Principles of Nutrition for Atherosclerosis Patients

Principles of Nutrition for Atherosclerosis Patients

The intensity of destruction and elimination of cholesterol affects the level of its content in the blood. In addition, the content in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipotropic factors, as well as the overall caloric intake and energy consumption of the organism is important. In the diet of patients with atherosclerosis should contain a sufficient amount of vegetable fats, the value of which is a large content of 150 or more polyunsaturated acids( linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic). These acids have the ability to convert cholesterol into soluble forms and prevent its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. The only way to receive polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body are food. These substances are not synthesized in the body.

In the diet it is recommended to limit the amount of fats to 70-80 g. 30% of them should be vegetable fats, for example sunflower, corn, linseed, hemp, cotton or olive oil.

The diet should contain a somewhat increased amount of protein, up to 60% of which must be full-fledged animal proteins, which are a source of essential amino acids. They are contained in such products lean meat and fish, milk, cottage cheese. It is necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the body to 300-400 g. In particular, this refers to easily digestible carbohydrates, contained in sugar, honey, jam and confectionery. Excess intake of carbohydrates with food in the body causes their transformation into fats. The need to limit carbohydrates is also justified by the ability of their metabolic products( acetate of acetic acid) to turn into cholesterol.

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It is necessary to maximize the content of fiber-rich foods in the diet, such as various vegetables, fruits, berries and wholemeal bread. This need is due to the high content of vitamins, as well as the salts of potassium and magnesium in these products. The presence of fiber causes a reduction in putrefactive processes in the intestine, in addition, fiber slows the absorption of cholesterol from food.

It is necessary to ensure the intake of lipotropic substances( methionine, choline) in the body in sufficient quantities. These substances prevent the deposition of fats in the tissues of internal organs( liver and pancreas), and, in addition, have the property of inhibiting the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels. Sources of lipotropic substances are cottage cheese, lactic products, oatmeal, lean meat, fish, lean herring.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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