It is known that food has a direct effect on emotions. To introduce harmony and balance in each of the days of life is called a macrobiotic diet.
The purpose of this food system is not only the improvement of the body and bringing the physical form in order, but the thoughtful consumption of food, the construction of a diet, based on the energy value that this or that component can bring.
Principles of the macrobiotic diet
Recommendations for those who adhere to the macrobiotic diet are simple: regular meals, slow chewing food, high level of activity, ability to listen to the body and notice how it reacts to different types of products, maintaining a positive attitude.
The diet is aimed at balancing two types of energy: Yin and Yang.
The products of the first type are "passive"( they are cold dishes and even sweets), their use causes an acid reaction in the body.
Ingredients related to Yan are more "aggressive" - they include warm and salty foods that cause an alkaline reaction.
Authorized products of
The emphasis of the macrobiotic dietists is on the use of organic products grown in the "native" region. The diet consists of such components:
1. Whole-grain products
They should account for 40 to 60 percent of the menu - oats, barley, rye, millet, corn, buckwheat, brown rice. Not necessarily in the form of cereals, it is allowed to use, for example, pasta from whole grains or bread.
2. Vegetables
Their diet should be up to 20-30%.Preference is for vegetables grown on the territory of residence.
- For daily use are recommended: fresh cabbage, pumpkin, parsley, broccoli, onions, turnips, carrots, zucchini.
- Twice-three times a week in the diet can include: green onions, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, dill.
- Even more rare( once a week) allowed to use: eggplant, avocado, asparagus, artichoke, beetroot, sweet pepper, potatoes, rhubarb, spinach, chard and tomatoes.
Vegetables need to be consumed fresh, blanched, steamed. Roasting is allowed on unrefined( cold pressed) oil.
It is also possible to include in the diet of pickles( cucumbers, sauerkraut, tomatoes), but in small quantities.
3. Pulses
These products are given approximately 5-10% of the menu. These are the main sources of protein for those who adhere to the vegetarian type of food.
But legumes are heterogeneous: chickpeas, lentils, adzuki are recommended for daily use, and, for example, beans, peas can be consumed only occasionally.
It is good to combine dishes from legumes with sea vegetables: nori, sea kale, kombu, sea mushrooms, agar-agar. Their use allows you to dial the rate of calcium, vitamin B12 and beta-carotene.
4. Seeds, nuts
Despite the presence of omega-3 fats in them, these foods for those who adhere to the macrobiotic diet should be consumed in limited quantities( up to three times a week).
Nuts and seeds can be slightly fried, preference is given to give peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds. The use of chia seeds is allowed.
5. Fish and seafood
Necessary to maintain normal cholesterol and the work of the heart muscle. But, unlike the same Mediterranean diet, macrobiotic does not involve the inclusion in the diet of fish fatty varieties.
Only freshly caught white fish can be used( flounder, cod, halibut, pollock, carp, trout).
6. Fruits and berries
They are not in the priority - it's allowed only a few times a week to eat fruit for the fans of this diet.
Fruits should be organic and local, it is also important to pay attention to seasonality - in the winter season, the use of frozen fruits( again, growing in the region) is allowed.
The choice should be in favor of raspberries, peaches, blackberries, apples, plums, apricots, blueberries, grapes, pears, cherries.
Prohibited products
Prohibited to use:
- meat, including poultry( at first, if plant food is unusual for the body, occasionally lean meat is allowed);
- dairy products;
- eggs;
- spicy food;
- refined sugar;
- fruit juices;
- strong alcohol;
- fizzy drinks;
- coffee, chocolate;
- honey;
- aromatic teas stimulating digestion( mint, jasmine, etc.)
Supposes a diet and a number of specific prohibitions: for example, refusal to cook food using electricity. Or opt for dishes made of organic materials( clay, cast iron).
Rules for cooking and eating food
Preferred cooking methods for all types of products are steaming, boiling, marinating, blanching, baking.
Snacking for those who want to try a macrobiotic diet is not provided: it is recommended to limit two or three meals.
It's important to listen to yourself and stop when saturation comes( at the same time, it is not necessary to eat everything that is on the plate).To this end, food pieces are chewed about 50 times. Enzymes, excreted in saliva, facilitate the digestive process and help the body better absorb nutrients.
The use of the macrobiotic diet
Adherents of this method of nutrition believe that the diet is able to even prevent the development of cancer, but there are no scientific facts supporting this.
On the other hand, this method of nutrition is suitable for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. The ration is saturated with carbohydrates, whole grains, vegetables, in the absence of animal protein, fat and refined sugar. Such nutrition improves glucose metabolism, hemoglobin, lipid profile, normalizes blood pressure, helps maintain normal weight.
At the same time, prolonged compliance with the diet can cause vitamin B12 deficiency( so it is important to supplement the diet with seafood) and vitamin D.
Macrobiotic diet involves the use of healthy foods. But the presence of a number of significant limitations makes it necessary to get a doctor's advice before switching to such a diet regime.