations is their complete identity with the cellular and tissue structure with the skin of that part of the body where they are located. According to experts, these birthmarks are absolutely safe and do not require any therapy.
Vascular birthmarks and their health hazards for a woman
These skin lesions are known to physicians as papillomatous nevi and angiomas. Already the name of moles indicates the presence of vessels in their tissue structure.
The shape and size of these skin lesions are quite different from each other. Nevi and angiomas usually rise above the surface of the skin, they have a different cellular structure and their own blood supply.
These listed forms of skin formations require constant monitoring by the patient. Vascular moles under the influence of various environmental factors and pathological changes in the female body tend to degenerate into skin cancer and other oncological diseases.
What should a woman with vascular birthmarks pay attention to:
- The first symptom can be considered skin flushing and painful sensations in the field of angioma or nevus.
- If the mole begins to change sharply its usual configuration, there is a rash, peeling of the skin and scrapes at its location - all these symptoms should be the reason for a visit to the doctor.
- No less dangerous manifestation of a possible change in the tissue structure of the moles is an increase in the neighboring lymph nodes and a small skin rash in the nearby parts of the body. This may indicate a generalization of the process.
- Special concern for a woman should cause various discharge in the place of vascular birthmarks. Allocations of blood or lymph are the main criteria for the possible degeneration of the cutaneous growth into an oncological disease.
Sometimes a similar pattern of changes in habitual angiomas and nevi grows quickly enough, and the issue of an emergency removal of tumors can occur in critical days. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery has enough methods for radical surgery in such cases. However, time and method of treatment always remain at the discretion of specialists. The doctor also decides in each case, you can remove the birthmark during the period or can not.
Look at the video about the removal of moles:
Modern methods for removing moles in women
Domestic and foreign medicine offers a wide range of surgical treatments for angiomas and nevi. They differ in the degree of trauma, the possible outcome of the operation and the long-term health consequences of the patient.
Surgical method of removal of
This kind of surgical intervention with this pathology is the oldest. Most modern specialists no longer use this method because of its high traumatization of surrounding tissues and the presence in the future of the woman obvious traces of the operation.
However, there are situations when doctors are forced to resort to this method of removing a mole. Usually, specialists choose a similar method of treatment, when the growth of education exceeded all permissible sizes, there is a high probability of tissue malignization, excision of the mole is required within healthy tissues.
Cryodestruction of
Due to the impact on the surrounding tissues and the recovery rate of a woman after surgery, this method of treatment is similar to the surgical method of solving the problem. The mole is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which has a temperature of -1800 degrees.
With this intervention, greater accuracy of removal is almost impossible, therefore this method is used mainly when exposed to large skin lesions. It is also important that unlike other treatments, a session of exposure to liquid nitrogen can be repeated several times to obtain the desired result.
The positive features of this method of removing moles can be attributed to the fact that the period of menstruation in this case is not a contraindication. Experts believe that when exposed to cold, the risk of bleeding is significantly reduced.
What can help the radioknife
This is one of the modern ways to remove moles. Experts on the pathological area of the skin with the help of a special device are exposed to radio waves having a very high frequency. This method allows you to have an effect exactly in the place of the problem and practically do not touch adjacent tissues.
The special apparatus "Surgitron" makes it possible to regulate the strength of the radio wave, the depth of the therapeutic process depends on this. With such cosmetic operations, such hardware capabilities are of great importance.
Laser removal and electrocoagulation of vascular birthmarks
These methods of removal by papillomas and angiomas are very similar to the radio-knife, but differ in the mechanism of action on the tissue. When using the electrocoagulation method on damaged areas of the skin, the patients are exposed to a current of high and ultra-high frequency, and when laser removal a special medical laser enters the case.
Similar equipment of domestic and imported production is in service with most cosmetology clinics. With her help, specialists achieve good results in removing vascular birthmarks.
Before carrying out such manipulations, specialists necessarily talk with the woman, explaining to her the details of the forthcoming impact, the specifics of the preparatory period, in particular, why it is impossible to remove the birthmark of during menstruation.
laser Does it make sense to perform an operation in the presence of menstrual bleeding in a woman
As noted above, only vascular birthmarks are dangerous to a woman. Removal of cutaneous lesions is not among the urgent operations, therefore the decision time always exists.
Before going under the surgeon's knife, the patient will have to undergo a full examination. Cosmetology operation requires to itself the same attitude, as well as any other.
What can interfere with the surgeon during the monthly in the patient
It is known that in critical days, women undergo significant changes in the organs and systems of the body under the influence of hormones of the female sexual sphere. From the side of the blood coagulation system this period is characterized by increased hemorrhage, a low rate of formation of thrombi, an increase in the liquid fraction of blood.
In the blood, the number of red and white blood cells decreases sufficiently, which reduces the level of oxygen supply to the tissues and the immune forces of the patient's body. The susceptibility of a woman to an external infection becomes quite high.
We should not forget about various infections. No matter how carefully the operation was performed by a doctor, the risk of infection of the operating wound always remains, and with a reduced immune barter the probability of suppuration is high. This may increase the postoperative period, which will entail costs for medicines and the possibility of scar formation at the site of the operation.
We recommend reading an article about what can not be done during menstruation. From it you will learn about playing sports with monthly, drinking alcohol and sexual life, the possibility of visiting the bath and performing surgical operations.
Risk of surgery for a specific location of moles
The location of the mole does not affect the prohibition of removal of skin lesions during menstruation. In addition, if papillomas, angiomas and even ordinary birthmarks are on the woman's genital area, then their removal even in the usual period of time requires a separate consultation of gynecologists and oncologists, as the mammary glands and perineum are in the group of increased risk of oncological pathology.
Any surgical interventions during menstruation are not recommended, and if a woman is concerned about birthmarks on her body, this problem should be solved in the usual quiet period, when her body is not subject to the corresponding changes characteristic of menstrual bleeding time.