- Use of broth
- Treatment with decoction
- Contraindications
A bay leaf can be found in almost every dish. And it is not surprising, because it gives them a special flavor and aroma. But cooking is not the only industry for its use. Knowing about its valuable composition, the inhabitants of many countries of the world use it for the treatment of various ailments.
The widest application of bay leaf decoletion is due to its incredible properties. With this tool you can eliminate the cause of joint pain, cure a runny nose, get rid of allergies and even lose weight. Already interesting? Then we propose to read this article, from which you will learn all about this amazing spice.
Use of broth
What is the use of this product? The whole secret is in the special substances that make up the plant, which are capable of exhibiting antimicrobial and curative effects. It is for this reason that the decoction of bay leaves is recommended for use in a variety of diseases. It does not matter, dry leaves you will use to make it or fresh.
Help it is capable in such cases:
- in the presence of allergies in children and adults;
- for colds;
- to increase appetite;
- for excretion of salts and slags from the body;
- for cosmetic purposes against dandruff and for giving freshness to oily hair;
- for getting rid of excess weight.
Tip! Broth of bay leaf should be used in the concentration necessary for each specific case, only in this way possible side effects can be avoided.
A home-made product made from the most common ingredients will relieve pain, soothe the central nervous system, show a diuretic, antifungal and antiviral effect.
Treatment with decoction
As noted earlier, when using decoction, you should always follow the proportions specified in the recipe and follow the necessary instructions. We bring to your attention several effective and proven recipes of funds based on bay leaf.
For joints
Broth of bay leaves is used to clean joints from salt deposits. It is the salt that accumulates in the body that causes joint pain. And often its excess leads to the formation of cones on the legs, from which it is rather problematic to get rid of.
Attention! Before using the decoction to clean the body, you should always consult your doctor and pay attention to the contraindications, which include: constipation, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the period of pregnancy and lactation.
If contraindications are not available, then the use of bay leaf is recommended to be combined with a diet during which meat is excluded from the diet, as well as heavy and salty foods.
The recipe for cooking is as follows:
- 10 sheets of laurel grind and place in a saucepan;
- pour 300 ml of water and bring to a boil in a water bath;
- allow the components to boil for 5 minutes and pour into a thermos bottle;
- to insist the broth for 12 hours, filter.
Begin taking the drug on an empty stomach and stretching for 12 hours. The scheme of application is as follows:
- three days of admission;
- week break;
- three days of admission;
- three-month break.
The course is repeated once a quarter. After twelve months of use, the decoction should be eaten once a year for prevention.
For weight loss
Thanks to the diuretic effect, the bayonet broth is used for weight loss. It consists of essential oils that help the removal of fluid from the body. That is why it is used during the onset of a dietary plateau - the so-called period of slowing down of weight loss. But the broth should be eaten correctly. How to do it, we read further.
The diet of modern man includes a fairly large amount of salt, which is more than enough for the normal functioning of the body. Accumulated surpluses lead to water-salt imbalance, which, in turn, affects the onset of swelling and cellulite, and as a consequence - extra pounds. But many do not understand what causes an increase in body weight and begin to use debilitating diets that are not able to remove the body from the body, but only weaken the immune system. In this case, a decoction of bay leaf will help.
Initially, you need to develop the right nutrition system, because a balanced diet will allow the body to get rid of excess substances that prevented weight loss. And only then he will be able to fully combat the subcutaneous fat, and in a short period of time you can get rid of 4 liters of excess fluid.
Warning! Decoction of bay leaves with improper use can cause severe dehydration, so drink it should be only for three days. No more! After a half-year break, during which it is necessary to arrange unloading days.
To prepare the decoction, it is necessary to do the following:
- rinse 3 bay leaves and put them in a container;
- add 300 ml of boiling water;
- cook for 5 minutes, cool;
- decoction broth.
Take the product you need 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for one tablespoon.
During the reception of the decoction it is recommended to monitor the amount of salt consumed and monitor the daily calorie rate, which should not exceed 1500 kcal.
From the allergy
Broth of bay leaves is very effective for allergies, as it neutralizes the negative reaction from the body to the pathogens. The recipe is as follows:
- in the container to fold the contents of the bay leaf;
- pour 500 ml of boiling water;
- boil for 3 minutes and pour into the thermos.
Leave the medium to stand overnight. In the morning you can start using.
Dosages will be as follows:
- for young children - 3 drops twice a day;
- for older children - 10 drops throughout the day;
- for adults - 2 tablespoons three times a day.
With skin rashes of an allergic nature, you can use a decoction of weak concentration and make lotions. For its preparation, boil 5 bay leaves in 250 ml of water for 15 minutes. During cooking, some of the liquid will evaporate, it must be restored by adding boiled water.
Tip! For allergies in young children, the decoction should be applied externally, otherwise constipation may occur. In adults, such side effects are not observed.
For hair
Broth of bay leaves is used to restore weakened hair and when it falls out. The oils that make up this plant help to eliminate dandruff and have a stimulating effect on the scalp.
- To prepare a remedy for dandruff, you need to brew 30 leaves of laurel in a liter of water. Let the broth brew for 3 hours, filter. This rinse aid should wet the hair after using the shampoo. The duration of the course is a month. As a result, dandruff disappears, and the hair will become smooth and shiny.
- For oily hair. Laurel broth is prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of chopped leaves with a liter of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. The finished product is filtered and used as a conditioner. The duration of the course is a month, after which the same break and use is repeated.
From the common cold
Broth of bay leaves helps and from the common cold, so do not rush to run to the drugstore for chemical preparations. At home, you already have an effective natural remedy, which should only be properly brewed. The bay leaves relieves the cold easily, and most importantly - it's safe. It easily fights bacteria, providing a disinfectant and soothing effect. Used decoction in this case, only externally, so it can be used by both adults and children.
It is known that if the nose is blocked, the main role should be given to warming up, so a compress should be made from laurel broth. The process itself does not take much time, and the effect can be felt quite quickly.
You can prepare the decoction as follows:
- several bay leaves to rinse and put into a saucepan;
- add a glass of water and bring the components almost to boil;
Attention! It is very important not to overexpose the product on fire and prevent its boiling.
- filter and insist for several minutes;
- gauze to lay down in several layers and moisten in broth;
- apply a compress on the bridge of the nose and leave until completely cooled.
Wet the cooled gauze 3 times. After a couple of sessions, you will feel a great deal of relief. The duration of the course is not less than 6 days.
Important! With a protracted runny nose, the course of treatment can last about 4 weeks.
Decoction of bay leaf affects the work of the digestive tract and other internal organs rather strongly, therefore it has a number of contraindications:
- inflammatory diseases in the thick and small intestines;
- Crohn's disease;
- stomach ulcer;
- urolithiasis;
- hepatic impairment;
- diabetes in severe form;
- predisposition to constipation;
- period of pregnancy and lactation.
It is also necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use the decoction for weight loss. In fact, edema can occur not only because of water-salt imbalance. They are often caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, hormonal failure and various diseases in the chronic stage.
With regard to the period of pregnancy, the substances that make up the bay leaf have a stimulating effect on the contractions of the uterine muscles, and this can lead to certain complications and even miscarriage. Therefore, in order to prevent irreversible damage to the fetus, it is necessary to take into account the above described and not to use any funds based on the bay leaf.