When nature equally uncommonly affects a person with a serious illness, and then stands up for his protection, you always wonder why. But in recent years, the man himself climbs into the abyss of severe diseases and here the help of nature always comes in handy. For example, horse chestnut, although logically, as the name suggests, is not intended for human use, it still contributes to improving people's health.
Places of growth and a little bit about the plant itself
This kind of chestnut was known to physicians and it was safely used in the times of Ancient Rome. His homeland is the south of the Balkan Peninsula. It also grows in Central Asia, Russia, North America, China and Japan, in Ukraine Where else does the horse chestnut grow? Since 1557, this tree began to grow in Europe more with a decorative purpose.
Despite the bitter-tart taste, the ground flour of seeds is still used for animal feed. Called him horseback because of the similarity of the rind of ripened fruit to the skin of the horse, and to warn people about its inedible. Seeds ripen in the autumn( September-October).Only at this time you need to harvest chestnuts to create drugs and tinctures.
In folk medicine use not only the usual seeds, but also the bark of branches, leaves and even flowers. Substances that are part of their composition have long been used in domestic medicine as a basis for many external agents or tablets of forms that protect vessels.
In a small volume, all the most important
It would seem that the dried mature seed with a diameter of only 4 cm, and contains a whole storehouse of useful chemical compounds. It is they that determine the many positive properties that we ultimately have.
And the first invaluable substance, which is important to mention - triterpene glycoside( saponin) escin( organic matter, consisting of carbohydrate and non-carbohydrate part).
Despite the frightening name of the effects are positive:
- In pulmonology are used as expectorants.
- In small doses have a sedative effect, and if overdosed - irritating the nervous system. In addition, saponins, which are part of the horse chestnut common, are toned.
- Used as excipients in the manufacture of many types of vaccines.
- Prevent the sclerosis of blood vessels, reduce harmful( excess) cholesterol in the blood.
- Used as an antiulcer, and often a laxative.
Do not forget! Do not rush yourself to prepare a healing potion, if you do not observe proportions, saponins irritate the stomach and intestines, causing diarrhea, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. It is better to entrust the procedure to professionals.
Other useful substances
The healing properties of horse chestnut cause the flavonoids present in it. By the way, they just give the seeds a yellowish color. They have an extremely important feature - to reduce permeability and fragility of capillaries( small vessels), especially in combination with ascorbic acid.
Due to the presence of tannins, the horse chestnut extract forms a protective film on the wound surface. This property of forming a film is obtained due to an astringent effect. In the Middle Ages, crushed fruits were used as universal antidotes, since insoluble stable compounds with heavy metal salts were formed.
Another interesting group of substances - coumarins. They are excellent antispasmodics( relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs in spastic seizures).But not everything is as good as it looks at first glance.
Warning! Kumarins contained in the chestnut can cause dermatitis and skin lesions. Therefore, it is recommended to collect raw materials in gloves.
This is not the whole list of useful substances useful to man. Fruits contain protein compounds, vitamin K, C, group B. They, in turn, contribute to a better conduct of the nerve impulse, positively affect metabolism, participate in blood clotting, and vitamin C, among other merits, is a powerful antioxidant. In the bark found fatty oil.
Use of raw materials in industry and households
Thanks to many useful properties in medicine, horse chestnut extract is widely used. It is a concentrated extract from the fruit of the plant. Preparing it - a long time-consuming process, using organic solvents, adsorbents and vacuum. It is clear that only a professional will be able to make such medicinal substances at home.
Most often, this drug is prescribed for the following diseases:
- In injuries and bruises, sprains, as escin has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- For prompt resorption of bruises( bruising).
- Lumboschialgia and lumbago. These are pains in the lumbar region of varying degrees of intensity after prolonged overexertion. A frequent disease of summer residents and residents of the private sector during planting or harvesting.
- In the first stage of varicose leg disease. Of course, the veins will not diminish and will not disappear, but the walls of the vessels will be strengthened, so that blood removal will be facilitated.
- With superficial phlebitis - inflammation of the venous wall.
Traditional healers often use tinctures in their practice. For a week, fruits are insisted on alcohol and are successfully used for vascular diseases, joint inflammation, neuralgia, osteochondrosis of the joints of the spine and limbs. How to prepare funds based on this plant, as well as their properties, the article will tell: Apply in the treatment of horse chestnut, Fruit and seed tincture are useful!
When the extract is not used
Despite the absence of contraindications with caution, it is recommended to use:
- Pregnant and lactating.
- People who were allergic to any component of the chestnut.
- For intestinal diseases.
It's hard to guess that there are so many useful and necessary things inside such a small nutlet. One small omission - it can not be eaten, like strawberries or raspberries, replenishing the lack of biologically active substances and vitamins without loss during processing. Therefore, it remains to pay tribute to those people who have found a successful way to extract from the chestnut that which is useful for health. And most importantly - do not forget: to be treated well, when you know what you are treating and how! Do not hurt yourself.